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Re: [Mutt] #2528: fcc_attach should be a quadoption, not bool

#2528: fcc_attach should be a quadoption, not bool

Old description:

> {{{
> Currently I have to set fcc_attach on/off each time I send attachments,
> typically on for .diff files sent with bug reports and off for photos and
> other large files. This seems like the exact situation quadoptions were
> intended for.
> As an aside, it would be nice if mutt could fcc "this attachment has been
> deleted" attachments even when fcc_attach is off so that the sender has a
> record of which files were sent (important for checking to see if you
> sent the wrong file or forgot the attachment, etc.).
> >How-To-Repeat:
> >Fix:
> Should be straightforward. I'd write the quadoption part if I weren't
> busy working on other things but I don't know mutt codebase well enough
> to do the deleted-attachment fcc thing.
> }}}

New description:

 Currently I have to set fcc_attach on/off each time I send attachments,
 typically on for .diff files sent with bug reports and off for photos and
 other large files. This seems like the exact situation quadoptions were
 intended for.

 As an aside, it would be nice if mutt could fcc "this attachment has been
 deleted" attachments even when fcc_attach is off so that the sender has a
 record of which files were sent (important for checking to see if you sent
 the wrong file or forgot the attachment, etc.).
 Should be straightforward. I'd write the quadoption part if I weren't busy
 working on other things but I don't know mutt codebase well enough to do
 the deleted-attachment fcc thing.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2528#comment:2>