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Re: docbook?

On Friday, 29 July 2005 at 15:06, Brendan Cully wrote:
> On Wednesday, 27 July 2005 at 08:54, Brendan Cully wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 27 July 2005 at 10:44, David Champion wrote:
> > > I would propose that one person take existing documentation files and do
> > > any translation that can be done by script, producing something roughly
> > > approximating docbook.  Then he or she would parcel these files up into
> > > manageable chunks and hand them out to volunteers.  The volunteers
> > > could then send their parcels to a second-stage proofreader, who would
> > > pass them back to the first person to be reassembled.  This way it
> > > doesn't become an overwhelming task for one or two people, but something
> > > achievable by distributed means.
> > > 
> > > That first person would need to be familiar with docbook, though. :)
> > 
> > A lot of this can probably be done simply by running sgmltools -b
> > lb2db on the sgml files. Then the proofreading and hand tuning kicks
> > in. The other task is to rewrite makedoc to produce docbook
> > output. This is also probably pretty straightforward, but it does
> > require learning docbook first. I learned enough to be dangerous a
> > while ago, but have since forgotten it all...
> I've played around with this a little bit and it doesn't look like the
> ld2db output is quite functional. I'd have to dig into docbook a bit
> more to figure out how easily those errors can be resolved.

Here's a first draft. All I can say about it is it renders to HTML
(with xsltproc). It's not ready to replace the current system, and a
bunch of the cross-references are currently broken, but it's a
starting point. I think the rest of the work is going to end up being
manual. I'd also like to point out that I really have no idea what I'm
doing with docbook.
diff -r e1ed910b6103 doc/manual.sgml.head
--- a/doc/manual.sgml.head      Sat Jul 30 11:42:36 2005
+++ b/doc/manual.sgml.head      Fri Jul 29 23:04:50 2005
@@ -1,111 +1,224 @@
-<!doctype linuxdoc system>
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd";>
-<title>The Mutt E-Mail Client
-<author>by Michael Elkins <htmlurl url="mailto:me@xxxxxxxxxx"; 
-<date>version @VERSION@
-``All mail clients suck.  This one just sucks less.'' -me, circa 1995
-<bf/Mutt/ is a small but very powerful text-based MIME mail client.  Mutt is
+  <title>The Mutt E-Mail Client</title>
+  <author>
+    <firstname>Michael</firstname>
+    <surname>Elkins</surname>
+    <authorblurb>
+      <para>
+      <ulink url="mailto:me@xxxxxxxxxx";>&#60;me@xxxxxxxxxx&#62;</ulink>
+      </para>
+    </authorblurb>
+  </author>
+  <pubdate>version @VERSION@</pubdate>
+  <abstract>
+    <para>
+    ``All mail clients suck.  This one just sucks less.'' -me, circa 1995
+    </para>
+  </abstract>
+<emphasis remap="bf">Mutt</emphasis> is a small but very powerful text-based 
MIME mail client.  Mutt is
 highly configurable, and is well suited to the mail power user with advanced
 features like key bindings, keyboard macros, mail threading, regular
 expression searches and a powerful pattern matching language for selecting
 groups of messages.
-<sect1>Mutt Home Page
-<htmlurl url="http://www.mutt.org/";
-<sect1>Mailing Lists
+<title>Mutt Home Page</title>
+<title>Mailing Lists</title>
 To subscribe to one of the following mailing lists, send a message with the
-word <em/subscribe/ in the body to
-<item><htmlurl url="mailto:mutt-announce-request@xxxxxxxx";
-name="mutt-announce@xxxxxxxx"> -- low traffic list for announcements
-<item><htmlurl url="mailto:mutt-users-request@xxxxxxxx";
-name="mutt-users@xxxxxxxx"> -- help, bug reports and feature requests
-<item><htmlurl url="mailto:mutt-dev-request@xxxxxxxx"; 
name="mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx"> -- development mailing list
-<bf/Note:/ all messages posted to <em/mutt-announce/ are automatically
-forwarded to <em/mutt-users/, so you do not need to be subscribed to both
+word <emphasis>subscribe</emphasis> in the body to
+<literal remap="tt">list-name</literal><emphasis>-request</emphasis><literal 
+> -- low traffic list for announcements
+> -- help, bug reports and feature requests
+> -- development mailing list
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> all messages posted to 
<emphasis>mutt-announce</emphasis> are automatically
+forwarded to <emphasis>mutt-users</emphasis>, so you do not need to be 
subscribed to both
-<sect1>Software Distribution Sites
-<item><htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.mutt.org/mutt/";
-For a list of mirror sites, please refer to <htmlurl
-Visit channel <em/#mutt/ on <htmlurl
-url="http://www.freenode.net/"; name="irc.freenode.net
-(www.freenode.net)"> to chat with other people interested in Mutt.
-See the newsgroup <htmlurl url="news:comp.mail.mutt"; name="comp.mail.mutt">.
+<title>Software Distribution Sites</title>
+For a list of mirror sites, please refer to <ulink
+Visit channel <emphasis>&num;mutt</emphasis> on <ulink
+>irc.freenode.net (www.freenode.net)</ulink
+> to chat with other people interested in Mutt.
+See the newsgroup <ulink
 Mutt is Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins
 &lt;me@xxxxxxxxxx&gt; and others
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
-<sect>Getting Started
+<title>Getting Started</title>
 This section is intended as a brief overview of how to use Mutt.  There are
 many other features which are described elsewhere in the manual.  There
 is even more information available in the Mutt FAQ and various web
-pages.  See the <htmlurl url="http://www.mutt.org/mutt/";
-name="Mutt Page"> for more details.
+pages.  See the <ulink
+>Mutt Page</ulink
+> for more details.
 The keybindings described in this section are the defaults as distributed.
 Your local system administrator may have altered the defaults for your site.
 You can always type ``?'' in any menu to display the current bindings.
 The first thing you need to do is invoke mutt, simply by typing mutt
 at the command line.  There are various command-line options, see 
-either the mutt man page or the <ref id="commandline" name="reference">.
-<sect1>Moving Around in Menus
+either the mutt man page or the <xref linkend="commandline"/>.
+<title>Moving Around in Menus</title>
 Information is presented in menus, very similar to ELM.  Here is a table
 showing the common keys used to navigate menus in Mutt.
 j or Down       next-entry      move to the next entry
 k or Up         previous-entry  move to the previous entry
 z or PageDn     page-down       go to the next page
@@ -114,60 +227,84 @@
 * or End        last-entry      jump to the last entry
 q               quit            exit the current menu
 ?               help            list all keybindings for the current menu
-<sect1>Editing Input Fields<label id="editing">
+<sect2 id="editing">
+<title>Editing Input Fields</title>
 Mutt has a builtin line editor which is used as the primary way to input
 textual data such as email addresses or filenames.  The keys used to move
 around while editing are very similar to those of Emacs.
-^A or <Home>    bol             move to the start of the line
-^B or <Left>    backward-char   move back one char
+^A or &#60;Home&#62;    bol             move to the start of the line
+^B or &#60;Left&#62;    backward-char   move back one char
 Esc B          backward-word   move back one word
-^D or <Delete>  delete-char     delete the char under the cursor
-^E or <End>     eol             move to the end of the line
-^F or <Right>   forward-char    move forward one char
+^D or &#60;Delete&#62;  delete-char     delete the char under the cursor
+^E or &#60;End&#62;     eol             move to the end of the line
+^F or &#60;Right&#62;   forward-char    move forward one char
 Esc F          forward-word    move forward one word
-<Tab>           complete        complete filename or alias
+&#60;Tab&#62;           complete        complete filename or alias
 ^T              complete-query  complete address with query
 ^K              kill-eol        delete to the end of the line
 ESC d          kill-eow        delete to the end ot the word
 ^W              kill-word       kill the word in front of the cursor
 ^U              kill-line       delete entire line
 ^V              quote-char      quote the next typed key
-<Up>            history-up      recall previous string from history
-<Down>          history-down    recall next string from history
-<BackSpace>     backspace       kill the char in front of the cursor
+&#60;Up&#62;            history-up      recall previous string from history
+&#60;Down&#62;          history-down    recall next string from history
+&#60;BackSpace&#62;     backspace       kill the char in front of the cursor
 Esc u          upcase-word     convert word to upper case
 Esc l          downcase-word   convert word to lower case
 Esc c          capitalize-word capitalize the word
 ^G              n/a             abort
-<Return>        n/a             finish editing
-You can remap the <em/editor/ functions using the <ref id="bind" name="bind">
-command.  For example, to make the <em/Delete/ key delete the character in
+&#60;Return&#62;        n/a             finish editing
+You can remap the <emphasis>editor</emphasis> functions using the
+<xref linkend="bind"/>
+command.  For example, to make the <emphasis>Delete</emphasis> key delete the 
character in
 front of the cursor rather than under, you could use
-<tt/bind editor &lt;delete&gt; backspace/
-<sect1>Reading Mail - The Index and Pager
+<literal remap="tt">bind editor &lt;delete&gt; backspace</literal>
+<title>Reading Mail - The Index and Pager</title>
 Similar to many other mail clients, there are two modes in which mail is
 read in Mutt.  The first is the index of messages in the mailbox, which is
 called the ``index'' in Mutt.  The second mode is the display of the
 message contents.  This is called the ``pager.''
 The next few sections describe the functions provided in each of these
-<sect2>The Message Index
+<title>The Message Index</title>
 c               change to a different mailbox
 ESC c           change to a folder in read-only mode
 C               copy the current message to another mailbox
@@ -189,68 +326,212 @@
 u               undelete-message
 v               view-attachments
 x               abort changes and exit
-<Return>        display-message
-<Tab>           jump to the next new message
+&#60;Return&#62;        display-message
+&#60;Tab&#62;           jump to the next new message
 @               show the author's full e-mail address
 $               save changes to mailbox
 /               search
 ESC /           search-reverse
 ^L              clear and redraw the screen
 ^T              untag messages matching a pattern
-<sect3>Status Flags
+<title>Status Flags</title>
 In addition to who sent the message and the subject, a short summary of
 the disposition of each message is printed beside the message number.
 Zero or more of the following ``flags'' may appear, which mean:
-<tag/D/ message is deleted (is marked for deletion)
-<tag/d/ message have attachments marked for deletion
-<tag/K/ contains a PGP public key
-<tag/N/ message is new
-<tag/O/ message is old
-<tag/P/ message is PGP encrypted
-<tag/r/ message has been replied to
-<tag/S/ message is signed, and the signature is succesfully verified
-<tag/s/ message is signed
-<tag/!/ message is flagged
-<tag/*/ message is tagged
+message is deleted (is marked for deletion)
+message have attachments marked for deletion
+contains a PGP public key
+message is new
+message is old
+message is PGP encrypted
+message has been replied to
+message is signed, and the signature is succesfully verified
+message is signed
+message is flagged
+message is tagged
 Some of the status flags can be turned on or off using
-<item><bf/set-flag/ (default: w)
-<item><bf/clear-flag/ (default: W)
+<emphasis remap="bf">set-flag</emphasis> (default: w)
+<emphasis remap="bf">clear-flag</emphasis> (default: W)
 Furthermore, the following flags reflect who the message is addressed
 to.  They can be customized with the
-<ref id="to_chars" name="&dollar;to&lowbar;chars"> variable.
-<tag/+/ message is to you and you only
-<tag/T/ message is to you, but also to or cc'ed to others
-<tag/C/ message is cc'ed to you
-<tag/F/ message is from you
-<tag/L/ message is sent to a subscribed mailing list
-<sect2>The Pager
+<xref LinkEnd="to-chars"/> variable.
+message is to you and you only
+message is to you, but also to or cc'ed to others
+message is cc'ed to you
+message is from you
+message is sent to a subscribed mailing list
+<title>The Pager</title>
 By default, Mutt uses its builtin pager to display the body of messages.
-The pager is very similar to the Unix program <em/less/ though not nearly as
+The pager is very similar to the Unix program <emphasis>less</emphasis> though 
not nearly as
-<Return>        go down one line
-<Space>         display the next page (or next message if at the end of a 
+&#60;Return&#62;        go down one line
+&#60;Space&#62;         display the next page (or next message if at the end 
of a message)
 -               go back to the previous page
 n               search for next match
 S               skip beyond quoted text
@@ -260,27 +541,36 @@
 ESC /           search backwards for a regular expression
 \               toggle search pattern coloring
 ^               jump to the top of the message
-In addition, many of the functions from the <em/index/ are available in
-the pager, such as <em/delete-message/ or <em/copy-message/ (this is one
+In addition, many of the functions from the <emphasis>index</emphasis> are 
available in
+the pager, such as <emphasis>delete-message</emphasis> or 
<emphasis>copy-message</emphasis> (this is one
 advantage over using an external pager to view messages).
 Also, the internal pager supports a couple other advanced features. For
 one, it will accept and translate the ``standard'' nroff sequences for
 bold and underline. These sequences are a series of either the letter,
-backspace (^H), the letter again for bold or the letter, backspace,
+backspace (&circ;H), the letter again for bold or the letter, backspace,
 ``&lowbar;'' for denoting underline. Mutt will attempt to display these
 in bold and underline respectively if your terminal supports them. If
-not, you can use the bold and underline <ref id="color" name="color">
+not, you can use the bold and underline <xref LinkEnd="color"/>
 objects to specify a color or mono attribute for them.
 Additionally, the internal pager supports the ANSI escape sequences for
 character attributes.  Mutt translates them into the correct color and
 character settings.  The sequences Mutt supports are:
 ESC [ Ps;Ps;Ps;...;Ps m
 where Ps =
 0    All Attributes Off
@@ -300,20 +590,31 @@
 5    magenta
 6    cyan
 7    white
 Mutt uses these attributes for handling text/enriched messages, and they
-can also be used by an external <ref id="auto_view" name="autoview">
-script for highlighting purposes.  <bf/Note:/ If you change the colors for your
+can also be used by an external <xref LinkEnd="auto-view"/>
+script for highlighting purposes.  <emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> If 
you change the colors for your
 display, for example by changing the color associated with color2 for
 your xterm, then that color will be used instead of green.
-<sect2>Threaded Mode<label id="threads">
-When the mailbox is <ref id="sort" name="sorted"> by <em/threads/, there are
-a few additional functions available in the <em/index/ and <em/pager/ modes.
