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imap rename folder


the following solves a problem found while trying to rename a imap
mailbox (by default 'r') where stuff after "to:" is all garbled.  to be
consistent, this additionally pre-fills newname to the current name, for
easier editing.

--- browse.c.orig       Mon May 28 19:19:39 2007
+++ browse.c    Wed Feb  6 23:50:32 2008
@@ -313,7 +313,9 @@ int imap_mailbox_rename(const char* mailbox)
   snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), _("Rename mailbox %s to: "), mx.mbox);
+  strfcpy (newname, NONULL (mx.mbox), sizeof (newname));
  if (mutt_get_field (buf, newname, sizeof (newname), M_FILE) < 0)
     goto fail;