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[Mutt] #3034: mutt-1.5.17: reply for gpg encrypted mails fails

#3034: mutt-1.5.17: reply for gpg encrypted mails fails

 Package: mutt
 Version: 1.5.17
 Severity: normal

 -- Please type your report below this line

 When I reply to a gpg encryptd mail I don't get the decrypted mail in the
 reply but instead

 On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 08:01:17PM +0100, Olaf Foellinger wrote:
 > gpg: fatal: unable to reopen standard input, output, or error

 The gpg.rc is the standard one that comes with 1.5.17.

 I'm on Mac OS X 10.4.11.

 -- System Information
 System Version: Darwin merlin.homenet.mine 8.11.1 Darwin Kernel Version
 8.11.1: Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386
 i386 i386

 -- Build environment information

 (Note: This is the build environment installed on the system
 muttbug is run on.  Information may or may not match the environment
 used to build mutt.)

 - gcc version information
 Using built-in specs.
 Target: i686-apple-darwin8
 Configured with: /private/var/tmp/gcc/gcc-5367.obj~1/src/configure
 --disable-checking -enable-werror --prefix=/usr --mandir=/share/man
 --enable-languages=c,objc,c++,obj-c++ --program-transform-
 name=/^[cg][^.-]*$/s/$/-4.0/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/include/c++/4.0.0
 --with-slibdir=/usr/lib --build=powerpc-apple-darwin8 --with-arch=nocona
 --with-tune=generic --program-prefix= --host=i686-apple-darwin8
 Thread model: posix
 gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)


 -- Mutt Version Information

 Mutt 1.5.17 (2007-11-01)
 Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Michael R. Elkins and others.
 Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
 Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

 System: Darwin 8.11.1 (i386)
 ncurses: ncurses 5.6.20061217 (compiled with 5.6)
 libiconv: 1.11
 libidn: 1.0 (compiled with 1.0)
 hcache backend: Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 4.4.20: (January 10, 2006)
 Compile options:
 To contact the developers, please mail to <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>.
 To report a bug, please visit http://bugs.mutt.org/.

 --- Begin /Users/ergo/.mutt/muttrc
 source ~/.mutt/gpg.rc
 set header_cache = "~/.mutt/headers"
 set mime_forward=ask-yes
 set forward_format=[Fwd:%s]
 set ispell="/opt/local/bin/aspell -c --mode=email --lang=de_DE"
 set mbox_type="mbox"
 set confirmappend=no
 set pager_index_lines=10
 set implicit_autoview=yes
 set sig_dashes=no
 set pgp_create_traditional=yes
 set envelope_from=yes
 set auto_tag=yes
 alternates olaf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
 score ~P 2
 set hostname="foellinger.de"
 set allow_8bit  # Don't do any Quoted-Printable encoding on 8-bit data!
 set copy=yes    # Ask me if I want to save a copy of my outgoing messages.
 set delete=yes
 set noaskcc
 set sendmail_wait=10
 set reverse_alias
 set reverse_name=yes
 set realname="Olaf Foellinger"
 set attribution="* %n <%a> [%(%d.%m.%y %H:%M)]wrote:\n"
 set editor="vim -c 'set tw=72'"
 set mbox=+inbox
 set record=+outbox      # where to save copies of my outgoing messages
 set nosave_empty
 set folder=~/Mail
 set print=ask-no
 set mbox=+inbox
 set folder=~/Mail
 set sort=threads
 set noprompt_after
 my_hdr From: olaf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Olaf Foellinger)
 set status_format="%r %v [%?M?%M/?%m] %?n?%n new, ?%?p?%p postponed,
 ?%?t?%t +tagged, ?%?d?%d deleted, ?(%h:%f) %?b?%b more to go.?%> %r"
 set index_format="%4C%Z%{%b%d}%-15.15L(%4c)%s"
 set alias_file="~/.aliases"
 set quote_regexp="^([A-Za-z ]+>|[]>:|}-][]>:|}-]*)"
 set include
 set hdr_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15n (%4l) %s"
 set move=no
 macro index S "| /opt/local/bin/sa-learn --spam --no-sync --single\n
 <delete-message>" "Learning Spammer's"
 macro pager S "| /opt/local/bin/sa-learn --spam --no-sync --single\n
 <delete-message>" "Learning Spammer's"
 macro index D "| /opt/local/bin/sa-learn --ham --no-sync --single\n"
 macro pager D "| /opt/local/bin/sa-learn --ham --no-sync --single\n"
 set pipe_decode
 color hdrdefault black white
 color header brightcyan white Subject:
 color header blue white From:
 color header black white To:
 color header black white X-Mailer:
 color header black white Cc:
 color header black white Date:
 color message black white
 color body red white [_a-z\.\$A-Z0-9-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\./\-]+
 color body red white (http|ftp)://[_a-zA-Z0-9\./~\-]+
 color quoted green white
 color signature brightblue white
 color indicator white blue
 color attachment yellow white
 color tree red white
 color status yellow blue
 color tilde blue white
 color normal black white
 ignore *
 unignore from: date to cc subject x-mailer resent-from reply-to to:
 lists macports darwinports goban-users darwinports-bugs gcompris wikia
 mailboxes Mail/IN.macports-users Mail/IN.macports-dev Mail/IN.macports-
 tickets Mail/IN.macports-changes Mail/IN.cvs-darwinports-all
 Mail/IN.gcompris Mail/IN.Spam Mail/IN.search-wikia Mail/IN.logcheck
 folder-hook . exec collapse-all
 folder-hook +outbox 'set hdr_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15t (%4l) %s"'
 source ~/.aliases
 --- End /Users/ergo/.mutt/muttrc

 --- Begin /opt/local/etc/Muttrc
 ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
 ignore sender references return-path lines
 macro index \eb "<search>~b " "search in message bodies"
 macro index,pager,attach,compose \cb "\
 <enter-command> set my_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode pipe_decode<Enter>\
 <pipe-message> urlview<Enter>\
 <enter-command> set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode; unset
 my_pipe_decode<Enter>" \
 "call urlview to extract URLs out of a message"
 macro generic,pager <F1> "<shell-escape> less
 /opt/local/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt<Enter>" "show Mutt documentation"
 macro index,pager y "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "show incoming
 mailboxes list"
 bind browser y exit
 attachments   +A */.*
 attachments   -A text/x-vcard application/pgp.*
 attachments   -A application/x-pkcs7-.*
 attachments   +I text/plain
 attachments   -A message/external-body
 attachments   -I message/external-body
 --- End /opt/local/etc/Muttrc

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3034>