+<sect3 id="threads">
+<title>Threaded Mode</title>
+When the mailbox is <xref LinkEnd="sort"/> by <emphasis>threads</emphasis>, 
there are
+a few additional functions available in the <emphasis>index</emphasis> and 
<emphasis>pager</emphasis> modes.
 ^D      delete-thread           delete all messages in the current thread
 ^U      undelete-thread         undelete all messages in the current thread
 ^N      next-thread             jump to the start of the next thread
@@ -328,148 +629,228 @@
 ESC v  collapse-thread         toggle collapse for the current thread
 ESC V  collapse-all            toggle collapse for all threads
 P       parent-message          jump to parent message in thread
-<bf/Note:/ Collapsing a thread displays only the first message
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> Collapsing a thread displays only the 
first message
 in the thread and hides the others. This is useful when threads
 contain so many messages that you can only see a handful of threads on
-the screen. See %M in <ref 
-For example, you could use "&percnt;?M?(#&percnt;03M)&amp;(&percnt;4l)?" in 
-id="index_format"name="&dollar;index&lowbar;format"> to optionally
+the screen. See &percnt;M in <xref LinkEnd="index-format"/>.
+For example, you could use "&percnt;?M?(&num;&percnt;03M)&amp;(&percnt;4l)?" 
in <xref LinkEnd="index-format"/> to optionally
 display the number of hidden messages if the thread is collapsed.
-See also: <ref id="strict_threads" name="&dollar;strict&lowbar;threads">.
-<sect2>Miscellaneous Functions
-<p><bf/create-alias/<label id="create-alias"> (default: a)<newline>
+See also: <xref LinkEnd="strict-threads"/>.
+<title>Miscellaneous Functions</title>
+<emphasis remap="bf">create-alias</emphasis><anchor id="create-alias"/> 
(default: a)
 Creates a new alias based upon the current message (or prompts for a
-new one).  Once editing is complete, an <ref id="alias" name="alias">
-command is added to the file specified by the <ref id="alias_file"
-name="&dollar;alias&lowbar;file"> variable for future use. <bf/Note:/
-Specifying an <ref id="alias_file" name="&dollar;alias&lowbar;file">
-does not add the aliases specified there-in, you must also <ref
-id="source" name="source"> the file.
-<p><bf/check-traditional-pgp/<label id="check-traditional-pgp"> (default: ESC 
+new one).  Once editing is complete, an <xref LinkEnd="alias"/>
+command is added to the file specified by the <xref LinkEnd="alias-file"/> 
variable for future use. <emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis>
+Specifying an <xref LinkEnd="alias-file"/>
+does not add the aliases specified there-in, you must also <xref 
LinkEnd="source"/> the file.
+<emphasis remap="bf">check-traditional-pgp</emphasis><anchor 
id="check-traditional-pgp"/> (default: ESC P)
 This function will search the current message for content signed or
 encrypted with PGP the "traditional" way, that is, without proper
 MIME tagging.  Technically, this function will temporarily change
 the MIME content types of the body parts containing PGP data; this
-is similar to the <ref id="edit-type" name="edit-type"> function's
+is similar to the <xref LinkEnd="edit-type"/> function's
-<p><bf/display-toggle-weed/<label id="display-toggle-weed"> (default: 
-Toggles the weeding of message header fields specified by <ref id="ignore"
-name="ignore"> commands.
-<p><bf/edit/<label id="edit"> (default: e)<newline>
+<emphasis remap="bf">display-toggle-weed</emphasis><anchor 
id="display-toggle-weed"/> (default: h)
+Toggles the weeding of message header fields specified by <xref 
LinkEnd="ignore"/> commands.
+<emphasis remap="bf">edit</emphasis><anchor id="edit"/> (default: e)
 This command (available in the ``index'' and ``pager'') allows you to
 edit the raw current message as it's present in the mail folder.
 After you have finished editing, the changed message will be
 appended to the current folder, and the original message will be
 marked for deletion.
-<p><bf/edit-type/<label id="edit-type"><newline>
-(default: ^E on the attachment menu, and in the pager and index menus; ^T on 
+<emphasis remap="bf">edit-type</emphasis><anchor id="edit-type"/>
+(default: &circ;E on the attachment menu, and in the pager and index menus; 
&circ;T on the
 compose menu)
 This command is used to temporarily edit an attachment's content
 type to fix, for instance, bogus character set parameters.  When
 invoked from the index or from the pager, you'll have the
 opportunity to edit the top-level attachment's content type.  On the
-<ref id="attach_menu" name="attachment menu">, you can change any
+<xref LinkEnd="attach-menu"/>, you can change any
 attachment's content type. These changes are not persistent, and get
 lost upon changing folders.
-Note that this command is also available on the <ref
-id="compose_menu" name="compose menu">.  There, it's used to
+Note that this command is also available on the <xref 
LinkEnd="compose-menu"/>.  There, it's used to
 fine-tune the properties of attachments you are going to send.
-<p><bf/enter-command/<label id="enter-command"> (default: ``:'')<newline>
+<emphasis remap="bf">enter-command</emphasis><anchor id="enter-command"/> 
(default: ``:'')
 This command is used to execute any command you would normally put in a
 configuration file.  A common use is to check the settings of variables, or
-in conjunction with <ref id="macro" name="macros"> to change settings on the
+in conjunction with <xref LinkEnd="macro"/> to change settings on the
-<p><bf/extract-keys/<label id="extract-keys"> (default: ^K)<newline>
+<emphasis remap="bf">extract-keys</emphasis><anchor id="extract-keys"/> 
(default: &circ;K)
 This command extracts PGP public keys from the current or tagged
 message(s) and adds them to your PGP public key ring.
-<p><bf/forget-passphrase/<label id="forget-passphrase"> (default:
+<emphasis remap="bf">forget-passphrase</emphasis><anchor 
id="forget-passphrase"/> (default:
 This command wipes the passphrase(s) from memory. It is useful, if
 you misspelled the passphrase.
-<p><bf/list-reply/<label id="list-reply"> (default: L)<newline>
+<emphasis remap="bf">list-reply</emphasis><anchor id="list-reply"/> (default: 
 Reply to the current or tagged message(s) by extracting any addresses which
-match the regular expressions given by the <ref id="lists" name="lists or 
-commands, but also honor any <tt/Mail-Followup-To/ header(s) if the
-<ref id="honor_followup_to" name="&dollar;honor&lowbar;followup&lowbar;to">
+match the regular expressions given by the <xref LinkEnd="lists"/>
+commands, but also honor any <literal remap="tt">Mail-Followup-To</literal> 
header(s) if the
+<xref LinkEnd="honor-followup-to"/>
 configuration variable is set.  Using this when replying to messages posted
 to mailing lists helps avoid duplicate copies being sent to the author of
 the message you are replying to.
-<bf/pipe-message/<label id="pipe-message"> (default: |)<newline>
+<emphasis remap="bf">pipe-message</emphasis><anchor id="pipe-message"/> 
(default: &verbar;)
 Asks for an external Unix command and pipes the current or
-tagged message(s) to it.  The variables <ref id="pipe_decode"
-name="&dollar;pipe&lowbar;decode">, <ref id="pipe_split"
-name="&dollar;pipe&lowbar;split">, <ref id="pipe_sep"
-name="&dollar;pipe&lowbar;sep"> and <ref id="wait_key"
-name="&dollar;wait&lowbar;key"> control the exact behaviour of this
+tagged message(s) to it.  The variables <xref LinkEnd="pipe-decode"/>, <xref 
LinkEnd="pipe-split"/>, <xref LinkEnd="pipe-sep"/> and <xref 
LinkEnd="wait-key"/> control the exact behaviour of this
-<bf/resend-message/<label id="resend-message"> (default: ESC e)<newline>
+<emphasis remap="bf">resend-message</emphasis><anchor id="resend-message"/> 
(default: ESC e)
 With resend-message, mutt takes the current message as a template for a
 new message.  This function is best described as "recall from arbitrary
 folders".  It can conveniently be used to forward MIME messages while
 preserving the original mail structure. Note that the amount of headers
-included here depends on the value of the <ref id="weed" name="&dollar;weed">
+included here depends on the value of the <xref LinkEnd="weed"/>
 This function is also available from the attachment menu. You can use this
 to easily resend a message which was included with a bounce message
 as a message/rfc822 body part.
-<bf/shell-escape/<label id="shell-escape"> (default: !)<newline>
-Asks for an external Unix command and executes it.  The <ref
-id="wait_key" name="&dollar;wait&lowbar;key"> can be used to control
+<emphasis remap="bf">shell-escape</emphasis><anchor id="shell-escape"/> 
(default: !)
+Asks for an external Unix command and executes it.  The <xref 
LinkEnd="wait-key"/> can be used to control
 whether Mutt will wait for a key to be pressed when the command returns
 (presumably to let the user read the output of the command), based on
 the return status of the named command.
-<bf/toggle-quoted/<label id="toggle-quoted"> (default: T)<newline>
-The <em/pager/ uses the <ref id="quote_regexp"
-name="&dollar;quote&lowbar;regexp"> variable to detect quoted text when
+<emphasis remap="bf">toggle-quoted</emphasis><anchor id="toggle-quoted"/> 
(default: T)
+The <emphasis>pager</emphasis> uses the <xref LinkEnd="quote-regexp"/> 
variable to detect quoted text when
 displaying the body of the message.  This function toggles the display
 of the quoted material in the message.  It is particularly useful when
 are interested in just the response and there is a large amount of
 quoted text in the way.
-<bf/skip-quoted/<label id="skip-quoted"> (default: S)<newline>
+<emphasis remap="bf">skip-quoted</emphasis><anchor id="skip-quoted"/> 
(default: S)
 This function will go to the next line of non-quoted text which come
 after a line of quoted text in the internal pager.
-<sect1>Sending Mail
-The following bindings are available in the <em/index/ for sending
+<title>Sending Mail</title>
+The following bindings are available in the <emphasis>index</emphasis> for 
 m       compose         compose a new message
 r       reply           reply to sender
 g       group-reply     reply to all recipients
@@ -477,41 +858,43 @@
 f       forward         forward message
 b       bounce          bounce (remail) message
 ESC k   mail-key        mail a PGP public key to someone
 Bouncing a message sends the message as is to the recipient you
 specify.  Forwarding a message allows you to add comments or
 modify the message you are forwarding.  These items are discussed
-in greater detail in the next chapter <ref id="forwarding_mail"
-name="``Forwarding and Bouncing Mail''">.
-Mutt will then enter the <em/compose/ menu and prompt you for the
+in greater detail in the next chapter <xref LinkEnd="forwarding-mail"/>.
+Mutt will then enter the <emphasis>compose</emphasis> menu and prompt you for 
 recipients to place on the ``To:'' header field.  Next, it will ask
 you for the ``Subject:'' field for the message, providing a default if
-you are replying to or forwarding a message.  See also <ref id="askcc"
-name="&dollar;askcc">, <ref id="askbcc" name="&dollar;askbcc">, <ref
-id="autoedit" name="&dollar;autoedit">, <ref id="bounce"
-name="&dollar;bounce">, and <ref id="fast_reply"
-name="&dollar;fast&lowbar;reply"> for changing how Mutt asks these
+you are replying to or forwarding a message.  See also <xref 
LinkEnd="askcc"/>, <xref LinkEnd="askbcc"/>, <xref LinkEnd="autoedit"/>, <xref 
LinkEnd="bounce"/>, and <xref LinkEnd="fast-reply"/> for changing how Mutt asks 
-Mutt will then automatically start your <ref id="editor"
-name="&dollar;editor"> on the message body.  If the <ref id="edit_headers"
-name="&dollar;edit&lowbar;headers"> variable is set, the headers will be at
+Mutt will then automatically start your <xref LinkEnd="editor"/> on the 
message body.  If the <xref LinkEnd="edit-headers"/> variable is set, the 
headers will be at
 the top of the message in your editor.  Any messages you are replying
-to will be added in sort order to the message, with appropriate <ref
-id="attribution" name="&dollar;attribution">, <ref id="indent_string"
-name="&dollar;indent&lowbar;string"> and <ref id="post_indent_string"
-name="&dollar;post&lowbar;indent&lowbar;string">.  When forwarding a
-message, if the <ref id="mime_forward" name="&dollar;mime&lowbar;forward">
+to will be added in sort order to the message, with appropriate <xref 
LinkEnd="attribution"/>, <xref LinkEnd="indent-string"/> and <xref 
LinkEnd="post-indent-string"/>.  When forwarding a
+message, if the <xref LinkEnd="mime-forward"/>
 variable is unset, a copy of the forwarded message will be included.  If
-you have specified a <ref id="signature" name="&dollar;signature">, it
+you have specified a <xref LinkEnd="signature"/>, it
 will be appended to the message.
 Once you have finished editing the body of your mail message, you are
-returned to the <em/compose/ menu.  The following options are available:
+returned to the <emphasis>compose</emphasis> menu.  The following options are 
 a       attach-file             attach a file
 A      attach-message          attach message(s) to the message
 ESC k   attach-key              attach a PGP public key
@@ -532,48 +915,75 @@
 w      write-fcc               write the message to a folder
 i       ispell                  check spelling (if available on your system)
 ^F      forget-passphrase       wipe passphrase(s) from memory
-<bf/Note:/ The attach-message function will prompt you for a folder to
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> The attach-message function will prompt 
you for a folder to
 attach messages from. You can now tag messages in that folder and they
 will be attached to the message you are sending. Note that certain
 operations like composing a new mail, replying, forwarding, etc. are
-not permitted when you are in that folder. The %r in <ref
-id="status_format" name="&dollar;status&lowbar;format"> will change to
+not permitted when you are in that folder. The &percnt;r in <xref 
LinkEnd="status-format"/> will change to
 a 'A' to indicate that you are in attach-message mode.
-<sect2>Editing the message header
+<title>Editing the message header</title>
 When editing the header of your outgoing message, there are a couple of
 special features available.
-If you specify<newline>
-<tt/Fcc:/ <em/filename/<newline>
-Mutt will pick up <em/filename/
-just as if you had used the <em/edit-fcc/ function in the <em/compose/ menu.
-You can also attach files to your message by specifying<newline>
-<tt/Attach:/ <em/filename/  &lsqb; <em/description/ &rsqb;<newline>
-where <em/filename/ is the file to attach and <em/description/ is an
+If you specify
+<literal remap="tt">Fcc:</literal> <emphasis>filename</emphasis>
+Mutt will pick up <emphasis>filename</emphasis>
+just as if you had used the <emphasis>edit-fcc</emphasis> function in the 
<emphasis>compose</emphasis> menu.
