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Re: iconv-hook patch (Re: 1.5.12 this Thursday.)

On Saturday, 22 July 2006 at 18:11, Alain Bench wrote:
> Hello Tamotsu,
>  On Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at 22:44:20 +0900, Tamotsu Takahashi wrote:
> > it is good to apply MORIYAMA-san's iconv-hook patch [...] well-tested
> > for years by many users. Yes, it is a bug fix, IMO.
>     Some words more, if you permit: In Mutt 1.5.12 and CVS, iconv-hooks
> suffer from 4 bugs (2 grave and 2 minor):
>  -1) At iconv-hook stage, mutt_iconv_open() fails -1, unless *both*
> fromcode and tocode are matched by an iconv-hook. This prohibits to work
> with one valid already known charset, and the other needing iconv-hook.
>  -2) When parsing iconv-hooks, mutt_parse_hook() erroneously expands the
> regexp by $default_hook. Example with:
> | iconv-hook ^iso-8859-1$ ISO88591
>     The regexp get expanded to:
> | ~f "^iso-8859-1$" !~P | (~P ~C "^iso-8859-1$")
>     Wich makes no sense to regexec(), later at matching time.
>  -3) When checking regexp syntax, mutt_parse_hook() doesn't use the
> REG_ICASE mode intended for iconv-hooks.
>  -4) In mbyte.c there is the one last forgotten occurence of direct call
> to the system iconv_open() function, instead of mutt_iconv_open(). This
> inhibits iconv-hooks there.
>     The original Masayuki Moriyama's patch has 4 hunks. Each hunk fixes
> one of these bugs, in order, and in what seems to me the simple obvious
> way. I added some comments inside the attached patch, where code is
> identical. Big thanks to the author. Please apply.
>     BTW while working on that, I corrected some minor lacks or
> inaccuracies in the manual, about $default_hook, pattern vs regexp,
> reply/send2-hook, and such. Patch attached also.

These are both in tip now, thank you.

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