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Re: [PATCH] Support for reading users and/or passwords from

On Wednesday, May 23 at 07:15 PM, quoth Luciano Rocha:
...according to my netrc(5) man pages, ~/.netrc is specific to ftp. Why is fetching information out of it and using it for email a good idea?

Well, for starters, it isn't called .ftprc. =)

HEH. Fair enough, but still, it's not exactly someplace that's *expected*.

And as I use fetchmail extensively, I really didn't want to keep passwords in two or more different places.

Well, strictly speaking, you don't have to. You could, for example, have this in your muttrc:

    set imap_user=`awk '/^login/{print $2}' ~/.netrc`
    set imap_pass=`awk '/^password/{print $2}' ~/.netrc`
    set folder="imaps://`awk '/^machine/{print $2}' ~/.netrc`/INBOX"

(or, if you have multiple entries in your netrc, you may want to use something more complicated, like a little perl script to extract all the right information out of it)

Not many, and maybe using it outside of ftp goes against some standard practice, but I wanted that functionality, implemented, and maybe it will be useful for someone else.

Fair enough.

Truth springs from argument amongst friends.
                                                         -- David Hume

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