[Mutt] #2943: Mutt does not show quote characters in address header fields (pager)
#2943: Mutt does not show quote characters in address header fields (pager)
Some users put a comma in their names, but the corresponding (necessary)
quote characters are not shown by Mutt in the pager. This gives the Mutt
user incorrect/ambiguous information. This also prevents the user from
correctly copy-pasting header fields.
For instance, I've sent a message to myself, using:
{{{To: "foo <foo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, bar" <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx>}}}
but Mutt shows it in the pager as:
{{{To: foo <foo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, bar <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx>}}}
which is really confusing.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2943>