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[Mutt] #2934: does not honor Reply-To when replying to message from self

#2934: does not honor Reply-To when replying to message from self

 This comes from http://bugs.debian.org/433829.

 When replying to a message sent by yourself, Mutt does not honor the
 Reply-To header, and sends the reply to the original recipients instead
 (as per $reply_self=no). This is coming from the assumption that the
 address found in te Reply-To header would be an alternate address of
 yourself, and hence should not receive the reply.

 However, it may as well be the case that the address in the Reply-To
 header is some other address, or one's address plus some other address.
 While I'll agree that (r)eplying to Reply-To instead of recipient on
 self messages can be discussed (please make a decision nonetheless), I
 strongly believe that it should be included when (g)roup-replying.

 In other words, please include non-self addresses from Reply-To when
 (g)roup-replying a message from self, and either do the same when
 (r)eplaying, or state that as WONTFIX.

 Thanks in advance.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2934>