+You can also attach files to your message by specifying
+<literal remap="tt">Attach:</literal> <emphasis>filename</emphasis>  &lsqb; 
<emphasis>description</emphasis> &rsqb;
+where <emphasis>filename</emphasis> is the file to attach and 
<emphasis>description</emphasis> is an
 optional string to use as the description of the attached file.
-When replying to messages, if you remove the <em/In-Reply-To:/ field from
-the header field, Mutt will not generate a <em/References:/ field, which
+When replying to messages, if you remove the <emphasis>In-Reply-To:</emphasis> 
field from
+the header field, Mutt will not generate a <emphasis>References:</emphasis> 
field, which
 allows you to create a new message thread.
-Also see <ref id="edit_headers" name="edit&lowbar;headers">.
-<sect2>Using Mutt with PGP
+Also see <xref LinkEnd="edit-headers"/>.
+<title>Using Mutt with PGP</title>
 If you want to use PGP, you can specify 
-<tt/Pgp:/ &lsqb; <tt/E/ | <tt/S/ | <tt/S/<em/&lt;id&gt;/ &rsqb; <newline>
+<literal remap="tt">Pgp:</literal> &lsqb; <literal remap="tt">E</literal> 
&verbar; <literal remap="tt">S</literal> &verbar; <literal 
remap="tt">S</literal><emphasis>&lt;id&gt;</emphasis> &rsqb; 
 ``E'' encrypts, ``S'' signs and
-``S&lt;id&gt;'' signs with the given key, setting <ref
-id="pgp_sign_as" name="&dollar;pgp&lowbar;sign&lowbar;as"> permanently.
+``S&lt;id&gt;'' signs with the given key, setting <xref 
LinkEnd="pgp-sign-as"/> permanently.
 If you have told mutt to PGP encrypt a message, it will guide you
 through a key selection process when you try to send the message.
 Mutt will not ask you any questions about keys which have a
@@ -581,892 +991,1530 @@
 addresses.  However, there may be situations in which there are
 several keys, weakly certified user ID fields, or where no matching
 keys can be found.
 In these cases, you are dropped into a menu with a list of keys from
 which you can select one.  When you quit this menu, or mutt can't
 find any matching keys, you are prompted for a user ID.  You can, as
-usually, abort this prompt using <tt/^G/.  When you do so, mutt will
+usually, abort this prompt using <literal remap="tt">&circ;G</literal>.  When 
you do so, mutt will
 return to the compose screen.
 Once you have successfully finished the key selection, the message
 will be encrypted using the selected public keys, and sent out.
-Most fields of the entries in the key selection menu (see also <ref
-id="pgp_entry_format" name="&dollar;pgp&lowbar;entry&lowbar;format">) 
+Most fields of the entries in the key selection menu (see also <xref 
 have obvious meanings.  But some explanations on the capabilities, flags, 
 and validity fields are in order.
 The flags sequence (&percnt;f) will expand to one of the following flags:
 R            The key has been revoked and can't be used.
 X            The key is expired and can't be used.
 d            You have marked the key as disabled.
 c            There are unknown critical self-signature 
 The capabilities field (&percnt;c) expands to a two-character sequence
 representing a key's capabilities.  The first character gives
-the key's encryption capabilities: A minus sign (<bf/-/) means 
-that the key cannot be used for encryption.  A dot (<bf/./) means that
+the key's encryption capabilities: A minus sign (<emphasis 
remap="bf">-</emphasis>) means 
+that the key cannot be used for encryption.  A dot (<emphasis 
remap="bf">.</emphasis>) means that
 it's marked as a signature key in one of the user IDs, but may 
-also be used for encryption.  The letter <bf/e/ indicates that 
+also be used for encryption.  The letter <emphasis remap="bf">e</emphasis> 
indicates that 
 this key can be used for encryption.
 The second character indicates the key's signing capabilities.  Once 
-again, a ``<bf/-/'' implies ``not for signing'', ``<bf/./'' implies
+again, a ``<emphasis remap="bf">-</emphasis>'' implies ``not for signing'', 
``<emphasis remap="bf">.</emphasis>'' implies
 that the key is marked as an encryption key in one of the user-ids, and
-``<bf/s/'' denotes a key which can be used for signing.
-Finally, the validity field (%t) indicates how well-certified a user-id
-is.  A question mark (<bf/?/) indicates undefined validity, a minus 
-character (<bf/-/) marks an untrusted association, a space character 
-means a partially trusted association, and a plus character (<bf/+/) 
+``<emphasis remap="bf">s</emphasis>'' denotes a key which can be used for 
+Finally, the validity field (&percnt;t) indicates how well-certified a user-id
+is.  A question mark (<emphasis remap="bf">?</emphasis>) indicates undefined 
validity, a minus 
+character (<emphasis remap="bf">-</emphasis>) marks an untrusted association, 
a space character 
+means a partially trusted association, and a plus character (<emphasis 
 indicates complete validity.
-<sect2>Sending anonymous messages via mixmaster.
+<title>Sending anonymous messages via mixmaster.</title>
 You may also have configured mutt to co-operate with Mixmaster, an
 anonymous remailer.  Mixmaster permits you to send your messages
 anonymously using a chain of remailers. Mixmaster support in mutt is for 
 mixmaster version 2.04 (beta 45 appears to be the latest) and 2.03. 
 It does not support earlier versions or the later so-called version 3 betas, 
 of which the latest appears to be called 2.9b23.
 To use it, you'll have to obey certain restrictions.  Most
-important, you cannot use the <tt/Cc/ and <tt/Bcc/ headers.  To tell
+important, you cannot use the <literal remap="tt">Cc</literal> and <literal 
remap="tt">Bcc</literal> headers.  To tell
 Mutt to use mixmaster, you have to select a remailer chain, using
 the mix function on the compose menu.  
 The chain selection screen is divided into two parts.  In the
 (larger) upper part, you get a list of remailers you may use.  In
 the lower part, you see the currently selected chain of remailers.
-You can navigate in the chain using the <tt/chain-prev/ and
-<tt/chain-next/ functions, which are by default bound to the left
-and right arrows and to the <tt/h/ and <tt/l/ keys (think vi
+You can navigate in the chain using the <literal 
remap="tt">chain-prev</literal> and
+<literal remap="tt">chain-next</literal> functions, which are by default bound 
to the left
+and right arrows and to the <literal remap="tt">h</literal> and <literal 
remap="tt">l</literal> keys (think vi
 keyboard bindings).  To insert a remailer at the current chain
-position, use the <tt/insert/ function.  To append a remailer behind
-the current chain position, use <tt/select-entry/ or <tt/append/.
+position, use the <literal remap="tt">insert</literal> function.  To append a 
remailer behind
+the current chain position, use <literal remap="tt">select-entry</literal> or 
<literal remap="tt">append</literal>.
 You can also delete entries from the chain, using the corresponding
 function.  Finally, to abandon your changes, leave the menu, or
-<tt/accept/ them pressing (by default) the <tt/Return/ key.
+<literal remap="tt">accept</literal> them pressing (by default) the <literal 
remap="tt">Return</literal> key.
 Note that different remailers do have different capabilities,
 indicated in the &percnt;c entry of the remailer menu lines (see
-<ref id="mix_entry_format"
-name="&dollar;mix&lowbar;entry&lowbar;format">).  Most important is
+<xref LinkEnd="mix-entry-format"/>).  Most important is
 the ``middleman'' capability, indicated by a capital ``M'': This
 means that the remailer in question cannot be used as the final
 element of a chain, but will only forward messages to other
 mixmaster remailers.  For details on the other capabilities, please
 have a look at the mixmaster documentation.
-<sect1>Forwarding and Bouncing Mail<label id="forwarding_mail">
+<sect2 id="forwarding-mail">
+<title>Forwarding and Bouncing Mail</title>
 Bouncing and forwarding let you send an existing message to recipients
-that you specify.  Bouncing a message uses the <ref id="sendmail"
-name="sendmail"> command to send a copy to alternative addresses as if
+that you specify.  Bouncing a message uses the <xref LinkEnd="sendmail"/> 
command to send a copy to alternative addresses as if
 they were the message's original recipients.  Forwarding a message, on
 the other hand, allows you to modify the message before it is resent
 (for example, by adding your own comments).
 The following keys are bound by default:
 f       forward         forward message
 b       bounce          bounce (remail) message
 Forwarding can be done by including the original message in the new
 message's body (surrounded by indicating lines) or including it as a MIME
-attachment, depending on the value of the <ref id="mime_forward"
-name="&dollar;mime&lowbar;forward"> variable.  Decoding of attachments,
-like in the pager, can be controlled by the <ref id="forward_decode"
-name="&dollar;forward&lowbar;decode"> and <ref id="mime_forward_decode"
-name="&dollar;mime&lowbar;forward&lowbar;decode"> variables,
+attachment, depending on the value of the <xref LinkEnd="mime-forward"/> 
variable.  Decoding of attachments,
+like in the pager, can be controlled by the <xref LinkEnd="forward-decode"/> 
and <xref LinkEnd="mime-forward-decode"/> variables,
 respectively.  The desired forwarding format may depend on the content,
-therefore <em/&dollar;mime&lowbar;forward/ is a quadoption which, for
+therefore <emphasis>&dollar;mime&lowbar;forward</emphasis> is a quadoption 
which, for
 example, can be set to ``ask-no''.
 The inclusion of headers is controlled by the current setting of the
-<ref id="weed" name="&dollar;weed"> variable, unless <ref
-id="mime_forward" name="mime&lowbar;forward"> is set.
+<xref LinkEnd="weed"/> variable, unless <xref LinkEnd="mime-forward"/> is set.
 Editing the message to forward follows the same procedure as sending or
 replying to a message does.
-<sect1>Postponing Mail<label id="postponing_mail">
+<sect2 id="postponing-mail">
+<title>Postponing Mail</title>
 At times it is desirable to delay sending a message that you have
-already begun to compose.  When the <em/postpone-message/ function is
-used in the <em/compose/ menu, the body of your message and attachments
-are stored in the mailbox specified by the <ref id="postponed"
-name="&dollar;postponed"> variable.  This means that you can recall the
+already begun to compose.  When the <emphasis>postpone-message</emphasis> 
function is
+used in the <emphasis>compose</emphasis> menu, the body of your message and 
+are stored in the mailbox specified by the <xref LinkEnd="postponed"/> 
variable.  This means that you can recall the
 message even if you exit Mutt and then restart it at a later time.
 Once a message is postponed, there are several ways to resume it.  From the
-command line you can use the ``-p'' option, or if you <em/compose/ a new
-message from the <em/index/ or <em/pager/ you will be prompted if postponed
+command line you can use the ``-p'' option, or if you 
<emphasis>compose</emphasis> a new
+message from the <emphasis>index</emphasis> or <emphasis>pager</emphasis> you 
will be prompted if postponed
 messages exist.  If multiple messages are currently postponed, the
-<em/postponed/ menu will pop up and you can select which message you would
+<emphasis>postponed</emphasis> menu will pop up and you can select which 
message you would
 like to resume.
-<bf/Note:/ If you postpone a reply to a message, the reply setting of
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> If you postpone a reply to a message, 
the reply setting of
 the message is only updated when you actually finish the message and
 send it.  Also, you must be in the same folder with the message you
 replied to for the status of the message to be updated.
-See also the <ref id="postpone" name="&dollar;postpone"> quad-option.
+See also the <xref LinkEnd="postpone"/> quad-option.
 While the default configuration (or ``preferences'') make Mutt
 usable right out of the box, it is often desirable to tailor Mutt to
 suit your own tastes. When Mutt is first invoked, it will attempt to
 read the ``system'' configuration file (defaults set by your local
-system administrator), unless the ``-n'' <ref id="commandline"
-name="command line"> option is specified.  This file is typically
-<tt>/usr/local/share/mutt/Muttrc</tt> or <tt>/etc/Muttrc</tt>. Mutt
-will next look for a file named <tt>.muttrc</tt> in your home
+system administrator), unless the ``-n'' <xref LinkEnd="commandline"/> option 
is specified.  This file is typically
+<literal remap="tt">/usr/local/share/mutt/Muttrc</literal> or <literal 
remap="tt">/etc/Muttrc</literal>. Mutt
+will next look for a file named <literal remap="tt">.muttrc</literal> in your 
 directory.  If this file does not exist and your home directory has
-a subdirectory named <tt/.mutt/, mutt try to load a file named
-<tt>.muttrc</tt> is the file where you will usually place your <ref
- id="commands" name="commands"> to configure Mutt.
+a subdirectory named <literal remap="tt">.mutt</literal>, mutt try to load a 
file named
+<literal remap="tt">.mutt/muttrc</literal>. 
+<literal remap="tt">.muttrc</literal> is the file where you will usually place 
your <xref LinkEnd="commands"/> to configure Mutt.
 In addition, mutt supports version specific configuration files that are
 parsed instead of the default files as explained above.  For instance, if
-your system has a <tt/Muttrc-0.88/ file in the system configuration
+your system has a <literal remap="tt">Muttrc-0.88</literal> file in the system 
 directory, and you are running version 0.88 of mutt, this file will be
-sourced instead of the <tt/Muttrc/ file.  The same is true of the user
-configuration file, if you have a file <tt/.muttrc-0.88.6/ in your home
+sourced instead of the <literal remap="tt">Muttrc</literal> file.  The same is 
true of the user
+configuration file, if you have a file <literal 
remap="tt">.muttrc-0.88.6</literal> in your home
 directory, when you run mutt version 0.88.6, it will source this file
-instead of the default <tt/.muttrc/ file.  The version number is the
-same which is visible using the ``-v'' <ref id="commandline"
-name="command line"> switch or using the <tt/show-version/ key (default:
+instead of the default <literal remap="tt">.muttrc</literal> file.  The 
version number is the
+same which is visible using the ``-v'' <xref LinkEnd="commandline"/> switch or 
using the <literal remap="tt">show-version</literal> key (default:
 V) from the index menu.
-<sect1>Syntax of Initialization Files<label id="muttrc-syntax">
-An initialization file consists of a series of <ref id="commands"
-name="commands">.  Each line of the file may contain one or more commands.
