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Re: imap/2837: MYRIGHTS not understood by Mirapoint IMAP4PROXY

The following reply was made to PR imap/2837; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Mutt Developers <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: bug-any@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: imap/2837: MYRIGHTS not understood by Mirapoint IMAP4PROXY
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 13:10:00 -0700

 On Thursday, March  8 at 08:35 PM, quoth Christoph Berg:
 > Still, other MUAs probably gracefully accept that broken behavior, 
 > maybe mutt should as well?
 Probably should... particularly given that it seems to be viewed as 
 "okay" (even in the various IMAP RFC's) for the CAPABILITY response to 
 change after authentication (and STARTTLS). I still don't think it's 
 acceptable to *REMOVE* capabilities when you authenticate, or to claim 
 capabilities that you don't actually have regardless of the state of 
 the machine. But, if you only trust the most recent CAPABILITY 
 response, my argument is kind of a moot point, and mirapoint could 
 technically claim all kinds of nonsense in their initial CAPABILITY 
 response if they wanted to. :)
 Does make you wonder if they actually do support all the things they 
 claim in the latter CAPABILITY response, though, or if just most 
 clients don't actually use all of them.
 To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage of 
 conviction---and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come 
                                                        -- Stephen Baker