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gnats-mime updated

Well, it was the 1st shot anyway. With more test cases, here an
update with prettier clone names and no empty 'dummy' files for
trailing empty lines.

It's just a dirty hack, so even though an interactive dialog might
be nice, for casual piping it's sufficient without. Feel free to
hack it further.

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
Even if it seems insignificant, in fact EVERY effort counts
for a shared task, at least to show your deserving attitude.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
### filter to extract gnatsweb attachments from eMails
### written 2006 by Rado Smiljanic
# Syntax: ... | gnats-mime [filter] | less
# no arg == save files to $PWD, any arg == print to STDOUT

my ($line, $file, $num, $name, $len);

### drop leading text
while ($line=<STDIN>) {
        last if ($line =~ /----gnatsweb-attachment----/);

### loop over all parts
while ($line=<STDIN>) {


### get name
while ($line=<STDIN>) {
        last if ($line =~ /^ *$/);
        if ($line=~ /name="([^"]+)"/) { $name = $1 ; print STDERR "found name: 


### serial number not to overwrite
while ( -e $file) {
        die "too many clones for '$name': $num" if ( $num > 8);
        $file = "$name-".$num++;

if (! @ARGV) {
print STDERR "extracting to: $file\n";
open(SAVE,">$file") || die "can't open $file";

### convert base64 to text
while ($line=<STDIN>) {
        last if ($line =~ /^ *$/);
### from 'perldoc -q 64'
        $line =~ tr,A-Za-z0-9+/,,cd;                   # remove non-base64 chars
        $line =~ tr,A-Za-z0-9+/, -_,;                  # convert to uuencoded 
        $len = pack("c", 32 + 0.75*length($line));   # compute length byte
if (! @ARGV) {
        print SAVE unpack("u", $len . $line);         # uudecode and print
} else {
        print unpack("u", $len . $line);         # uudecode and print
}       ### convert

### skip empty lines after stream
while ($line=~/^ *$/) {
        last if (! defined($line=<STDIN>));

if (! @ARGV) {

}       ### loop over all parts
