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Re: your mail

The rationale here is that mutt, when used without use_from, won't
write From: headers to Fccs.

On 2005-08-01 12:35:55 +0200, ttakah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> From: ttakah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx, cb@xxxxxxxx
> Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 12:35:55 +0200
> Reply-To: ttakah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> X-Spam-Level: 
> >Number:         2017
> >Notify-List:    
> >Category:       mutt
> >Synopsis:       mutt_addr_is_user() "null address is assumed to be the user"
> >Confidential:   no
> >Severity:       minor
> >Priority:       low
> >Responsible:    mutt-dev
> >State:          open
> >Keywords:       
> >Class:          sw-bug
> >Submitter-Id:   net
> >Arrival-Date:   Mon Aug 01 12:35:55 +0200 2005
> >Originator:     tamo
> >Release:        1.5.9
> >Organization:
> http://www.momonga-linux.org/
> >Environment:
> any
> >Description:
> In alias.c, mutt_addr_is_user():
> >   /* NULL address is assumed to be the user. */
> >   if (!addr)
> >   {
> >     dprint (5, (debugfile, "mail_addr_is_user: yes, NULL address\n"));
> >     return 1;
> >   }
> This causes a strange effect: A message with no headers is shown
> as sent from me, on the index menu.
> I'm afraid mutt_addr_is_user() is misused at almost all its
> occurences. We should not assume that env->from matches $alternates
> just because mutt_addr_is_user(env->from) returns 1.
> Why not return 0?
> >How-To-Repeat:
> Delete FROM header of a message.
> The message will be flagged as "F" with the default $to_chars and 
> $index_format.
> >Fix:
> Simply return 0?
> But that could have side effects.
> >Add-To-Audit-Trail:
> >Unformatted:

Thomas Roessler · Personal soap box at <http://log.does-not-exist.org/>.