imap/2750: TAB-browsing on imap://host/ (root-dir) fails unless "mailboxes" defined
>Number: 2750
>Category: imap
>Synopsis: TAB-browsing on imap://host/ (root-dir) fails unless
>"mailboxes" defined
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: mutt-dev
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Feb 10 17:43:59 +0100 2007
>Originator: Rado S
>Release: 1.5.13cvs (2007-01-09)
When you specify a _local dir_ in change-folder dialog without partial path,
then mutt browses and shows all files inside.
For IMAP this does not work for the top-level/ root-dir, only when
some mailboxes on that IMAP-server are defined.
Clear all mailboxes, unset imap_check_subscribed + imap_list_subscribed.
Then change-folder, enter imap://host/
and now try hitting TAB several times, where on local filesys
it would start browsing, for IMAP it does not.
Now, if you enter some partial path, TAB will expand and even list all matches,
so mutt _knows_ what files are there, just refuses to show them.