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Re: [Mutt] #2978: 1.5.17 - Header caching broken on OSX tiger 10.4.10

#2978: 1.5.17 - Header caching broken on OSX tiger 10.4.10

Comment (by gufo):

 Replying to [comment:1 pdmef]:
 > It works fine here. Can you please attach the output of 'mutt -v'? How
 did you install it (self, find, macports)?

 I installed it using macports. [[BR]]
 port installed mutt-devel [[BR]]
 The following ports are currently installed: [[BR]]
 mutt-devel @1.5.17_2+db4+headercache+imap+pop (active) [[BR]]

 The output of mutt -v is attached. I know macports doesn't have 1.5.17, I
 just changed the version in the portfile and the checksums.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2978#comment:2>