[Mutt] #2940: muttrc man page contains formatting errors
#2940: muttrc man page contains formatting errors
The autogenerated (from init.h) man page has several formatting errors all
stemming from a recent change. In places where, after a listing of printf-
like options it then says "For an explanation of `soft-fill`...", the man
page generator generates:
.REFor an explanation of `soft-fill`
insead of
For an explanation of `soft-fill`
Thus, the entire man page afterward gets squeezed to the right side. The
source should probably be changed from this:
.dt %*X .dd soft-fill with character "X" as pad
For an explanationation of `soft-fill`
to this:
.dt %*X .dd soft-fill with character "X" as pad
For an explanationation of `soft-fill`
...in all instances.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2940>