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Re: [Mutt] #3031: Handle multiple folders at the same time (via

On Friday, February 15 at 06:02 PM, quoth Mutt:
#3031: Handle multiple folders at the same time (via <add-folder> command)

Comment (by vinc17):

This would be very useful. There should also be a way to define folder
lists and names associated with them, e.g. in the .muttrc:
folder-list my_folder path_to_folder1 path_to_folder2 path_to_folder3
and something like
mutt -f @my_folder
to open a folder list (not sure about the best prefix, but + and = are
already taken).

Well, that sort of thing could be done with a macro, so I'd be content if mutt didn't do that (though your suggestion would be convenient). For what it's worth, the current reserved prefixes are: !, !!, ~, +, =, <, >, -, @, and ^. I think a better prefix for what you describe would be &.

This job of playing God is a little too big for me. Nevertheless, someone has to do it, so I'll try my best to fake it.
                                                         -- Larry Wall

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