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Re: [Mutt] #2956: Recipient address broken if containing Š character (UTF-8 code: 0xc5 0xA0)

#2956: Recipient address broken if containing Š character (UTF-8 code: 0xc5 

Comment (by Vincent Lefevre):

 On 2007-09-14 15:57:21 -0000, Mutt wrote:
 > #2956: Recipient address broken if containing Š character (UTF-8 code:
 0xc5 0xA0)
 > Comment (by pdmef):
 >  Replying to [comment:4 Vincent Lefevre]:
 >  > Mutt uses isspace() and isprint() at various places. I don't think
 >  > this is correct. Either Mutt needs to know what is a space or what
 >  > is printable on ASCII strings, in which case it should use its own
 >  > functions, or it needs to know such information on wide characters
 >  > (as this is what should be used on non-ASCII strings), in which
 >  > case it should use iswspace() and so on.
 >  Wanting to make mutt know about it seems wrong to me, as e.g. some
 >  single byte locale could use 0xA0 as non-breaking-space and some random
 >  other could choose not to. I think this should be done by the C library
 >  and not by mutt.

 That's precisely why I suggested iswspace(), but...

 >  Going with wchar_t instead of char would IMHO increase the memory
 >  requirements quite a lot so I don't know whether a consistent use
 >  is the way to go.

 Yes, that's another problem.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2956#comment:>