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Re: [PATCH] sending minimal MIME headers

On 2006-09-24 19:08:20 +0200, Alain Bench wrote:

>     Mutt always has been overly verbose with sent MIME headers,
> stating obvious defaults, even when it's a useless waste of
> space. The attached patch-1.5.13.ab.send_minimal_mime.3 reduces
> this verbosity to the strict minimum. It will not generate
> "Content-Disposition: inline" header when there is no filename,
> not generate "-Transfer-Encoding:" when it's 7bit, not generate
> "-Type:" when it's plain Ascii text, and finally not generate
> "MIME-Version: 1.0" when there are no "Content-*:" headers at
> all. Of course, Mutt will continue to generate any needed MIME
> field and usefull parameter.

>     Some friends and me use older versions of this patch since
> years, and this v3 since some weeks, without any single problem.

I do have faint memories that some of the "overly verbose" headers
were added to counter interoperability problems back then; don't
remember details, though. My take would be that, while minimal
headers are nice on a geekish level, I'd rather keep the current
code -- we know it to work and interoperate well, and it complies
with relevant standards.

The change has a (admittedly small) risk of breaking things, for
little visible gain.

Thomas Roessler   <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>