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Re: [Mutt] #2599: abort change folder dialog reparses mailcap

#2599: abort change folder dialog reparses mailcap processing

Changes (by brendan):

  * reporter:  rado@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx => rado

Old description:

> {{{
> A recent patch allows to stay in pager mode when aborting a change folder
> dialog, which is a good thing. :)
> But, instead if the message has to be parsed by mailcap, then such an
> abort
> causes a reparse of the message. Depending on the nature of the
> attachment
> this can be quite time consuming.Rather the already parsed data should
> be reused to simply continue the browsing where one initiated the
> mistaken change folder request.
> >How-To-Repeat:
> use heavy duty mailcap'ed attachment processing in pager mode, change
> folder but abort it.
> >Fix:
> Unknown, maybe the pager data should not be discarded before the change
> folder
> request is completed.
> }}}

New description:

 A recent patch allows to stay in pager mode when aborting a change folder
 dialog, which is a good thing. :)
 But, instead if the message has to be parsed by mailcap, then such an
 causes a reparse of the message. Depending on the nature of the attachment
 this can be quite time consuming.Rather the already parsed data should
 be reused to simply continue the browsing where one initiated the
 mistaken change folder request.

 use heavy duty mailcap'ed attachment processing in pager mode, change
 folder but abort it.

 Unknown, maybe the pager data should not be discarded before the change
 request is completed.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2599#comment:1>