Re: How about "next-new in any folder" functionality?
* Maurice van der Pot <griffon26@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [2006-06-29 20:43 +0200]:
> Agreed. I don't see any way either. If I had an 'else' for tag-prefix-cond,
> a 'stop-processing-here' or even a 'not-tag-prefix-cond' I could make the
> macro I want.
Perhaps you could use that next-new in the pager ends in in the index
iff there is no next new mail.
macro index y "c\n"
bind pager y noop
macro pager <tab> "<next-new>y"
macro index <tab> "<display-message><next-new>y"
But used from the index this has side-effects (changing the new/old
flag of the current message).