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A long time ago, around the end of 2000 according to my notebooks, I 
was involved in using mixmaster and making some code and documentation 
changes which I believe Thomas included. I have not used it since then 
and have no intention of doing so. I now see no need for it. However, 
out of curiosity, I have had a look at the situation briefly.

Back in 2000 there seemed to be very few people using mixmaster with
mutt. It worked with version 2.04 which was stagnant and did not work
with version 2.9 which was in slow development. I see nothing from the
ChangeLog to suggest that has changed.

The manual refers to 2.04beta45 as the latest. There seems to be a 
2.04b46 from 2002. The manual says the latest 2.9 is 2.9b23. There 
seemes to have been quite a bit of development here, with more 2.9 betas 
and three 3.0 betas. The latest appears to be 3.0rc1. 3.0 may be
released "soon". OK, so that is something for the manual. 

The links are http://sourceforge.net/projects/mixmaster/ and

Is anyone using mixmaster with mutt? If not, perhaps it should be
removed from the code. If it is not to be removed, the code should
certainly be changed to work with version 3.0.

I hope this is of some use to someone.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win." 
                                  -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.
Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) Email: b_duke(AT)bigpond(DOT)net(DOT)au