+<sect2 id="muttrc-syntax">
+<title>Syntax of Initialization Files</title>
+An initialization file consists of a series of <xref LinkEnd="commands"/>.  
Each line of the file may contain one or more commands.
 When multiple commands are used, they must be separated by a semicolon (;).
 set realname='Mutt user' ; ignore x-
 The hash mark, or pound sign
 (``&num;''), is used as a ``comment'' character. You can use it to
 annotate your initialization file. All text after the comment character
 to the end of the line is ignored. For example,
 my_hdr X-Disclaimer: Why are you listening to me? &num; This is a comment
-Single quotes (') and double quotes (&dquot;) can be used to quote strings
+Single quotes (') and double quotes (&quot;) can be used to quote strings
 which contain spaces or other special characters.  The difference between
 the two types of quotes is similar to that of many popular shell programs,
 namely that a single quote is used to specify a literal string (one that is
 not interpreted for shell variables or quoting with a backslash &lsqb;see
 next paragraph&rsqb;), while double quotes indicate a string for which
 should be evaluated.  For example, backtics are evaluated inside of double
-quotes, but <bf/not/ for single quotes.
+quotes, but <emphasis remap="bf">not</emphasis> for single quotes.
 &bsol; quotes the next character, just as in shells such as bash and zsh.
-For example, if want to put quotes ``&dquot;'' inside of a string, you can use
+For example, if want to put quotes ``&quot;'' inside of a string, you can use
 ``&bsol;'' to force the next character to be a literal instead of interpreted
 set realname="Michael \"MuttDude\" Elkins"
 ``&bsol;&bsol;'' means to insert a literal ``&bsol;'' into the line.
 ``&bsol;n'' and ``&bsol;r'' have their usual C meanings of linefeed and
 carriage-return, respectively.
 A &bsol; at the end of a line can be used to split commands over
 multiple lines, provided that the split points don't appear in the
 middle of command names.
 It is also possible to substitute the output of a Unix command in an
 initialization file.  This is accomplished by enclosing the command in
 backquotes (``).  For example,
 my_hdr X-Operating-System: `uname -a`
 The output of the Unix command ``uname -a'' will be substituted before the
 line is parsed.  Note that since initialization files are line oriented, only
 the first line of output from the Unix command will be substituted.
 UNIX environments can be accessed like the way it is done in shells like
 sh and bash: Prepend the name of the environment by a ``&dollar;''.  For
 set record=+sent_on_$HOSTNAME
 The commands understood by mutt are explained in the next paragraphs.
-For a complete list, see the <ref id="commands" name="command reference">.
-<sect1>Defining/Using aliases<label id="alias">
-Usage: <tt/alias/ <em/key/ <em/address/ &lsqb; , <em/address/, ... &rsqb;
+For a complete list, see the <xref LinkEnd="commands"/>.
+<sect2 id="alias">
+<title>Defining/Using aliases</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">alias</literal> <emphasis>key</emphasis> 
<emphasis>address</emphasis> &lsqb; , <emphasis>address</emphasis>, ... &rsqb;
 It's usually very cumbersome to remember or type out the address of someone
 you are communicating with.  Mutt allows you to create ``aliases'' which map
 a short string to a full address.
-<bf/Note:/ if you want to create an alias for a group (by specifying more than
-one address), you <bf/must/ separate the addresses with a comma (``,'').
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> if you want to create an alias for a 
group (by specifying more than
+one address), you <emphasis remap="bf">must</emphasis> separate the addresses 
with a comma (``,'').
 To remove an alias or aliases (``*'' means all aliases):
-<tt/unalias/ &lsqb; * | <em/key/ <em/.../ &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt">unalias</literal> &lsqb; * &verbar; 
<emphasis>key</emphasis> <emphasis>...</emphasis> &rsqb;
 alias muttdude me@xxxxxxxxxx (Michael Elkins)
 alias theguys manny, moe, jack
 Unlike other mailers, Mutt doesn't require aliases to be defined
-in a special file.  The <tt/alias/ command can appear anywhere in
-a configuration file, as long as this file is <ref id="source"
-name="sourced">.  Consequently, you can have multiple alias files, or
+in a special file.  The <literal remap="tt">alias</literal> command can appear 
anywhere in
+a configuration file, as long as this file is <xref LinkEnd="source"/>.  
Consequently, you can have multiple alias files, or
 you can have all aliases defined in your muttrc.
-On the other hand, the <ref id="create-alias" name="create-alias">
-function can use only one file, the one pointed to by the <ref
-id="alias_file" name="&dollar;alias&lowbar;file"> variable (which is
-<tt>&tilde;/.muttrc</tt> by default). This file is not special either,
+On the other hand, the <xref LinkEnd="create-alias"/>
+function can use only one file, the one pointed to by the <xref 
LinkEnd="alias-file"/> variable (which is
+<literal remap="tt">&tilde;/.muttrc</literal> by default). This file is not 
special either,
 in the sense that Mutt will happily append aliases to any file, but in
-order for the new aliases to take effect you need to explicitly <ref
-id="source" name="source"> this file too.
+order for the new aliases to take effect you need to explicitly <xref 
LinkEnd="source"/> this file too.
 For example:
 source /usr/local/share/Mutt.aliases
 source ~/.mail_aliases
 set alias_file=~/.mail_aliases
 To use aliases, you merely use the alias at any place in mutt where mutt
-prompts for addresses, such as the <em/To:/ or <em/Cc:/ prompt.  You can
+prompts for addresses, such as the <emphasis>To:</emphasis> or 
<emphasis>Cc:</emphasis> prompt.  You can
 also enter aliases in your editor at the appropriate headers if you have the
-<ref id="edit_headers" name="&dollar;edit&lowbar;headers"> variable set.
+<xref LinkEnd="edit-headers"/> variable set.
 In addition, at the various address prompts, you can use the tab character
 to expand a partial alias to the full alias.  If there are multiple matches,
 mutt will bring up a menu with the matching aliases.  In order to be
 presented with the full list of aliases, you must hit tab with out a partial
 alias, such as at the beginning of the prompt or after a comma denoting
 multiple addresses.
 In the alias menu, you can select as many aliases as you want with the
-<em/select-entry/ key (default: RET), and use the <em/exit/ key
+<emphasis>select-entry</emphasis> key (default: RET), and use the 
<emphasis>exit</emphasis> key
 (default: q) to return to the address prompt.
-<sect1>Changing the default key bindings<label id="bind">
-Usage: <tt/bind/ <em/map/ <em/key/ <em/function/
+<sect2 id="bind">
+<title>Changing the default key bindings</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">bind</literal> <emphasis>map</emphasis> 
<emphasis>key</emphasis> <emphasis>function</emphasis>
 This command allows you to change the default key bindings (operation
 invoked when pressing a key).
-<em/map/ specifies in which menu the binding belongs.  Multiple maps may
+<emphasis>map</emphasis> specifies in which menu the binding belongs.  
Multiple maps may
 be specified by separating them with commas (no additional whitespace is
 allowed). The currently defined maps are:
-<label id="maps">
+<anchor id="maps"/>
 This is not a real menu, but is used as a fallback for all of the other
 menus except for the pager and editor modes.  If a key is not defined in
 another menu, Mutt will look for a binding to use in this menu.  This allows
 you to bind a key to a certain function in multiple menus instead of having
 multiple bind statements to accomplish the same task.
 The alias menu is the list of your personal aliases as defined in your
 muttrc.  It is the mapping from a short alias name to the full email
 address(es) of the recipient(s).
 The attachment menu is used to access the attachments on received messages.
 The browser is used for both browsing the local directory structure, and for
 listing all of your incoming mailboxes.
 The editor is the line-based editor the user enters text data.
 The index is the list of messages contained in a mailbox.
 The compose menu is the screen used when sending a new message.
 The pager is the mode used to display message/attachment data, and help
 The pgp menu is used to select the OpenPGP keys used for encrypting outgoing
 The postpone menu is similar to the index menu, except is used when
 recalling a message the user was composing, but saved until later.
-<em/key/ is the key (or key sequence) you wish to bind.  To specify a
-control character, use the sequence <em/&bsol;Cx/, where <em/x/ is the
+<emphasis>key</emphasis> is the key (or key sequence) you wish to bind.  To 
specify a
+control character, use the sequence <emphasis>&bsol;Cx</emphasis>, where 
<emphasis>x</emphasis> is the
 letter of the control character (for example, to specify control-A use
-``&bsol;Ca'').  Note that the case of <em/x/ as well as <em/&bsol;C/ is
-ignored, so that <em/&bsol;CA/, <em/&bsol;Ca/, <em/&bsol;cA/ and <em/&bsol;ca/ 
are all
+``&bsol;Ca'').  Note that the case of <emphasis>x</emphasis> as well as 
<emphasis>&bsol;C</emphasis> is
+ignored, so that <emphasis>&bsol;CA</emphasis>, <emphasis>&bsol;Ca</emphasis>, 
<emphasis>&bsol;cA</emphasis> and <emphasis>&bsol;ca</emphasis> are all
 equivalent.  An alternative form is to specify the key as a three digit
-octal number prefixed with a ``&bsol;'' (for example <em/&bsol;177/ is
-equivalent to <em/&bsol;c?/).
-In addition, <em/key/ may consist of:
+octal number prefixed with a ``&bsol;'' (for example 
<emphasis>&bsol;177</emphasis> is
+equivalent to <emphasis>&bsol;c?</emphasis>).
+In addition, <emphasis>key</emphasis> may consist of:
 \t              tab
-<tab>           tab
+&#60;tab&#62;           tab
 \r              carriage return
 \n              newline
 \e              escape
-<esc>           escape
-<up>            up arrow
-<down>          down arrow
-<left>          left arrow
-<right>         right arrow
-<pageup>        Page Up
-<pagedown>      Page Down
-<backspace>     Backspace
-<delete>        Delete
-<insert>        Insert
-<enter>         Enter
-<return>        Return
-<home>          Home
-<end>           End
-<space>         Space bar
-<f1>            function key 1
-<f10>           function key 10
-<em/key/ does not need to be enclosed in quotes unless it contains a
+&#60;esc&#62;           escape
+&#60;up&#62;            up arrow
+&#60;down&#62;          down arrow
+&#60;left&#62;          left arrow
+&#60;right&#62;         right arrow
+&#60;pageup&#62;        Page Up
+&#60;pagedown&#62;      Page Down
+&#60;backspace&#62;     Backspace
+&#60;delete&#62;        Delete
+&#60;insert&#62;        Insert
+&#60;enter&#62;         Enter
+&#60;return&#62;        Return
+&#60;home&#62;          Home
+&#60;end&#62;           End
+&#60;space&#62;         Space bar
+&#60;f1&#62;            function key 1
+&#60;f10&#62;           function key 10
+<emphasis>key</emphasis> does not need to be enclosed in quotes unless it 
contains a
 space (`` '').
-<em/function/ specifies which action to take when <em/key/ is pressed.
-For a complete list of functions, see the <ref id="functions"
-name="reference">.  The special function <tt/noop/ unbinds the specified key
+<emphasis>function</emphasis> specifies which action to take when 
<emphasis>key</emphasis> is pressed.
+For a complete list of functions, see the <xref LinkEnd="functions"/>.  The 
special function <literal remap="tt">noop</literal> unbinds the specified key
-<sect1>Defining aliases for character sets <label id="charset-hook">
-Usage: <tt/charset-hook/ <em/alias/ <em/charset/<newline>
-Usage: <tt/iconv-hook/ <em/charset/ <em/local-charset/
-The <tt/charset-hook/ command defines an alias for a character set.
+<sect2 id="charset-hook">
+<title>Defining aliases for character sets </title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">charset-hook</literal> <emphasis>alias</emphasis> 
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">iconv-hook</literal> <emphasis>charset</emphasis> 
+The <literal remap="tt">charset-hook</literal> command defines an alias for a 
character set.
 This is useful to properly display messages which are tagged with a
 character set name not known to mutt.
-The <tt/iconv-hook/ command defines a system-specific name for a
+The <literal remap="tt">iconv-hook</literal> command defines a system-specific 
name for a
 character set.  This is helpful when your systems character
 conversion library insists on using strange, system-specific names
 for character sets.
-<sect1>Setting variables based upon mailbox<label id="folder-hook">
-Usage: <tt/folder-hook/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/regexp/ <em/command/
+<sect2 id="folder-hook">
+<title>Setting variables based upon mailbox</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">folder-hook</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
 It is often desirable to change settings based on which mailbox you are
 reading.  The folder-hook command provides a method by which you can execute
-any configuration command.  <em/regexp/ is a regular expression specifying
-in which mailboxes to execute <em/command/ before loading.  If a mailbox
+any configuration command.  <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> is a regular 
expression specifying
+in which mailboxes to execute <emphasis>command</emphasis> before loading.  If 
a mailbox
 matches multiple folder-hook's, they are executed in the order given in the
-<bf/Note:/ if you use the ``!'' shortcut for <ref id="spoolfile"
-name="&dollar;spoolfile"> at the beginning of the pattern, you must place it
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> if you use the ``!'' shortcut for <xref 
LinkEnd="spoolfile"/> at the beginning of the pattern, you must place it
 inside of double or single quotes in order to distinguish it from the
-logical <em/not/ operator for the expression.
-Note that the settings are <em/not/ restored when you leave the mailbox.
+logical <emphasis>not</emphasis> operator for the expression.
+Note that the settings are <emphasis>not</emphasis> restored when you leave 
the mailbox.
 For example, a command action to perform is to change the sorting method
 based upon the mailbox being read:
 folder-hook mutt set sort=threads
 However, the sorting method is not restored to its previous value when
-reading a different mailbox.  To specify a <em/default/ command, use the
+reading a different mailbox.  To specify a <emphasis>default</emphasis> 
command, use the
 pattern ``.'':
 folder-hook . set sort=date-sent
-<sect1>Keyboard macros<label id="macro">
-Usage: <tt/macro/ <em/menu/ <em/key/ <em/sequence/ &lsqb; <em/description/ 
+<sect2 id="macro">
+<title>Keyboard macros</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">macro</literal> <emphasis>menu</emphasis> 
<emphasis>key</emphasis> <emphasis>sequence</emphasis> &lsqb; 
<emphasis>description</emphasis> &rsqb;
 Macros are useful when you would like a single key to perform a series of
-actions.  When you press <em/key/ in menu <em/menu/, Mutt will behave as if
-you had typed <em/sequence/.  So if you have a common sequence of commands
+actions.  When you press <emphasis>key</emphasis> in menu 
<emphasis>menu</emphasis>, Mutt will behave as if
+you had typed <emphasis>sequence</emphasis>.  So if you have a common sequence 
of commands
 you type, you can create a macro to execute those commands with a single
-<em/menu/ is the <ref id="maps" name="map"> which the macro will be bound.
