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Re: [Mutt] #2162: don't invoke bind_textdomain_codeset() whith

#2162: don't invoke bind_textdomain_codeset() whith --disable-nls

Comment (by zlgdgzl):

 The default behaviour when moving between edit fields in most user
 interfaces is to select all the text in the target edit field. Urwid
 currently just moves the cursor and doesn't
 provide[http://www.makegamegold.com/default.asp?cateid=6 wow
 gold][http://www.makegamegold.com/article.asp?id=82 gold wow] an easy way
 to delete all the text.

 It would also be nice to allow the user to select text with the mouse and
 with SHIFT + arrow keys the way they can in other interfaces.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2162#comment:2>