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Re: [PATCH] Remove absolute paths from gpg.rc

On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 04:36:16PM +0000, Paul Walker wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 02:52:24AM +0000, Dave wrote:

> > That's why they want clear, simple programs, that do clear, simple
> > actions, without a long config file that by default makes decisions for
> > them in a half-assed way.  Gee, that's the UNIX philosophy, isn't it?
> If that's the case, those people wouldn't be using mutt in the first place.
> :-) It's not like it's exactly got a short config file, or short of
> options...

All email programs suck; Mutt just sucks less.

> > I may be nuts, but that doesn't change the fact that the UNIX philosophy
> > _is_ the only game in town, if you're interested in actually getting work
> No, that's just rubbish, I'm afraid. Don't make statements that a
> milliseconds thought would tell you are wrong.

If it only takes a millisecond to figure out why I'm wrong, why don't you spend
the millisecond and post the results?  I spent a few milliseconds on it, but I
guess my brain has issues, as Derek already pointed out.  You're gonna have to
help me out, here. . .

 - Dave