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Re: What happened to strict_mime?

* Tue Mar 20 2007 Thomas Roessler <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> On 2007-03-20 12:01:49 +0900, TAKAHASHI Tamotsu wrote:

> >strict_mime=yes:
> > unset ignore_linear_white_space

> >strict_mime=no:
> > set ignore_linear_white_space

> Why on earth do we need two different behaviors for encoding or
> decoding subject headers as far as whitespace is concerned?  There's
> a spec-compliant way to do this, let's do that, and be done with.

Personally I don't need $ignore_linear_space.
But I understand the situation.

For example, RFC2047 says that

| Subject: (a
|  =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?=)

should be displayed as the following:

| Subject: (a
|  b)

But many Japanese MUAs insert spaces and a CRLF between alphabet-word
and kanjis because kanji becomes very long, and because RFC limits
header length. For example,

| Subject: (a <kanji>)

is encoded to

| Subject: (a
|          =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCNEE7ehsoQgo=?=)

by such MUAs. We don't like this:

| Subject: you
|  are
|  annoyed
|  by
|  this
|  subject

This is what we feel from such bogus encoded headers
when $ignore_linear_white_space="no".

> If the other approach is really needed to deal with widespread
> breakage (I don't think it is), implement that, and implement it
> always.

You are generous.
Most Japanese users say "It is really needed!"

> As an aside, the code used to implement this (in the instance around
> line 816 of rfc2047.c) looks like an incredibly convoluted and
> inefficient way of saying something like this:

LWS code is not written by me. Takashi, please review it.

Well, safe_strdup can return NULL.
And I found a comment: "/* LWS doesn't end with CRLF */"
These _may_ be the reason, but I don't know what Takashi thought.

> The way in which this code iterates through AssumedCharset in
> convert_nonmime_string is clumsy at best.  (A better way to go
> through it would be to safe_strdup() the entire thing, use strtok on
> the copy, and then free the temporary buffer.)

Thanks for your advice. I like your implementation.
I didn't know of strtok.

> So, from a casual glance at this code, two suggestions:

> - Please clean up this code.

I'm going to try.
Beta patch is attached.