+<emphasis>menu</emphasis> is the <xref LinkEnd="maps"/> which the macro will 
be bound.
 Multiple maps may be specified by separating multiple menu arguments by
 commas. Whitespace may not be used in between the menu arguments and the
 commas separating them.
-<em/key/ and <em/sequence/ are expanded by the same rules as the <ref
-id="bind" name="key bindings">.  There are some additions however.  The
-first is that control characters in <em/sequence/ can also be specified
-as <em/&circ;x/.  In order to get a caret (`&circ;'') you need to use
-<em/&circ;&circ;/.  Secondly, to specify a certain key such as <em/up/
+<emphasis>key</emphasis> and <emphasis>sequence</emphasis> are expanded by the 
same rules as the <xref LinkEnd="bind"/>.  There are some additions however.  
+first is that control characters in <emphasis>sequence</emphasis> can also be 
+as <emphasis>&circ;x</emphasis>.  In order to get a caret (`&circ;'') you need 
to use
+<emphasis>&circ;&circ;</emphasis>.  Secondly, to specify a certain key such as 
 or to invoke a function directly, you can use the format
-<em/&lt;key name&gt;/ and <em/&lt;function name&gt;/.  For a listing of key
-names see the section on <ref id="bind" name="key bindings">.  Functions
-are listed in the <ref id="functions" name="function reference">.
+<emphasis>&lt;key name&gt;</emphasis> and <emphasis>&lt;function 
name&gt;</emphasis>.  For a listing of key
+names see the section on <xref LinkEnd="bind"/>.  Functions
+are listed in the <xref LinkEnd="functions"/>.
 The advantage with using function names directly is that the macros will
 work regardless of the current key bindings, so they are not dependent on
 the user having particular key definitions.  This makes them more robust
 and portable, and also facilitates defining of macros in files used by more
 than one user (eg. the system Muttrc).
-Optionally you can specify a descriptive text after <em/sequence/,
+Optionally you can specify a descriptive text after 
 which is shown in the help screens.
-<bf/Note:/ Macro definitions (if any) listed in the help screen(s), are
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> Macro definitions (if any) listed in the 
help screen(s), are
 silently truncated at the screen width, and are not wrapped.   
-<sect1>Using color and mono video attributes<label id="color">
-Usage: <tt/color/ <em/object/ <em/foreground/ <em/background/ &lsqb; 
<em/regexp/ &rsqb;<newline>
-Usage: <tt/color/ index <em/foreground/ <em/background/ <em/pattern/<newline>
-Usage: <tt/uncolor/ index <em/pattern/ &lsqb; <em/pattern/ ...  &rsqb;<newline>
+<sect2 id="color">
+<title>Using color and mono video attributes</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">color</literal> <emphasis>object</emphasis> 
<emphasis>foreground</emphasis> <emphasis>background</emphasis> &lsqb; 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &rsqb;
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">color</literal> index 
<emphasis>foreground</emphasis> <emphasis>background</emphasis> 
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">uncolor</literal> index 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> ...  &rsqb;
 If your terminal supports color, you can spice up Mutt by creating your own
 color scheme.  To define the color of an object (type of information), you
-must specify both a foreground color <bf/and/ a background color (it is not
+must specify both a foreground color <emphasis remap="bf">and</emphasis> a 
background color (it is not
 possible to only specify one or the other).
-<em/object/ can be one of:
-<item>body (match <em/regexp/ in the body of messages)
-<item>bold (hiliting bold patterns in the body of messages)
-<item>error (error messages printed by Mutt)
-<item>header (match <em/regexp/ in the message header)
-<item>hdrdefault (default color of the message header in the pager)
-<item>index (match <em/pattern/ in the message index)
-<item>indicator (arrow or bar used to indicate the current item in a menu)
-<item>markers (the ``+'' markers at the beginning of wrapped lines in the 
-<item>message (informational messages)
-<item>quoted (text matching <ref id="quote_regexp"
-name="&dollar;quote&lowbar;regexp"> in the body of a message)
-<item>quoted1, quoted2, ..., quoted<bf/N/ (higher levels of quoting)
-<item>search (hiliting of words in the pager)
-<item>status (mode lines used to display info about the mailbox or message)
-<item>tilde (the ``&tilde;'' used to pad blank lines in the pager)
-<item>tree (thread tree drawn in the message index and attachment menu)
-<item>underline (hiliting underlined patterns in the body of messages)
-<em/foreground/ and <em/background/ can be one of the following:
-<em/foreground/ can optionally be prefixed with the keyword <tt/bright/ to make
-the foreground color boldfaced (e.g., <tt/brightred/).
-If your terminal supports it, the special keyword <em/default/ can be
-used as a transparent color.  The value <em/brightdefault/ is also valid.
-If Mutt is linked against the <em/S-Lang/ library, you also need to set
-the <em/COLORFGBG/ environment variable to the default colors of your
+<emphasis>object</emphasis> can be one of:
+body (match <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> in the body of messages)
+bold (hiliting bold patterns in the body of messages)
+error (error messages printed by Mutt)
+header (match <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> in the message header)
+hdrdefault (default color of the message header in the pager)
+index (match <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> in the message index)
+indicator (arrow or bar used to indicate the current item in a menu)
+markers (the ``+'' markers at the beginning of wrapped lines in the pager)
+message (informational messages)
+quoted (text matching <xref LinkEnd="quote-regexp"/> in the body of a message)
+quoted1, quoted2, ..., quoted<emphasis remap="bf">N</emphasis> (higher levels 
of quoting)
+search (hiliting of words in the pager)
+status (mode lines used to display info about the mailbox or message)
+tilde (the ``&tilde;'' used to pad blank lines in the pager)
+tree (thread tree drawn in the message index and attachment menu)
+underline (hiliting underlined patterns in the body of messages)
+<emphasis>foreground</emphasis> and <emphasis>background</emphasis> can be one 
of the following:
+<emphasis>foreground</emphasis> can optionally be prefixed with the keyword 
<literal remap="tt">bright</literal> to make
+the foreground color boldfaced (e.g., <literal remap="tt">brightred</literal>).
+If your terminal supports it, the special keyword <emphasis>default</emphasis> 
can be
+used as a transparent color.  The value <emphasis>brightdefault</emphasis> is 
also valid.
+If Mutt is linked against the <emphasis>S-Lang</emphasis> library, you also 
need to set
+the <emphasis>COLORFGBG</emphasis> environment variable to the default colors 
of your
 terminal for this to work; for example (for Bourne-like shells):
 set COLORFGBG="green;black"
-<bf/Note:/ The <em/S-Lang/ library requires you to use the <em/lightgray/
-and <em/brown/ keywords instead of <em/white/ and <em/yellow/ when
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> The <emphasis>S-Lang</emphasis> library 
requires you to use the <emphasis>lightgray</emphasis>
+and <emphasis>brown</emphasis> keywords instead of <emphasis>white</emphasis> 
and <emphasis>yellow</emphasis> when
 setting this variable.
-<bf/Note:/ The uncolor command can be applied to the index object only.  It
-removes entries from the list. You <bf/must/ specify the same pattern
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> The uncolor command can be applied to 
the index object only.  It
+removes entries from the list. You <emphasis remap="bf">must</emphasis> 
specify the same pattern
 specified in the color command for it to be removed.  The pattern ``*'' is
 a special token which means to clear the color index list of all entries.
-Mutt also recognizes the keywords <em/color0/, <em/color1/, &hellip;,
-<em/color/<bf/N-1/ (<bf/N/ being the number of colors supported
+Mutt also recognizes the keywords <emphasis>color0</emphasis>, 
<emphasis>color1</emphasis>, &hellip;,
+<emphasis>color</emphasis><emphasis remap="bf">N-1</emphasis> (<emphasis 
remap="bf">N</emphasis> being the number of colors supported
 by your terminal).  This is useful when you remap the colors for your
-display (for example by changing the color associated with <em/color2/
+display (for example by changing the color associated with 
 for your xterm), since color names may then lose their normal meaning.
 If your terminal does not support color, it is still possible change the video
 attributes through the use of the ``mono'' command:
-Usage: <tt/mono/ <em/&lt;object&gt; &lt;attribute&gt;/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ 
-Usage: <tt/mono/ index <em/attribute/ <em/pattern/<newline>
-Usage: <tt/unmono/ index <em/pattern/ &lsqb; <em/pattern/ ...  &rsqb;<newline>
-where <em/attribute/ is one of the following:
-<sect1>Ignoring (weeding) unwanted message headers<label id="ignore">
-Usage: <tt/&lsqb;un&rsqb;ignore/ <em/pattern/ &lsqb; <em/pattern/ ... &rsqb;
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">mono</literal> <emphasis>&lt;object&gt; 
&lt;attribute&gt;</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &rsqb;
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">mono</literal> index <emphasis>attribute</emphasis> 
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">unmono</literal> index <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> 
&lsqb; <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> ...  &rsqb;
+where <emphasis>attribute</emphasis> is one of the following:
+<sect2 id="ignore">
+<title>Ignoring (weeding) unwanted message headers</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">&lsqb;un&rsqb;ignore</literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
 Messages often have many header fields added by automatic processing systems,
 or which may not seem useful to display on the screen.  This command allows
 you to specify header fields which you don't normally want to see.
 You do not need to specify the full header field name.  For example,
 ``ignore content-'' will ignore all header fields that begin with the pattern
 ``content-''. ``ignore *'' will ignore all headers.
 To remove a previously added token from the list, use the ``unignore'' command.
 The ``unignore'' command will make Mutt display headers with the given pattern.
 For example, if you do ``ignore x-'' it is possible to ``unignore x-mailer''.
 ``unignore *'' will remove all tokens from the ignore list.
 For example:
 # Sven's draconian header weeding
 ignore *
 unignore from date subject to cc
 unignore organization organisation x-mailer: x-newsreader: x-mailing-list:
 unignore posted-to:
-<sect1>Alternative addresses<label id="alternates">
-Usage: <tt/&lsqb;un&rsqb;alternates/ <em/regexp/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ ... 
+<sect2 id="alternates">
+<title>Alternative addresses</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">&lsqb;un&rsqb;alternates</literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
 With various functions, mutt will treat messages differently,
 depending on whether you sent them or whether you received them from
 someone else.  For instance, when replying to a message that you
 sent to a different party, mutt will automatically suggest to send
 the response to the original message's recipients -- responding to
-yourself won't make much sense in many cases.  (See <ref
-id="reply_to" name="&dollar;reply&lowbar;to">.)
+yourself won't make much sense in many cases.  (See <xref 
 Many users receive e-mail under a number of different addresses. To
 fully use mutt's features here, the program must be able to
 recognize what e-mail addresses you receive mail under. That's the
-purpose of the <tt/alternates/ command: It takes a list of regular
+purpose of the <literal remap="tt">alternates</literal> command: It takes a 
list of regular
 expressions, each of which can identify an address under which you
 receive e-mail.
-The <tt/unalternates/ command can be used to write exceptions to
-<tt/alternates/ patterns. If an address matches something in an
-<tt/alternates/ command, but you nonetheless do not think it is
-from you, you can list a more precise pattern under an <tt/unalternates/
+The <literal remap="tt">unalternates</literal> command can be used to write 
exceptions to
+<literal remap="tt">alternates</literal> patterns. If an address matches 
something in an
+<literal remap="tt">alternates</literal> command, but you nonetheless do not 
think it is
+from you, you can list a more precise pattern under an <literal 
-To remove a regular expression from the <tt/alternates/ list, use the
-<tt/unalternates/ command with exactly the same <em/regexp/.
-Likewise, if the <em/regexp/ for a <tt/alternates/ command matches
-an entry on the <tt/unalternates/ list, that <tt/unalternates/
-entry will be removed. If the <em/regexp/ for <tt/unalternates/
-is ``*'', <em/all entries/ on <tt/alternates/ will be removed.
-<sect1>Mailing lists<label id="lists">
-Usage: <tt/&lsqb;un&rsqb;lists/ <em/regexp/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ ... 
-Usage: <tt/&lsqb;un&rsqb;subscribe/ <em/regexp/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ ... &rsqb;
-Mutt has a few nice features for <ref id="using_lists" name="handling
-mailing lists">.  In order to take advantage of them, you must
+To remove a regular expression from the <literal 
remap="tt">alternates</literal> list, use the
+<literal remap="tt">unalternates</literal> command with exactly the same 
+Likewise, if the <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> for a <literal 
remap="tt">alternates</literal> command matches
+an entry on the <literal remap="tt">unalternates</literal> list, that <literal 
+entry will be removed. If the <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> for <literal 
+is ``*'', <emphasis>all entries</emphasis> on <literal 
remap="tt">alternates</literal> will be removed.
+<sect2 id="lists">
+<title>Mailing lists</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">&lsqb;un&rsqb;lists</literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">&lsqb;un&rsqb;subscribe</literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+Mutt has a few nice features for <xref LinkEnd="using-lists"/>.  In order to 
take advantage of them, you must
 specify which addresses belong to mailing lists, and which mailing
-lists you are subscribed to.  Once you have done this, the <ref
-id="list-reply" name="list-reply"> function will work for all known lists.
+lists you are subscribed to.  Once you have done this, the <xref 
LinkEnd="list-reply"/> function will work for all known lists.
 Additionally, when you send a message to a subscribed list, mutt will
 add a Mail-Followup-To header to tell other users' mail user agents
 not to send copies of replies to your personal address.   Note that
 the Mail-Followup-To header is a non-standard extension which is not
 supported by all mail user agents.  Adding it is not bullet-proof against
 receiving personal CCs of list messages.  Also note that the generation
-of the Mail-Followup-To header is controlled by the <ref id="followup_to"
-name="&dollar;followup&lowbar;to"> configuration variable.
+of the Mail-Followup-To header is controlled by the <xref 
LinkEnd="followup-to"/> configuration variable.
 More precisely, Mutt maintains lists of patterns for the addresses
 of known and subscribed mailing lists.  Every subscribed mailing
 list is known. To mark a mailing list as known, use the ``lists''
 command.  To mark it as subscribed, use ``subscribe''.
