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Re: [Mutt] #1580: create-alias requires new-line at the end of

#1580: create-alias requires new-line at the end of config file

Old description:

> {{{
> Package: mutt
> Version: 1.5.4-1
> Severity: normal
> -- Please type your report below this line
> When you use <create-alias> to add an alias to your muttrc
> and the last character in your muttrc is NOT a new-line, then mutt
> will append the new alias without the needed new-line:
>    So my last line...
> '...
> set print_command = "a2ps -Email -o - | kprinter"'
>    becomes
> '...
> set print_command = "a2ps -Email -o - | kprinter"alias joeuser Joe User
> <joeuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> '
> ... , which is obviously wrong.
> Regards,
> Dennis

> -- Build environment information
> (Note: This is the build environment installed on the system
> muttbug is run on.  Information may or may not match the environment
> used to build mutt.)
> - gcc version information
> gcc-3.3 (GCC) 3.3 (Debian)
> Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> Dies ist freie Software; die Kopierbedingungen stehen in den Quellen. Es
> gibt KEINE Garantie; auch nicht für VERKAUFBARKEIT oder FŽÜR SPEZIELLE
> -Wall -pedantic -g -O2
> -- Mutt Version Information
> Mutt 1.5.4i (2003-03-19)
> Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins und andere.
> Mutt Žübernimmt KEINERLEI GEWŽÄHRLEISTUNG. Starten Sie `mutt -vv', um
> weitere Details darŽüber zu erfahren. Mutt ist freie Software.
> Sie kŽönnen es unter bestimmten Bedingungen weitergeben; starten Sie
> `mutt -vv' fŽür weitere Details.
> System: Linux 2.4.21 (i686) [using ncurses 5.3] [using libidn 0.1.14
> (compiled with 0.1.11)]
> Einstellungen bei der Compilierung:
> ISPELL="/usr/bin/ispell"
> SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail"
> MAILPATH="/var/mail"
> PKGDATADIR="/usr/share/mutt"
> EXECSHELL="/bin/sh"
> MIXMASTER="mixmaster"
> Um die Entwickler zu kontaktieren, schicken Sie bitte
> eine Nachricht (in englisch) an <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>.
> Um einen Bug zu melden, verwenden Sie bitte das Programm flea(1).
> patch-1.5.3.Md.gpg_status_fd
> patch-
> patch-1.4.Md.gpg-agent
> patch-1.5.1.cd.edit_threads.9.2
> patch-1.5.3.Md.etc_mailname_gethostbyname
> patch-1.3.27.bse.xtitles.1
> Md.muttbug
> Md.use_debian_editor
> patch-1.4.admcd.gnutlsdlopen.53d
> patch-1.5.4.Z.hcache.8
> patch-1.4.admcd.gnutlsbuild.53d
> patch-1.4.admcd.gnutls.55d
> patch-1.3.24.ats.date_optional.1
> patch-1.5.3.rr.compressed.1

> >How-To-Repeat:
> >Fix:
> }}}

New description:

 When you use <create-alias> to add an alias to your muttrc
 and the last character in your muttrc is NOT a new-line, then mutt
 will append the new alias without the needed new-line:

    So my last line...

 set print_command = "a2ps -Email -o - | kprinter"'


 set print_command = "a2ps -Email -o - | kprinter"alias joeuser Joe User

 ... , which is obviously wrong.


Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1580#comment:2>