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Re: [Mutt] #3039: mutt-1.5.17: wrong character set for traditional PGP

#3039: mutt-1.5.17: wrong character set for traditional PGP

Changes (by m-a):

  * keywords:  => charset, PGP/inline
  * milestone:  => 1.6


 Thomas, the rationale is not very convincing. Why do you write " The best
 we can do in that situation is try to exploit whatever is the default for
 PGP..."? It's not. The best is rather: read RFC-4880, '''the character set
 information is in the PGP Armor Header''' (rather than the MIME headers).

 The example in my original report above is in line with that standard.
 Quoting from RFC-4880 Section "6.2.  Forming ASCII Armor":

   Currently defined Armor Header Keys are as follows:
      - "Charset", a description of the character set that the plaintext
        is in.  Please note that OpenPGP defines text to be in UTF-8.  An
        implementation will get best results by translating into and out
        of UTF-8.  However, there are many instances where this is easier
        said than done.  Also, there are communities of users who have no
        need for UTF-8 because they are all happy with a character set
        like ISO Latin-5 or a Japanese character set.  In such instances,
        an implementation MAY override the UTF-8 default by using this
        header key.  An implementation MAY implement this key and any
        translations it cares to; an implementation MAY ignore it and
        assume all text is UTF-8."

 So we can conclude that mutt is failing to recognize this, and Tamo's
 patch adds these missing "MAY" parts to mutt, which allows ME (and other
 mutt users to use that patch) to actually decrypt Enigmail's PGP/inline
 messages without destroying umlauts.

 I'm afraid I have to object your rationale since it neglects essential
 parts of the standard (I'm not happy with "MAY" in standards since they
 always cause discussions like these.)

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3039#comment:8>