diff -r d0b9363c79aa charset.c
--- a/charset.c Fri Mar 16 17:14:54 2007 +0900
+++ b/charset.c Wed Mar 21 01:15:09 2007 +0900
@@ -290,16 +290,15 @@ int mutt_chscmp (const char *s, const ch
 char *mutt_get_default_charset ()
-  static char fcharset[SHORT_STRING];
-  const char *c = AssumedCharset;
-  const char *c1;
-  if (c && *c) {
-    c1 = strchr (c, ':');
-    strfcpy (fcharset, c, c1 ? (c1 - c + 1) : sizeof (fcharset));
-    return fcharset;
-  }
-  return strcpy (fcharset, "us-ascii"); /* __STRCPY_CHECKED__ */
+  char *s;
+  if (AssumedCharset && *AssumedCharset)
+  {
+    s = strdup (AssumedCharset);
+    strtok (s, ":");
+    return s;
+  }
+  return strdup ("us-ascii");
 #ifndef HAVE_ICONV
diff -r d0b9363c79aa handler.c
--- a/handler.c Fri Mar 16 17:14:54 2007 +0900
+++ b/handler.c Wed Mar 21 00:53:53 2007 +0900
@@ -1445,10 +1445,12 @@ void mutt_decode_attachment (BODY *b, ST
   if (istext && s->flags & M_CHARCONV)
     char *charset = mutt_get_parameter ("charset", b->parameter);
+    char *assumed_charset = NULL;
     if (!charset && AssumedCharset && *AssumedCharset)
-      charset = mutt_get_default_charset ();
-    if (charset && Charset)
-      cd = mutt_iconv_open (Charset, charset, M_ICONV_HOOK_FROM);
+      assumed_charset = mutt_get_default_charset ();
+    if ((charset || assumed_charset) && Charset)
+      cd = mutt_iconv_open (Charset, charset ? charset : assumed_charset, 
+    FREE (&assumed_charset);
   else if (istext && b->charset)
     cd = mutt_iconv_open (Charset, b->charset, M_ICONV_HOOK_FROM);
diff -r d0b9363c79aa parse.c
--- a/parse.c   Fri Mar 16 17:14:54 2007 +0900
+++ b/parse.c   Wed Mar 21 00:55:27 2007 +0900
@@ -402,9 +402,11 @@ void mutt_parse_content_type (char *s, B
   if (ct->type == TYPETEXT)
     if (!(pc = mutt_get_parameter ("charset", ct->parameter)))
-      mutt_set_parameter ("charset", (AssumedCharset && *AssumedCharset) ?
-                         (const char *) mutt_get_default_charset ()
-                         : "us-ascii", &ct->parameter);
+    {
+      char *assumed_charset = mutt_get_default_charset ();
+      mutt_set_parameter ("charset", assumed_charset, &ct->parameter);
+      FREE (&assumed_charset);
+    }
diff -r d0b9363c79aa rfc2047.c
--- a/rfc2047.c Fri Mar 16 17:14:54 2007 +0900
+++ b/rfc2047.c Wed Mar 21 02:12:02 2007 +0900
@@ -89,38 +89,42 @@ static size_t convert_string (ICONV_CONS
 int convert_nonmime_string (char **ps)
-  const char *c, *c1;
-  for (c = AssumedCharset; c; c = c1 ? c1 + 1 : 0)
-  {
-    char *u = *ps;
-    char *s;
-    char *fromcode;
-    size_t m, n;
-    size_t ulen = mutt_strlen (*ps);
-    size_t slen;
-    if (!u || !*u)
-      return 0;
-    c1 = strchr (c, ':');
-    n = c1 ? c1 - c : mutt_strlen (c);
-    if (!n)
-      return 0;
-    fromcode = safe_malloc (n + 1);
-    strfcpy (fromcode, c, n + 1);
-    m = convert_string (u, ulen, fromcode, Charset, &s, &slen);
-    FREE (&fromcode);
+  char *c, *c1;
+  char *u = *ps;
+  char *s;
+  size_t ulen = mutt_strlen (*ps);
+  size_t slen;
+  size_t m;
+  if (!u || !*u)
+    return 0;
+  c =  safe_strdup (AssumedCharset);
+  if (!c)
+    c = safe_calloc (1, 1);
+  for (c1 = strtok (c, ":"); c1;
+       c1 = strtok (NULL, ":"))
+  {
+    m = convert_string (u, ulen, c1, Charset, &s, &slen);
     if (m != (size_t)(-1))
+      FREE (&c);
       FREE (ps); /* __FREE_CHECKED__ */
       *ps = s;
       return 0;
-  mutt_convert_string (ps,
-      (const char *)mutt_get_default_charset (AssumedCharset),
+  FREE (&c);
+  /* pass-thru if the last entry is empty */
+  if (AssumedCharset && *AssumedCharset &&
+      AssumedCharset[strlen (AssumedCharset) - 1] == ':')
+    return 0;
+  /* going to do my best */
+  mutt_convert_string (ps, c = mutt_get_default_charset (),
       Charset, M_ICONV_HOOK_FROM);
+  FREE (&c);
   return -1;
@@ -827,11 +829,11 @@ void rfc2047_decode (char **pd)
        char *t;
        size_t tlen;
-       n = mutt_strlen (s);
-       t = safe_malloc (n + 1);
-       strfcpy (t, s, n + 1);
+       t = safe_strdup (s);
        convert_nonmime_string (&t);
        tlen = mutt_strlen (t);
+       if (dlen < tlen) /* truncation */
+         tlen = dlen;
        strncpy (d, t, tlen);
        d += tlen;
        FREE (&t);