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Re: [Mutt] #2981: header_cache: opening a changed Maildir takes way

#2981: header_cache: opening a changed Maildir takes way longer than it

Changes (by madduck):

 * cc: dev.mutt.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (added)


 Replying to [comment:1 pdmef]:
 > What's your value of $mail_check?


 > What db backend do you use?

 None. This is all on an ext3/dircache filesystem.

 > Any relevant config part (i.e. is it the same with mutt -nF /dev/null -e


 > Can you please attach the output of 'mutt -v'?

 Will do.

 > Is there any chance you can build and test from a modified source?

 Yes, but it will have to wait...

 > I did some quick checks on the code and to me there's no obvious change
 to improve performance (besides better memory management, i.e. allocating
 larger blocks at once, using bigger hash tables, etc). It basically does
 readdir() as first pass, and parses all messages not in the cache as

 I will confirm or refute this then.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2981#comment:2>