 You can use regular expressions with both commands.  To mark all
 messages sent to a specific bug report's address on mutt's bug
 tracking system as list mail, for instance, you could say
-``subscribe [0-9]*@bugs.guug.de''.  Often, it's sufficient to just
+``subscribe &lsqb;0-9]*@bugs.guug.de''.  Often, it's sufficient to just
 give a portion of the list's e-mail address.
 Specify as much of the address as you need to to remove ambiguity.  For
 example, if you've subscribed to the Mutt mailing list, you will receive mail
-addresssed to <em/mutt-users@xxxxxxxx/.  So, to tell Mutt that this is a
+addresssed to <emphasis>mutt-users@xxxxxxxx</emphasis>.  So, to tell Mutt that 
this is a
 mailing list, you could add ``lists mutt-users'' to your
 initialization file.  To tell mutt that you are subscribed to it,
 add ``subscribe mutt-users'' to your initialization file instead.
 If you also happen to get mail from someone whose address is
-<em/mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxx/, you could use ``lists 
+<emphasis>mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxx</emphasis>, you could use ``lists 
 or ``subscribe mutt-users@mutt&bsol;&bsol;.org'' to
 match only mail from the actual list.
 The ``unlists'' command is used to remove a token from the list of
 known and subscribed mailing-lists. Use ``unlists *'' to remove all
 To remove a mailing list from the list of subscribed mailing lists,
 but keep it on the list of known mailing lists, use ``unsubscribe''.
-<sect1>Using Multiple spool mailboxes<label id="mbox-hook">
-Usage: <tt/mbox-hook/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/pattern/ <em/mailbox/
+<sect2 id="mbox-hook">
+<title>Using Multiple spool mailboxes</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">mbox-hook</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>mailbox</emphasis>
 This command is used to move read messages from a specified mailbox to a
 different mailbox automatically when you quit or change folders.
-<em/pattern/ is a regular expression specifying the mailbox to treat as a
-``spool'' mailbox and <em/mailbox/ specifies where mail should be saved when
+<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> is a regular expression specifying the mailbox to 
treat as a
+``spool'' mailbox and <emphasis>mailbox</emphasis> specifies where mail should 
be saved when
-Unlike some of the other <em/hook/ commands, only the <em/first/ matching
+Unlike some of the other <emphasis>hook</emphasis> commands, only the 
<emphasis>first</emphasis> matching
 pattern is used (it is not possible to save read mail in more than a single
-<sect1>Defining mailboxes which receive mail<label id="mailboxes">
-Usage: <tt/&lsqb;un&rsqb;mailboxes/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/filename/ &lsqb; 
<em/filename/ ... &rsqb;
+<sect2 id="mailboxes">
+<title>Defining mailboxes which receive mail</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">&lsqb;un&rsqb;mailboxes</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>filename</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>filename</emphasis> 
... &rsqb;
 This command specifies folders which can receive mail and
 which will be checked for new messages.  By default, the
 main menu status bar displays how many of these folders have
 new messages.
-When changing folders, pressing <em/space/ will cycle
+When changing folders, pressing <emphasis>space</emphasis> will cycle
 through folders with new mail.
 Pressing TAB in the directory browser will bring up a menu showing the files
-specified by the <tt/mailboxes/ command, and indicate which contain new
+specified by the <literal remap="tt">mailboxes</literal> command, and indicate 
which contain new
 messages.  Mutt will automatically enter this mode when invoked from the
-command line with the <tt/-y/ option.
+command line with the <literal remap="tt">-y</literal> option.
 The ``unmailboxes'' command is used to remove a token from the list
 of folders which receive mail. Use ``unmailboxes *'' to remove all
-<bf/Note:/ new mail is detected by comparing the last modification time to
-the last access time.  Utilities like <tt/biff/ or <tt/frm/ or any other
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> new mail is detected by comparing the 
last modification time to
+the last access time.  Utilities like <literal remap="tt">biff</literal> or 
<literal remap="tt">frm</literal> or any other
 program which accesses the mailbox might cause Mutt to never detect new mail
 for that mailbox if they do not properly reset the access time.  Backup
 tools are another common reason for updated access times.
-<bf/Note:/ the filenames in the <tt/mailboxes/ command are resolved when
-the command is executed, so if these names contain <ref id="shortcuts"
-name="shortcut characters"> (such as ``='' and ``!''), any variable
-definition that affect these characters (like <ref id="folder"
-name="&dollar;folder"> and <ref id="spoolfile" name="&dollar;spoolfile">)
-should be executed before the <tt/mailboxes/ command.
-<sect1>User defined headers<label id="my_hdr">
-<tt/my_hdr/ <em/string/<newline>
-<tt/unmy_hdr/ <em/field/ &lsqb; <em/field/ ... &rsqb;
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> the filenames in the <literal 
remap="tt">mailboxes</literal> command are resolved when
+the command is executed, so if these names contain <xref LinkEnd="shortcuts"/> 
(such as ``='' and ``!''), any variable
+definition that affect these characters (like <xref LinkEnd="folder"/> and 
<xref LinkEnd="spoolfile"/>)
+should be executed before the <literal remap="tt">mailboxes</literal> command.
+<sect2 id="my-hdr">
+<title>User defined headers</title>
+<literal remap="tt">my&lowbar;hdr</literal> <emphasis>string</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt">unmy&lowbar;hdr</literal> <emphasis>field</emphasis> 
&lsqb; <emphasis>field</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
 The ``my&lowbar;hdr'' command allows you to create your own header
 fields which will be added to every message you send.
 For example, if you would like to add an ``Organization:'' header field to
 all of your outgoing messages, you can put the command
-my_hdr Organization: A Really Big Company, Anytown, USA
-in your <tt/.muttrc/.
-<bf/Note:/  space characters are <em/not/ allowed between the keyword and
+>my&lowbar;hdr Organization: A Really Big Company, Anytown, USA</quote
+in your <literal remap="tt">.muttrc</literal>.
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis>  space characters are 
<emphasis>not</emphasis> allowed between the keyword and
 the colon (``:'').  The standard for electronic mail (RFC822) says that
 space is illegal there, so Mutt enforces the rule.
 If you would like to add a header field to a single message, you should
-either set the <ref id="edit_headers" name="edit&lowbar;headers"> variable,
-or use the <em/edit-headers/ function (default: ``E'') in the send-menu so
+either set the <xref LinkEnd="edit-headers"/> variable,
+or use the <emphasis>edit-headers</emphasis> function (default: ``E'') in the 
send-menu so
 that you can edit the header of your message along with the body.
 To remove user defined header fields, use the ``unmy&lowbar;hdr''
 command.  You may specify an asterisk (``*'') to remove all header
 fields, or the fields to remove.  For example, to remove all ``To'' and
 ``Cc'' header fields, you could use:
-unmy_hdr to cc
-<sect1>Defining the order of headers when viewing messages<label 
-Usage: <tt/hdr&lowbar;order/ <em/header1/ <em/header2/ <em/header3/
+>unmy&lowbar;hdr to cc</quote
+<sect2 id="hdr-order">
+<title>Defining the order of headers when viewing messages</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">hdr&lowbar;order</literal> 
<emphasis>header1</emphasis> <emphasis>header2</emphasis> 
 With this command, you can specify an order in which mutt will attempt
 to present headers to you when viewing messages.
-``unhdr_order *'' will clear all previous headers from the order list,
+``unhdr&lowbar;order *'' will clear all previous headers from the order list,
 thus removing the header order effects set by the system-wide startup
 hdr&lowbar;order From Date: From: To: Cc: Subject:
-<sect1>Specify default save filename<label id="save-hook">
-Usage: <tt/save-hook/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/pattern/ <em/filename/
+<sect2 id="save-hook">
+<title>Specify default save filename</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">save-hook</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>filename</emphasis>
 This command is used to override the default filename used when saving
-messages.  <em/filename/ will be used as the default filename if the message is
-<em/From:/ an address matching <em/regexp/ or if you are the author and the
-message is addressed <em/to:/ something matching <em/regexp/.
-See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="Message Matching in Hooks"> for information 
on the exact format of <em/pattern/.
+messages.  <emphasis>filename</emphasis> will be used as the default filename 
if the message is
+<emphasis>From:</emphasis> an address matching <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> or 
if you are the author and the
+message is addressed <emphasis>to:</emphasis> something matching 
+See <xref LinkEnd="pattern-hook"/> for information on the exact format of 
 save-hook me@(turing\\.)?cs\\.hmc\\.edu$ +elkins
 save-hook aol\\.com$ +spam
-Also see the <ref id="fcc-save-hook" name="fcc-save-hook"> command.
-<sect1>Specify default Fcc: mailbox when composing<label id="fcc-hook">
-Usage: <tt/fcc-hook/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/pattern/ <em/mailbox/
+Also see the <xref LinkEnd="fcc-save-hook"/> command.
+<sect2 id="fcc-hook">
+<title>Specify default Fcc: mailbox when composing</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">fcc-hook</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>mailbox</emphasis>
 This command is used to save outgoing mail in a mailbox other than
-<ref id="record" name="&dollar;record">.  Mutt searches the initial list of
-message recipients for the first matching <em/regexp/ and uses <em/mailbox/
+<xref LinkEnd="record"/>.  Mutt searches the initial list of
+message recipients for the first matching <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> and uses 
 as the default Fcc: mailbox.  If no match is found the message will be saved
-to <ref id="record" name="&dollar;record"> mailbox.
-See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="Message Matching in Hooks"> for information 
on the exact format of <em/pattern/.
-Example: <tt/fcc-hook &lsqb;@.&rsqb;aol&bsol;&bsol;.com&dollar; +spammers/
+to <xref LinkEnd="record"/> mailbox.
+See <xref LinkEnd="pattern-hook"/> for information on the exact format of 
+Example: <literal remap="tt">fcc-hook 
&lsqb;@.&rsqb;aol&bsol;&bsol;.com&dollar; +spammers</literal>
 The above will save a copy of all messages going to the aol.com domain to
-the `+spammers' mailbox by default.  Also see the <ref id="fcc-save-hook" 
-name="fcc-save-hook"> command.
-<sect1>Specify default save filename and default Fcc: mailbox at once<label
-Usage: <tt/fcc-save-hook/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/pattern/ <em/mailbox/
-This command is a shortcut, equivalent to doing both a <ref id="fcc-hook" 
-and a <ref id="save-hook" name="save-hook"> with its arguments.
-<sect1>Change settings based upon message recipients<label 
id="send-hook"><label id="reply-hook"><label id="send2-hook">
-Usage: <tt/reply-hook/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/pattern/ <em/command/<newline>
-Usage: <tt/send-hook/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/pattern/ <em/command/<newline>
-Usage: <tt/send2-hook/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/pattern/ <em/command/
+the `+spammers' mailbox by default.  Also see the <xref 
LinkEnd="fcc-save-hook"/> command.
+<sect2 id="fcc-save-hook">
+<title>Specify default save filename and default Fcc: mailbox at once</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">fcc-save-hook</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>mailbox</emphasis>
+This command is a shortcut, equivalent to doing both a <xref 
+and a <xref LinkEnd="save-hook"/> with its arguments.
+<sect2 id="send-hook">
+<title>Change settings based upon message recipients</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">reply-hook</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">send-hook</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">send2-hook</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
 These commands can be used to execute arbitrary configuration commands based
-upon recipients of the message.  <em/pattern/ is a regular expression
-matching the desired address.  <em/command/ is executed when <em/regexp/
+upon recipients of the message.  <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> is a regular 
+matching the desired address.  <emphasis>command</emphasis> is executed when 
 matches recipients of the message.
-<tt/reply-hook/ is matched against the message you are <em/replying/
-<bf/to/, instead of the message you are <em/sending/.  <tt/send-hook/ is
-matched against all messages, both <em/new/ and <em/replies/.  <bf/Note:/
-<tt/reply-hook/s are matched <bf/before/ the <tt/send-hook/, <bf/regardless/
+<literal remap="tt">reply-hook</literal> is matched against the message you 
are <emphasis>replying</emphasis>
+<emphasis remap="bf">to</emphasis>, instead of the message you are 
<emphasis>sending</emphasis>.  <literal remap="tt">send-hook</literal> is
+matched against all messages, both <emphasis>new</emphasis> and 
<emphasis>replies</emphasis>.  <emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt">reply-hook</literal>s are matched <emphasis 
remap="bf">before</emphasis> the <literal remap="tt">send-hook</literal>, 
<emphasis remap="bf">regardless</emphasis>
 of the order specified in the users's configuration file.
-<tt/send2-hook/ is matched every time a message is changed, either
+<literal remap="tt">send2-hook</literal> is matched every time a message is 
changed, either
 by editing it, or by using the compose menu to change its recipients
-or subject.  <tt/send2-hook/ is executed after <tt/send-hook/, and
-can, e.g., be used to set parameters such as the <ref id="sendmail"
-name="&dollar;sendmail"> variable depending on the message's sender
+or subject.  <literal remap="tt">send2-hook</literal> is executed after 
<literal remap="tt">send-hook</literal>, and
+can, e.g., be used to set parameters such as the <xref LinkEnd="sendmail"/> 
variable depending on the message's sender
-For each type of <tt/send-hook/ or <tt/reply-hook/, when multiple matches
+For each type of <literal remap="tt">send-hook</literal> or <literal 
remap="tt">reply-hook</literal>, when multiple matches
 occur, commands are executed in the order they are specified in the muttrc
 (for that type of hook).
-See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="Message Matching in Hooks"> for information 
on the exact format of <em/pattern/.
-Example: <tt/send-hook mutt &dquot;set mime&lowbar;forward signature=''&dquot;/
+See <xref LinkEnd="pattern-hook"/> for information on the exact format of 
+Example: <literal remap="tt">send-hook mutt &quot;set mime&lowbar;forward 
 Another typical use for this command is to change the values of the
-<ref id="attribution" name="&dollar;attribution">, <ref id="signature"
-name="&dollar;signature"> and <ref id="locale" name="&dollar;locale">
+<xref LinkEnd="attribution"/>, <xref LinkEnd="signature"/> and <xref 
 variables in order to change the language of the attributions and
 signatures based upon the recipients.
