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Re: [PATCH] ME's SMTP relay patch ported to CVS

On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 11:42:37PM +0100, Paul Walker wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 09:57:25PM +0100, Bruno Postle wrote:
> > Why not make it default to port 587 (RFC 2476 Message Submission)
> > and rename it "msp_url"?
> Speaking as someone fairly familiar with a lot of message and internet
> stuff, what on earth is MSP and port 587?

A scheme to have an alternate port (587) for client-server submission of
messages. This allows you to (for example) require authentication for
all mail sent through the submission port, and allows you to enforce
different policies on mail sent through here than on mail from external
sites to local users. You're not supposed to accept mail (from
non-authenticated users) for local domains on the submission port.

Sendmail has been setup with submission enabled since version 8.11 or so

It's also commonly used by ISPs wishing to allow authenticated SMTP to
clients whose providers block port 25 outbound.
