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[Mutt] #3006: mutt-1.5.17: MIME boundaries should not be displayed on the only text/plain part

#3006: mutt-1.5.17: MIME boundaries should not be displayed on the only 

 Package: mutt
 Version: 1.5.17
 Severity: normal

 -- Please type your report below this line

 Alpine, a successor of Pine MUA, by default sends 8-bit mail as MIME
 multipart/mixed with only one text/plain part. For example:

 | [...]
 | User-Agent: Alpine 0.99999 (DEB 796 2007-11-08)
 | MIME-Version: 1.0
 | Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED;
 | BOUNDARY="-1463811583-823278545-1198451178=:5415"
 |   This message is in MIME format.  The first part should be readable
 |   text,
 |   while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware
 |   tools.
 | ---1463811583-823278545-1198451178=:5415
 | Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; format=flowed; charset=KOI8-R
 | Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT
 | ôÅÓÔ
 | ---1463811583-823278545-1198451178=:5415--

 Mutt displays this message correctly, but it prepends the display with a
 text/PLAIN boundary. This style:

 | [...]
 | User-Agent: Alpine 0.99999 (DEB 796 2007-11-08)
 | [-- Attachment #1 --]
 | [-- Type: text/PLAIN, Encoding: 8bit, Size: 0.1K --]
 | ôÅÓÔ

 My suggestion is that Mutt really should not display this boundary if
 the message has an only text/plain part.

 -- System Information
 System Version: FreeBSD hub.flexpro.ru 6.3-RC1 FreeBSD 6.3-RC1 #0: Mon Dec
 3 13:15:16 MSK 2007     root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/HUB

 -- Build environment information

 (Note: This is the build environment installed on the system
 muttbug is run on.  Information may or may not match the environment
 used to build mutt.)

 - gcc version information
 cc -I/usr/local/include
 Using built-in specs.
 Configured with: FreeBSD/i386 system compiler
 Thread model: posix
 gcc version 3.4.6 [FreeBSD] 20060305

 -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -march=pentiumpro

 -- Mutt Version Information

 Mutt 1.5.17 (2007-11-01)
 Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Michael R. Elkins and others.
 Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
 Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

 System: FreeBSD 6.3-RC1 (i386)
 ncurses: ncurses 5.6.20061217 (compiled with 5.6)
 libiconv: 1.9
 Compile options:
 To contact the developers, please mail to <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>.
 To report a bug, please visit http://bugs.mutt.org/.


 --- Begin /home/deskpot/.mutt/muttrc
 set from="vasily@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
 set envelope_from
 set use_from
 alternates (noc|abuse|moscowusers)@flexpro.ru
 set folder="{korytov.pp.ru}"
 set imap_user="$from"
 mailboxes =INBOX =INBOX.Root =INBOX.Announces =INBOX.Comments =INBOX.Junk
 set spoolfile="=INBOX"
 set mbox="=INBOX"
 set postponed="=INBOX.Drafts"
 set record="=INBOX.Sent"
 set allow_8bit
 set use_8bitmime
 set send_charset="us-ascii:koi8-r:utf-8"
 charset-hook windows-1251 cp1251
 charset-hook us-ascii utf-8
 unset crypt_autosign
 unset crypt_autoencrypt
 unset crypt_replysign
 unset crypt_replyencrypt
 unset crypt_replysignencrypted
 set crypt_verify_sig="yes"
 unset pgp_show_unusable
 set editor="emacs -nw"
 set edit_headers
 set fast_reply
 set mime_forward
 set include="yes"
 set abort_nosubject="no"
 set abort_unmodified="yes"
 set postpone="ask-yes"
 set reply_to="yes"
 set attribution="On %d, %n wrote:"
 set pager_index_lines=4
 unset arrow_cursor
 set sort="threads"
 set sort_aux="date-received"
 set reply_regexp="^(re([\[0-9\]+])*:[ \t]*|re([\[0-9\]+])*:[
 \t]re([\[0-9\]+])*:[ \t])"
 set tilde
 unset markers
 set pager_context=0
 set pager_stop
 set quote_regexp="^([a-z]+[|>}#]|[ \t]+[a-z]+[|>}#]|[|>}#]|[ \t]+[|>}#])+"
 set print="ask-no"
 set move="ask-yes"
 set delete="yes"
 set mail_check=30
 set timeout=30
 set beep
 set beep_new
 unset mark_old
 unset wait_key
 unset help
 unset confirmappend
 ignore *                # this means "ignore all lines by default"
 unignore From: Subject: To: Cc: Bcc: Date:
 unignore Mail-Followup-To: Followup-To: Reply-To:
 unignore User-Agent: X-Mailer:
 unhdr_order *           # forget the previous settings
 hdr_order From: Reply-To: Subject: To: Cc: Bcc: Date:
 bind pager "\Cv" next-page
 bind pager "\033v" previous-page
 bind pager <BackSpace> previous-page
 bind pager "\177" previous-page
 color normal            white           black
 color attachment        green           black
 color bold              blue            white
 color error             red             white
 color hdrdefault        cyan            black
 color indicator         white           red
 color markers           red             black
 color message           white           blue
 color quoted            green           black
 color quoted1           yellow          black
 color quoted2           green           black
 color quoted3           yellow          black
 color signature         red             black
 color status            white           blue
 color tilde             cyan            black
 color tree              red             black
 color underline         yellow          white
 color header            yellow          black \
         "^(((Delivery|Resent)-)?Date|X-Received): *"
 color header            yellow          black \
         "^(Organization|Subject): *"
 color header            green           black \
         "^(From|(X-)?Sender|Return-Path): *"
 color header            green           black \
         "^(Reply|Mail-Followup|Return-Receipt|Errors)-To: *"
 color header            green           black \
         "^Resent-(From|Sender|Reply-To): *"
 color header            green           black \
         "^(((Delivered|X-Comment|Apparently)-)?To|(B)?Cc): *"
 color header            green           black \
         "^Resent-(To|Cc|Bcc): *"
 color header            red             black \
         "^(Message-ID|Resent-Message-ID|References|In-Reply-To): *"
 color body              magenta         black \
 color body              magenta         black \
 color body              magenta         black \
 set alias_file="~/.mutt/aliases"
 source ~/.mutt/aliases
 set certificate_file="~/.mutt/certificates"
 source ~/.mutt/pgp
 --- End /home/deskpot/.mutt/muttrc

 --- Begin /usr/local/etc/Muttrc
 ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
 ignore sender references return-path lines
 macro index \eb "<search>~b " "search in message bodies"
 macro index,pager \cb "<pipe-message> urlview<Enter>" "call urlview to
 extract URLs out of a message"
 macro attach,compose \cb "<pipe-entry> urlview<Enter>" "call urlview to
 extract URLs out of a message"
 macro generic,pager <F1> "<shell-escape> less
 /usr/local/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt<Enter>" "show Mutt documentation"
 macro index,pager y "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "show incoming
 mailboxes list"
 bind browser y exit
 attachments   +A */.*
 attachments   -A text/x-vcard application/pgp.*
 attachments   -A application/x-pkcs7-.*
 attachments   +I text/plain
 attachments   -A message/external-body
 attachments   -I message/external-body
 --- End /usr/local/etc/Muttrc

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3006>