-<bf/Note:/ the send-hook's are only executed ONCE after getting the initial
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> the send-hook's are only executed ONCE 
after getting the initial
 list of recipients.  Adding a recipient after replying or editing the
 message will NOT cause any send-hook to be executed.  Also note that
-my_hdr commands which modify recipient headers, or the message's
+my&lowbar;hdr commands which modify recipient headers, or the message's
 subject, don't have any effect on the current message when executed
 from a send-hook.
-<sect1>Change settings before formatting a message<label id="message-hook">
-Usage: <tt/message-hook/ &lsqb;!&rsqb;<em/pattern/ <em/command/
+<sect2 id="message-hook">
+<title>Change settings before formatting a message</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">message-hook</literal> 
&lsqb;!&rsqb;<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
 This command can be used to execute arbitrary configuration commands
 before viewing or formatting a message based upon information about the 
-<em/command/ is executed if the <em/pattern/ matches the message to be
+<emphasis>command</emphasis> is executed if the <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> 
matches the message to be
 displayed. When multiple matches occur, commands are executed in the order
 they are specified in the muttrc.
-See <ref id="pattern_hook" name="Message Matching in Hooks"> for
-information on the exact format of <em/pattern/.
+See <xref LinkEnd="pattern-hook"/> for
+information on the exact format of <emphasis>pattern</emphasis>.
 message-hook ~A 'set pager=builtin'
 message-hook '~f freshmeat-news' 'set pager="less \"+/^  subject: .*\""'
-<sect1>Choosing the cryptographic key of the recipient<label id="crypt-hook">
-Usage: <tt/crypt-hook/ <em/pattern/ <em/keyid/
+<sect2 id="crypt-hook">
+<title>Choosing the cryptographic key of the recipient</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">crypt-hook</literal> <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> 
 When encrypting messages with PGP or OpenSSL, you may want to associate a 
 key with a given e-mail address automatically, either because the
 recipient's public key can't be deduced from the destination address,
@@ -1474,403 +2522,745 @@
 normally use.  The crypt-hook command provides a method by which you can
 specify the ID of the public key to be used when encrypting messages to
 a certain recipient.
 The meaning of "key id" is to be taken broadly in this context:  You
 can either put a numerical key ID here, an e-mail address, or even
 just a real name.
-<sect1>Adding key sequences to the keyboard buffer<label id="push">
-Usage: <tt/push/ <em/string/
+<sect2 id="push">
+<title>Adding key sequences to the keyboard buffer</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">push</literal> <emphasis>string</emphasis>
 This command adds the named string to the keyboard buffer. The string may
 contain control characters, key names and function names like the sequence
-string in the <ref id="macro" name="macro"> command. You may use it to
+string in the <xref LinkEnd="macro"/> command. You may use it to
 automatically run a sequence of commands at startup, or when entering
 certain folders.
-<sect1>Executing functions<label id="exec">
-Usage: <tt/exec/ <em/function/ &lsqb; <em/function/ ... &rsqb;
+<sect2 id="exec">
+<title>Executing functions</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">exec</literal> <emphasis>function</emphasis> &lsqb; 
<emphasis>function</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
 This command can be used to execute any function. Functions are
-listed in the <ref id="functions" name="function reference">.
+listed in the <xref LinkEnd="functions"/>.
 ``exec function'' is equivalent to ``push &lt;function&gt;''.
-<sect1>Message Scoring<label id="score-command">
-Usage: <tt/score/ <em/pattern/ <em/value/<newline>
-Usage: <tt/unscore/ <em/pattern/ &lsqb; <em/pattern/ ... &rsqb;
-The <tt/score/ commands adds <em/value/ to a message's score if <em/pattern/
-matches it.  <em/pattern/ is a string in the format described in the <ref
-id="patterns" name="patterns"> section (note: For efficiency reasons, patterns
-which scan information not available in the index, such as <tt>&tilde;b</tt>,
-<tt>&tilde;B</tt> or <tt>&tilde;h</tt>, may not be used).  <em/value/ is a
+<sect2 id="score-command">
+<title>Message Scoring</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">score</literal> <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> 
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">unscore</literal> <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> 
&lsqb; <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+The <literal remap="tt">score</literal> commands adds 
<emphasis>value</emphasis> to a message's score if <emphasis>pattern</emphasis>
+matches it.  <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> is a string in the format described 
in the <xref LinkEnd="patterns"/> section (note: For efficiency reasons, 
+which scan information not available in the index, such as <literal 
+<literal remap="tt">&tilde;B</literal> or <literal 
remap="tt">&tilde;h</literal>, may not be used).  <emphasis>value</emphasis> is 
 positive or negative integer.  A message's final score is the sum total of all
-matching <tt/score/ entries.  However, you may optionally prefix <em/value/ 
+matching <literal remap="tt">score</literal> entries.  However, you may 
optionally prefix <emphasis>value</emphasis> with
 an equal sign (=) to cause evaluation to stop at a particular entry if there is
 a match.  Negative final scores are rounded up to 0.
-The <tt/unscore/ command removes score entries from the list.  You <bf/must/
-specify the same pattern specified in the <tt/score/ command for it to be
+The <literal remap="tt">unscore</literal> command removes score entries from 
the list.  You <emphasis remap="bf">must</emphasis>
+specify the same pattern specified in the <literal remap="tt">score</literal> 
command for it to be
 removed.  The pattern ``*'' is a special token which means to clear the list
 of all score entries.
-<sect1>Spam detection<label id="spam">
-Usage: <tt/spam/ <em/pattern/ <em/format/<newline>
-Usage: <tt/nospam/ <em/pattern/
+<sect2 id="spam">
+<title>Spam detection</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">spam</literal> <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> 
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">nospam</literal> <emphasis>pattern</emphasis>
 Mutt has generalized support for external spam-scoring filters.
-By defining your spam patterns with the <tt/spam/ and <tt/nospam/
-commands, you can <em/limit/, <em/search/, and <em/sort/ your
+By defining your spam patterns with the <literal remap="tt">spam</literal> and 
<literal remap="tt">nospam</literal>
+commands, you can <emphasis>limit</emphasis>, <emphasis>search</emphasis>, and 
<emphasis>sort</emphasis> your
 mail based on its spam attributes, as determined by the external
 filter. You also can display the spam attributes in your index
-display using the <tt/%H/ selector in the <ref id="index_format"
-name="&dollar;index&lowbar;format"> variable. (Tip: try <tt/%?H?[%H] ?/
+display using the <literal remap="tt">&percnt;H</literal> selector in the 
<xref LinkEnd="index-format"/> variable. (Tip: try <literal 
remap="tt">&percnt;?H?[&percnt;H] ?</literal>
 to display spam tags only when they are defined for a given message.)
 Your first step is to define your external filter's spam patterns using
-the <tt/spam/ command. <em/pattern/ should be a regular expression
+the <literal remap="tt">spam</literal> command. <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> 
should be a regular expression
 that matches a header in a mail message. If any message in the mailbox
 matches this regular expression, it will receive a ``spam tag'' or
-``spam attribute'' (unless it also matches a <tt/nospam/ pattern -- see
+``spam attribute'' (unless it also matches a <literal 
remap="tt">nospam</literal> pattern -- see
 below.) The appearance of this attribute is entirely up to you, and is
-governed by the <em/format/ parameter. <em/format/ can be any static
-text, but it also can include back-references from the <em/pattern/
+governed by the <emphasis>format</emphasis> parameter. 
<emphasis>format</emphasis> can be any static
+text, but it also can include back-references from the 
 expression. (A regular expression ``back-reference'' refers to a
-sub-expression contained within parentheses.) <tt/%1/ is replaced with
-the first back-reference in the regex, <tt/%2/ with the second, etc.
+sub-expression contained within parentheses.) <literal 
remap="tt">&percnt;1</literal> is replaced with
+the first back-reference in the regex, <literal remap="tt">&percnt;2</literal> 
with the second, etc.
 If you're using multiple spam filters, a message can have more than
-one spam-related header. You can define <tt/spam/ patterns for each
+one spam-related header. You can define <literal remap="tt">spam</literal> 
patterns for each
 filter you use. If a message matches two or more of these patterns, and
 the &dollar;spam&lowbar;separator variable is set to a string, then the
-message's spam tag will consist of all the <em/format/ strings joined
+message's spam tag will consist of all the <emphasis>format</emphasis> strings 
 together, with the value of &dollar;spam&lowbar;separator separating
 For example, suppose I use DCC, SpamAssassin, and PureMessage. I might
 define these spam settings:
 spam "X-DCC-.*-Metrics:.*(....)=many"         "90+/DCC-%1"
 spam "X-Spam-Status: Yes"                     "90+/SA"
 spam "X-PerlMX-Spam: .*Probability=([0-9]+)%" "%1/PM"
 set spam_separator=", "
 If I then received a message that DCC registered with ``many'' hits
 under the ``Fuz2'' checksum, and that PureMessage registered with a
-97% probability of being spam, that message's spam tag would read
-<tt>90+/DCC-Fuz2, 97/PM</tt>. (The four characters before ``=many'' in a
+97&percnt; probability of being spam, that message's spam tag would read
+<literal remap="tt">90+/DCC-Fuz2, 97/PM</literal>. (The four characters before 
``=many'' in a
 DCC report indicate the checksum used -- in this case, ``Fuz2''.)
 If the &dollar;spam&lowbar;separator variable is unset, then each
 spam pattern match supercedes the previous one. Instead of getting
-joined <em/format/ strings, you'll get only the last one to match.
+joined <emphasis>format</emphasis> strings, you'll get only the last one to 
 The spam tag is what will be displayed in the index when you use
-<tt/%H/ in the <tt/&dollar;index&lowbar;format/ variable. It's also the
-string that the <tt/~H/ pattern-matching expression matches against for
-<em/search/ and <em/limit/ functions. And it's what sorting by spam
+<literal remap="tt">&percnt;H</literal> in the <literal 
remap="tt">&dollar;index&lowbar;format</literal> variable. It's also the
+string that the <literal remap="tt">&tilde;H</literal> pattern-matching 
expression matches against for
+<emphasis>search</emphasis> and <emphasis>limit</emphasis> functions. And it's 
what sorting by spam
 attribute will use as a sort key.
 That's a pretty complicated example, and most people's actual
 environments will have only one spam filter. The simpler your
 configuration, the more effective mutt can be, especially when it comes
 to sorting.
-Generally, when you sort by spam tag, mutt will sort <em/lexically/ --
+Generally, when you sort by spam tag, mutt will sort 
<emphasis>lexically</emphasis> --
 that is, by ordering strings alphnumerically. However, if a spam tag
 begins with a number, mutt will sort numerically first, and lexically
 only when two numbers are equal in value. (This is like UNIX's
-<tt/sort -n/.) A message with no spam attributes at all -- that is, one
-that didn't match <em/any/ of your <tt/spam/ patterns -- is sorted at
+<literal remap="tt">sort -n</literal>.) A message with no spam attributes at 
all -- that is, one
+that didn't match <emphasis>any</emphasis> of your <literal 
remap="tt">spam</literal> patterns -- is sorted at
 lowest priority. Numbers are sorted next, beginning with 0 and ranging
 upward. Finally, non-numeric strings are sorted, with ``a'' taking lower
 priority than ``z''. Clearly, in general, sorting by spam tags is most
 effective when you can coerce your filter to give you a raw number. But
 in case you can't, mutt can still do something useful.
-The <tt/nospam/ command can be used to write exceptions to <tt/spam/
-patterns. If a header pattern matches something in a <tt/spam/ command,
+The <literal remap="tt">nospam</literal> command can be used to write 
exceptions to <literal remap="tt">spam</literal>
+patterns. If a header pattern matches something in a <literal 
remap="tt">spam</literal> command,
 but you nonetheless do not want it to receive a spam tag, you can list a
-more precise pattern under a <tt/nospam/ command.
-If the <em/pattern/ given to <tt/nospam/ is exactly the same as the
-<em/pattern/ on an existing <tt/spam/ list entry, the effect will be to
+more precise pattern under a <literal remap="tt">nospam</literal> command.
+If the <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> given to <literal 
remap="tt">nospam</literal> is exactly the same as the
+<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> on an existing <literal remap="tt">spam</literal> 
list entry, the effect will be to
 remove the entry from the spam list, instead of adding an exception.
-Likewise, if the <em/pattern/ for a <tt/spam/ command matches an entry
-on the <tt/nospam/ list, that <tt/nospam/ entry will be removed. If the
-<em/pattern/ for <tt/nospam/ is ``*'', <em/all entries on both lists/
-will be removed. This might be the default action if you use <tt/spam/
-and <tt/nospam/ in conjunction with a <tt/folder-hook/.
-You can have as many <tt/spam/ or <tt/nospam/ commands as you like.
+Likewise, if the <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> for a <literal 
remap="tt">spam</literal> command matches an entry
+on the <literal remap="tt">nospam</literal> list, that <literal 
remap="tt">nospam</literal> entry will be removed. If the
+<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> for <literal remap="tt">nospam</literal> is 
``*'', <emphasis>all entries on both lists</emphasis>
+will be removed. This might be the default action if you use <literal 
+and <literal remap="tt">nospam</literal> in conjunction with a <literal 
+You can have as many <literal remap="tt">spam</literal> or <literal 
remap="tt">nospam</literal> commands as you like.
 You can even do your own primitive spam detection within mutt -- for
-example, if you consider all mail from <tt/MAILER-DAEMON/ to be spam,
-you can use a <tt/spam/ command like this:
+example, if you consider all mail from <literal 
remap="tt">MAILER-DAEMON</literal> to be spam,
+you can use a <literal remap="tt">spam</literal> command like this:
 spam "^From: .*MAILER-DAEMON"       "999"
-<sect1>Setting variables<label id="set">
-Usage: <tt/set/ &lsqb;no|inv&rsqb;<em/variable/&lsqb;=<em/value/&rsqb; &lsqb; 
<em/variable/ ... &rsqb;<newline>
-Usage: <tt/toggle/ <em/variable/ &lsqb;<em/variable/ ... &rsqb;<newline>
-Usage: <tt/unset/ <em/variable/ &lsqb;<em/variable/ ... &rsqb;<newline>
-Usage: <tt/reset/ <em/variable/ &lsqb;<em/variable/ ... &rsqb;
-This command is used to set (and unset) <ref id="variables"
-name="configuration variables">.  There are four basic types of variables:
-boolean, number, string and quadoption.  <em/boolean/ variables can be
-<em/set/ (true) or <em/unset/ (false).  <em/number/ variables can be
+<sect2 id="set">
+<title>Setting variables</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">set</literal> 
 &lsqb; <emphasis>variable</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">toggle</literal> <emphasis>variable</emphasis> 
&lsqb;<emphasis>variable</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">unset</literal> <emphasis>variable</emphasis> 
&lsqb;<emphasis>variable</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">reset</literal> <emphasis>variable</emphasis> 
&lsqb;<emphasis>variable</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+This command is used to set (and unset) <xref LinkEnd="variables"/>.  There 
are four basic types of variables:
+boolean, number, string and quadoption.  <emphasis>boolean</emphasis> 
variables can be
+<emphasis>set</emphasis> (true) or <emphasis>unset</emphasis> (false).  
