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IMAP \Replied flag?

Using the most recent CVS… I’m experiencing the following oddness when accessing my mailbox via IMAP like so:

If I have a mailbox (e.g. my INBOX) with more than one sequential new messages (i.e. 2), and I read the first one and respond to it. Then I view the next message and do not respond to it but instead go back to the index. The second message will, for some reason, be marked “r” just like the previous message, even though I didn’t respond to it.

I can sync the mailbox and it won’t correct itself, but if I re-enter the mailbox (e.g. <change-folder>=<enter>), the “r” mark will disappear.

Is this a problem with my IMAP server (binc), or are other people seeing this behavior?

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
                                                       -- Henry Spencer

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