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[Mutt] #2895: mutt should keep a deletion log

#2895: mutt should keep a deletion log

 After spending the past hour or so deleting piles of old email, and then
 watching mutt crash because of some sort of bizarre server-side IMAP bug,
 and losing track of all my deletions, I am somewhat frustrated.

 It would be nice if mutt could keep a deletion log of messages deleted,
 such that, when this case happens, it would be possible to restore the log
 in a new mutt and not have to painstakingly find those deleted messages
 and delete them again.

 Of course it would be nice to fix all the bugs that could cause mutt to
 crash and people to lose work. In this case, it is a difficult-to-debug
 IMAP interaction that I think is really a server-side problem (but of
 course mutt shouldn't crash in any case)...

 So this enhancement request is really a band-aid.

 Still, I think it would be a very helpful band-aid to have.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2895>