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Re: [Mutt] #1742: Mutt Pager Kills Colors

#1742: Mutt Pager Kills Colors

Changes (by brendan):

  * component:  mutt => display

Old description:

> {{{
> Package: mutt
> Version:
> Severity: important
> -- Please type your report below this line
> When a filter colors multiple lines of a message, the pager kills the
> colors on all lines following the first.  Using my display_filter,
> put this in your ~/.mutt/displayfilterlist to see that the filter does
> indeed generate an entirely colored result:
> make_color red "`cat`"
> tee mail.temp.mutt
> You'll need the make_color program for this, which you can get an i686
> (glibc 2.3.2) binary of from here:
> http://www.bigfatdave.com/dave/bin/make_color
> (The source code is part of my Jabbin' project.  It may be found here:
> http://www.bigfatdave.com/dave/jabbin/src/make_color.c
> along with the rest of the project.)
> -- System Information
> System Version: Linux dave2 2.4.22 #2 SMP Mon Oct 27 06:48:20 EST 2003
> i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
> -- Build environment information
> (Note: This is the build environment installed on the system
> muttbug is run on.  Information may or may not match the environment
> used to build mutt.)
> - gcc version information
> gcc
> Leyendo especificaciones de /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-
> gnu/3.2.3/specs
> Configurado con: ./configure --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs
> --enable-languages=c,c++
> Modelo de hilos: posix
> gcc versión 3.2.3
> -Wall -pedantic -g -O2
> -- Mutt Version Information
> Mutt (2003-11-05)
> Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins and others.
> Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
> Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
> under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.
> System: Linux 2.4.22 (i686) [using ncurses 5.3]
> Opciones especificadas al compilar:
> ISPELL="/usr/bin/ispell"
> SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail"
> MAILPATH="/var/mail"
> PKGDATADIR="/beta/mutt_cvs/usr/share/mutt"
> SYSCONFDIR="/beta/mutt_cvs/usr/etc"
> EXECSHELL="/bin/sh"
> Para contactar a los desarrolladores mande un mensaje a <mutt-
> dev@xxxxxxxx>.
> Para reportar un fallo use la utilería flea(1) por favor.

> --- Begin /home/dave/.muttrc
> source ~/.mutt/muttrc
> --- End /home/dave/.muttrc

> --- Begin /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/etc/Muttrc
> ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
> ignore sender references return-path lines
> macro index \eb '/~b ' 'search in message bodies'
> macro index \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a
> message'
> macro pager \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a
> message'
> macro generic <f1> "!less /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show
> Mutt documentation"
> macro index   <f1> "!less /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show
> Mutt documentation"
> macro pager   <f1> "!less /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show
> Mutt documentation"
> --- End /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/etc/Muttrc


> >How-To-Repeat:
> >Fix:
> }}}

New description:

 Package: mutt
 Severity: important

 -- Please type your report below this line

 When a filter colors multiple lines of a message, the pager kills the
 colors on all lines following the first.  Using my display_filter,
 put this in your ~/.mutt/displayfilterlist to see that the filter does
 indeed generate an entirely colored result:

 make_color red "`cat`"
 tee mail.temp.mutt

 You'll need the make_color program for this, which you can get an i686
 (glibc 2.3.2) binary of from here:
 (The source code is part of my Jabbin' project.  It may be found here:
 along with the rest of the project.)

 -- System Information
 System Version: Linux dave2 2.4.22 #2 SMP Mon Oct 27 06:48:20 EST 2003
 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

 -- Build environment information

 (Note: This is the build environment installed on the system
 muttbug is run on.  Information may or may not match the environment
 used to build mutt.)

 - gcc version information
 Leyendo especificaciones de /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-
 Configurado con: ./configure --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs
 Modelo de hilos: posix
 gcc versión 3.2.3

 -Wall -pedantic -g -O2

 -- Mutt Version Information

 Mutt (2003-11-05)
 Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins and others.
 Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
 Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

 System: Linux 2.4.22 (i686) [using ncurses 5.3]
 Opciones especificadas al compilar:
 Para contactar a los desarrolladores mande un mensaje a <mutt-
 Para reportar un fallo use la utilería flea(1) por favor.

 --- Begin /home/dave/.muttrc
 source ~/.mutt/muttrc
 --- End /home/dave/.muttrc

 --- Begin /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/etc/Muttrc
 ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
 ignore sender references return-path lines
 macro index \eb '/~b ' 'search in message bodies'
 macro index \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'
 macro pager \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'
 macro generic <f1> "!less /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show
 Mutt documentation"
 macro index   <f1> "!less /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show
 Mutt documentation"
 macro pager   <f1> "!less /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show
 Mutt documentation"
 --- End /beta/mutt_cvs/usr/etc/Muttrc



Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1742#comment:1>