Re: [PATCH] Remove absolute paths from gpg.rc
* On 2007.03.16, in <20070316174736.GC26519@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
* "Brendan Cully" <brendan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> + AC_PATH_PROG([GPG], [gpg], [/usr/bin/gpg],
> [/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sw/bin:/opt/local/bin])
I like this. Other paths to consider:
/usr/sfw/bin Sun Freeware
/opt/sfw/bin Sun Freeware
/opt/csw/bin Blastwave
/opt/bin Common alternative to /usr/local/bin
/local/bin Ditto
As these are all under /, /usr, or /opt there should be little risk
within common filesytem hierarchy definitions of a path being hijacked
by a non-admin user.
-D. dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx NSIT University of Chicago