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Re: [Mutt] #3033: text_enriched_handler and UTF-8 (and charsets as

#3033: text_enriched_handler and UTF-8 (and charsets as a whole)

Comment (by Moritz Barsnick):

 On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 22:19:31 -0000, Mutt wrote:
 >  Mutt gets its charset from the output of nl_langinfo(CODESET) (if you
 >  have the langinfo.h header). Otherwise, it simply assumes iso-8859-1.
 >  So I'd say you should investigate that function.

 I investigated my configuration instead. I was actually setting charset
 per location, probably because long ago, I thought it was necessary.
 (Very old legacy config here, you see. ;->)

 Unsetting charset and letting locale do the magic now actually works.
 Thanks for letting me revisit this. :) (Now how do I pass my locale
 info through SSH?)

 >       de_DE
 >       de_DE.ISO8859-1
 >       de_DE.ISO8859-15
 >       de_DE.UTF-8
 Different here, but that's where I had my en_US info from.

 So, sorry for OT, back to the original problem...

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3033#comment:>