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Gnats meta fleas


    Some problems noted on bugs.mutt.org:

 · In the audit trail of a bug on the web, a link "send email to
interested parties" populates the mail body with an URL to the audit
trail of the bug. The mailto is doubly %-encoded:
"[...]&Body=http%253A%252F%252Fbugs.mutt.org[...]". Should be simply
encoded "http%3A%2F%2Fbugs.mutt.org" to be usefull.

 · Same web page notes "Responsible: mutt-dev" with false domain in link

    About followup mails to bug-any, once redistributed:

 · The "Reply-To:" is forced with "From:" content. Should probably be
preserved and completed with bug-any address.

 · The "MFT:" field is lost. Preserving it could help the followuper to
direct future followups to bug-any, rather then to himself or mutt-dev.

 · "Cc:" field is lost. It should be preserved (for information, and
future followups), but not obeyed by Gnats (Cc guys already received
this message).

 · "To:" content is replaced with mutt-dev. This makes over easy for
subcribers accustomed to <list-reply> to further discuss out of bug-any.
Probably original "To:" should be preserved.

 · Those followups to bug-any are noted in audit trail of the bug, and
redistributed to mutt-dev only. They should probably also go to the
submitter, if not to all interested parties.

 · "Subject" gets prepended with mutt/nnn, when it already contained

 · "Content-Type:" and "Content-Transfer-Encoding:" fields are lost.
Preserving them should help reading accented letters.

 · "Message-ID:" field is lost, replaced by an Exim default one on
trithemius. Probably keeping original ID would be better.

 · "References:" and "In-Reply-To:" fields are lost. Preserving them
would permit threads (even if msgid is still replaced).

 · The text lines in body have an evil space prepended.

 · Once everything in header is preserved, noone needs the pseudo header
at beginning of body anymore.

    Rereading this, I succeeded cutting out all perfid pro-Debbugs
remarks. The mail is 3 times smaller. Only now my ^X key has to be

Bye!    Alain.
How to Report Bugs Effectively