Re: [Mutt] #3090: Mutt removes In-Reply-To header field
#3090: Mutt removes In-Reply-To header field
Comment (by agriffis):
Replying to [comment:12 pdmef]:
> Replying to [comment:9 vinc17]:
> > Replying to [comment:7 pdmef]:
> > > I didn't mean to eventually sent this out, I meant to use References
instead of In-Reply-To when creating and parsing the message during
editing to avoid changing message parsers this late before 1.6 and still
fix the issue before it gets released.
> >
> > I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean that when generating a message
to be edited (compose), you generate a References header instead of the
current In-Reply-To, and when the user quits the editor, the References
contents are used to generate the References and In-Reply-To headers?
> Exactly. I didn't look into it yet, but if that worked, I'd be my
preferred solution since it wouldn't mean to touch any parsers.
pdmef: If you could provide more explanation or even a (possibly
incomplete) patch, I'd be interested. So far, I don't understand how your
suggested approach does anything other than move the problem around, and
possibly creates other problems...
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