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Re: [PATCH] compose to sender

On 2008-03-03, Aron Griffis <agriffis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Rado S wrote:  [Mon Mar 03 2008, 06:50:41AM EST]
> > Gary's solution is probably closer to what you expect(ed), but mine
> > has no magic with it: I simply define all my MLs as "ml-..." alias
> > and hit 'm' as usual to start a new msg.
> How funny, I do exactly the same thing.  I do it in m4 with:
>     changequote(<<,>>)
>     define(<<ML>>, <<
>     patsubst($2, <<\([^
>             ]+\)@\([^
>             ]+\)>>, <<
>         alias \1 \&
>         alias ml-\1 \&
>         $1 \1@
>         ifelse($#, 3, <<send-hook '~C \1@\2' $3>>)
>         >>)
>     >>)
> then later in muttrc.in:
>     ML(subscribe, <<
>         mutt-dev<<@>>mutt.org
>         mutt-users<<@>>mutt.org
>     >>, <<'set from="NAME <agriffis<<@>>n01se.net>"'>>)
> The <<@>> is spam protection since I publish my full muttrc.in
> online.  This results in:
>     alias mutt-dev mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx
>     alias ml-mutt-dev mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx
>     subscribe mutt-dev@
>     send-hook '~C mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx' 'set from="Aron Griffis <...>"'
>     alias mutt-users mutt-users@xxxxxxxx
>     alias ml-mutt-users mutt-users@xxxxxxxx
>     subscribe mutt-users@
>     send-hook '~C mutt-users@xxxxxxxx' 'set from="Aron Griffis <...>"'


This reminded me of something else I omitted from my previous 
replies:  I also have

   alias mutt-dev   mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx
   alias mutt-users mutt-users@xxxxxxxx

in my aliases file.  Without those, the addresses in my M macros 
won't be correctly expanded.
