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Re: [Mutt] #2476: Handling of 'N' flag with Maildir store

#2476: Handling of 'N' flag with Maildir store

Comment (by Michael Elkins):

 > It would seem that a more appropriate behavior would be to leave
 N-flagged messages in cur/ and instead remove the S Maildir flag when the
 user flags the message N.
 > If one manually removes the S Maildir flag from a message filename, Mutt
 seems to recognize this and display the message as N.

 This only works if the user has $nomark_old set.  With $mark_old set, the
 lack of the 'S' flag in the cur/ directory would cause the message to be
 displayed as "O"ld rather than "N"ew.


Ticket URL: <http://www.mutt.org/ticket/2476#comment:>