<emphasis>number</emphasis> variables can be
 assigned a positive integer value.
-<em/string/ variables consist of any number of printable characters.
-<em/strings/ must be enclosed in quotes if they contain spaces or tabs.  You
-may also use the ``C'' escape sequences <bf/&bsol;n/ and <bf/&bsol;t/ for
+<emphasis>string</emphasis> variables consist of any number of printable 
+<emphasis>strings</emphasis> must be enclosed in quotes if they contain spaces 
or tabs.  You
+may also use the ``C'' escape sequences <emphasis 
remap="bf">&bsol;n</emphasis> and <emphasis remap="bf">&bsol;t</emphasis> for
 newline and tab, respectively.
-<em/quadoption/ variables are used to control whether or not to be prompted
-for certain actions, or to specify a default action.  A value of <em/yes/
+<emphasis>quadoption</emphasis> variables are used to control whether or not 
to be prompted
+for certain actions, or to specify a default action.  A value of 
 will cause the action to be carried out automatically as if you had answered
-yes to the question.  Similarly, a value of <em/no/ will cause the the
+yes to the question.  Similarly, a value of <emphasis>no</emphasis> will cause 
the the
 action to be carried out as if you had answered ``no.''  A value of
-<em/ask-yes/ will cause a prompt with a default answer of ``yes'' and
-<em/ask-no/ will provide a default answer of ``no.''
-Prefixing a variable with ``no'' will unset it.  Example: <tt/set noaskbcc/.
-For <em/boolean/ variables, you may optionally prefix the variable name with
-<tt/inv/ to toggle the value (on or off).  This is useful when writing
-macros.  Example: <tt/set invsmart&lowbar;wrap/.
-The <tt/toggle/ command automatically prepends the <tt/inv/ prefix to all
+<emphasis>ask-yes</emphasis> will cause a prompt with a default answer of 
``yes'' and
+<emphasis>ask-no</emphasis> will provide a default answer of ``no.''
+Prefixing a variable with ``no'' will unset it.  Example: <literal 
remap="tt">set noaskbcc</literal>.
+For <emphasis>boolean</emphasis> variables, you may optionally prefix the 
variable name with
+<literal remap="tt">inv</literal> to toggle the value (on or off).  This is 
useful when writing
+macros.  Example: <literal remap="tt">set invsmart&lowbar;wrap</literal>.
+The <literal remap="tt">toggle</literal> command automatically prepends the 
<literal remap="tt">inv</literal> prefix to all
 specified variables.
-The <tt/unset/ command automatically prepends the <tt/no/ prefix to all
+The <literal remap="tt">unset</literal> command automatically prepends the 
<literal remap="tt">no</literal> prefix to all
 specified variables.
-Using the enter-command function in the <em/index/ menu, you can query the
+Using the enter-command function in the <emphasis>index</emphasis> menu, you 
can query the
 value of a variable by prefixing the name of the variable with a question
 set ?allow_8bit
 The question mark is actually only required for boolean and quadoption 
-The <tt/reset/ command resets all given variables to the compile time
+The <literal remap="tt">reset</literal> command resets all given variables to 
the compile time
 defaults (hopefully mentioned in this manual). If you use the command
-<tt/set/ and prefix the variable with ``&amp;'' this has the same
+<literal remap="tt">set</literal> and prefix the variable with ``&amp;'' this 
has the same
 behavior as the reset command.
-With the <tt/reset/ command there exists the special variable ``all'',
+With the <literal remap="tt">reset</literal> command there exists the special 
variable ``all'',
 which allows you to reset all variables to their system defaults.
-<sect1>Reading initialization commands from another file<label id="source">
-Usage: <tt/source/ <em/filename/
+<sect2 id="source">
+<title>Reading initialization commands from another file</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">source</literal> <emphasis>filename</emphasis>
 This command allows the inclusion of initialization commands
 from other files.  For example, I place all of my aliases in
-<tt>&tilde;/.mail&lowbar;aliases</tt> so that I can make my
-<tt>&tilde;/.muttrc</tt> readable and keep my aliases private.
+<literal remap="tt">&tilde;/.mail&lowbar;aliases</literal> so that I can make 
+<literal remap="tt">&tilde;/.muttrc</literal> readable and keep my aliases 
 If the filename begins with a tilde (``&tilde;''), it will be expanded to the
 path of your home directory.
-If the filename ends with a vertical bar (|), then <em/filename/ is
+If the filename ends with a vertical bar (&verbar;), then 
<emphasis>filename</emphasis> is
 considered to be an executable program from which to read input (eg.
-<tt>source ~/bin/myscript|</tt>).
-<sect1>Removing hooks<label id="unhook">
-Usage: <tt/unhook/ &lsqb; * | <em/hook-type/ &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt">source &tilde;/bin/myscript&verbar;</literal>).
+<sect2 id="unhook">
+<title>Removing hooks</title>
+Usage: <literal remap="tt">unhook</literal> &lsqb; * &verbar; 
<emphasis>hook-type</emphasis> &rsqb;
 This command permits you to flush hooks you have previously defined.
 You can either remove all hooks by giving the ``*'' character as an
 argument, or you can remove all hooks of a specific type by saying
-something like <tt/unhook send-hook/.
-<sect>Advanced Usage
-<sect1>Regular Expressions<label id="regexp">
+something like <literal remap="tt">unhook send-hook</literal>.
+<title>Advanced Usage</title>
+<sect2 id="regexp">
+<title>Regular Expressions</title>
 All string patterns in Mutt including those in more complex
-<ref id="patterns" name="patterns"> must be specified
+<xref LinkEnd="patterns"/> must be specified
 using regular expressions (regexp) in the ``POSIX extended'' syntax (which
 is more or less the syntax used by egrep and GNU awk).  For your
 convenience, we have included below a brief description of this syntax.
 The search is case sensitive if the pattern contains at least one upper
 case letter, and case insensitive otherwise. Note that ``&bsol;''
 must be quoted if used for a regular expression in an initialization
 command: ``&bsol;&bsol;''.
 A regular expression is a pattern that describes a set of strings.
 Regular expressions are constructed analogously to arithmetic
 expressions, by using various operators to combine smaller expressions.
-Note that the regular expression can be enclosed/delimited by either &dquot;
+Note that the regular expression can be enclosed/delimited by either &quot;
 or ' which is useful if the regular expression includes a white-space
-character.  See <ref id="muttrc-syntax" name="Syntax of Initialization Files">
-for more information on &dquot; and ' delimiter processing.  To match a
-literal &dquot; or ' you must preface it with \ (backslash).
+character.  See <xref LinkEnd="muttrc-syntax"/>
+for more information on &quot; and ' delimiter processing.  To match a
+literal &quot; or ' you must preface it with \ (backslash).
 The fundamental building blocks are the regular expressions that match
 a single character.  Most characters, including all letters and digits,
 are regular expressions that match themselves.  Any metacharacter with
 special meaning may be quoted by preceding it with a backslash.
 The period ``.'' matches any single character.  The caret ``&circ;'' and
-the dollar sign ``&dollar'' are metacharacters that respectively match
+the dollar sign ``&dollar;'' are metacharacters that respectively match
 the empty string at the beginning and end of a line.
 A list of characters enclosed by ``&lsqb;'' and ``&rsqb;'' matches any
 single character in that list; if the first character of the list
-is a caret ``&circ;'' then it matches any character <bf/not/ in the
-list.  For example, the regular expression <bf/&lsqb;0123456789&rsqb;/
+is a caret ``&circ;'' then it matches any character <emphasis 
remap="bf">not</emphasis> in the
+list.  For example, the regular expression <emphasis 
 matches any single digit.  A range of ASCII characters may be specified
 by giving the first and last characters, separated by a hyphen
 ``-''.  Most metacharacters lose their special meaning inside
 lists.  To include a literal ``&rsqb;'' place it first in the list.
 Similarly, to include a literal ``&circ;'' place it anywhere but first.
 Finally, to include a literal hyphen ``-'' place it last.
 Certain named classes of characters are predefined.  Character classes
 consist of ``&lsqb;:'', a keyword denoting the class, and ``:&rsqb;''.
 The following classes are defined by the POSIX standard:
 Alphanumeric characters.
 Alphabetic characters.
 Space or tab characters.
 Control characters.
 Numeric characters.
 Characters that are both printable and visible.  (A space is printable,
 but not visible, while an ``a'' is both.)
 Lower-case alphabetic characters.
 Printable characters (characters that are not control characters.)
 Punctuation characters (characters that are not letter, digits, control
 characters, or space characters).
 Space characters (such as space, tab and formfeed, to name a few).
 Upper-case alphabetic characters.
 Characters that are hexadecimal digits.
 A character class is only valid in a regular expression inside the
 brackets of a character list.  Note that the brackets in these
 class names are part of the symbolic names, and must be included
 in addition to the brackets delimiting the bracket list.  For
-example, <bf/&lsqb;&lsqb;:digit:&rsqb;&rsqb;/ is equivalent to
+example, <emphasis remap="bf">&lsqb;&lsqb;:digit:&rsqb;&rsqb;</emphasis> is 
equivalent to
+<emphasis remap="bf">&lsqb;0-9&rsqb;</emphasis>.
 Two additional special sequences can appear in character lists.  These
 apply to non-ASCII character sets, which can have single symbols (called
 collating elements) that are represented with more than one character,
 as well as several characters that are equivalent for collating or
 sorting purposes:
-<tag/Collating Symbols/
+<term>Collating Symbols</term>
 A collating symbol is a multi-character collating element enclosed in
 ``&lsqb;.'' and ``.&rsqb;''.  For example, if ``ch'' is a collating
-element, then <bf/&lsqb;&lsqb;.ch.&rsqb;&rsqb;/ is a regexp that matches
-this collating element, while <bf/&lsqb;ch&rsqb;/ is a regexp that
+element, then <emphasis remap="bf">&lsqb;&lsqb;.ch.&rsqb;&rsqb;</emphasis> is 
a regexp that matches
+this collating element, while <emphasis remap="bf">&lsqb;ch&rsqb;</emphasis> 
is a regexp that
 matches either ``c'' or ``h''.
-<tag/Equivalence Classes/
+<term>Equivalence Classes</term>
 An equivalence class is a locale-specific name for a list of
 characters that are equivalent. The name is enclosed in ``&lsqb;=''
 and ``=&rsqb;''.  For example, the name ``e'' might be used to
 represent all of ``&egrave;'' ``&eacute;'' and ``e''.  In this case,
-<bf/&lsqb;&lsqb;=e=&rsqb;&rsqb;/ is a regexp that matches any of
+<emphasis remap="bf">&lsqb;&lsqb;=e=&rsqb;&rsqb;</emphasis> is a regexp that 
matches any of
 ``&egrave;'', ``&eacute;'' and ``e''.
 A regular expression matching a single character may be followed by one
 of several repetition operators:
 The preceding item is optional and matched at most once.
 The preceding item will be matched zero or more times.
 The preceding item will be matched one or more times.
-The preceding item is matched exactly <em/n/ times.
-The preceding item is matched <em/n/ or more times.
-The preceding item is matched at most <em/m/ times.
-The preceding item is matched at least <em/n/ times, but no more than
-<em/m/ times.
+The preceding item is matched exactly <emphasis>n</emphasis> times.
+The preceding item is matched <emphasis>n</emphasis> or more times.
+The preceding item is matched at most <emphasis>m</emphasis> times.
+The preceding item is matched at least <emphasis>n</emphasis> times, but no 
more than
+<emphasis>m</emphasis> times.
 Two regular expressions may be concatenated; the resulting regular
 expression matches any string formed by concatenating two substrings
 that respectively match the concatenated subexpressions.
-Two regular expressions may be joined by the infix operator ``|'';
+Two regular expressions may be joined by the infix operator ``&verbar;'';
 the resulting regular expression matches any string matching either
 Repetition takes precedence over concatenation, which in turn takes
 precedence over alternation.  A whole subexpression may be enclosed in
 parentheses to override these precedence rules.
-<bf/Note:/ If you compile Mutt with the GNU <em/rx/ package, the
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> If you compile Mutt with the GNU 
<emphasis>rx</emphasis> package, the
 following operators may also be used in regular expressions:
 Matches the empty string at either the beginning or the end of a word.
 Matches the empty string within a word.
 Matches the empty string at the beginning of a word.
 Matches the empty string at the end of a word.
 Matches any word-constituent character (letter, digit, or underscore).
 Matches any character that is not word-constituent.
 Matches the empty string at the beginning of a buffer (string).
 Matches the empty string at the end of a buffer.
 Please note however that these operators are not defined by POSIX, so
 they may or may not be available in stock libraries on various systems.
-<sect1>Patterns<label id="patterns">
+<sect2 id="patterns">
 Many of Mutt's commands allow you to specify a pattern to match
 (limit, tag-pattern, delete-pattern, etc.).  There are several ways to select
 ~A              all messages
 ~b EXPR         messages which contain EXPR in the message body
 ~B EXPR         messages which contain EXPR in the whole message
@@ -1911,156 +3301,273 @@
 ~z [MIN]-[MAX]  messages with a size in the range MIN to MAX *)
 ~=             duplicated messages (see $duplicate_threads)
 ~$             unreferenced messages (requires threaded view)
 Where EXPR, USER, ID, and SUBJECT are 
-<ref id="regexp" name="regular expressions">.  Special attention has to be
+<xref LinkEnd="regexp"/>.  Special attention has to be
 made when using regular expressions inside of patterns.  Specifically,
 Mutt's parser for these patterns will strip one level of backslash (\),
 which is normally used for quoting.  If it is your intention to use a
 backslash in the regular expression, you will need to use two backslashes
 instead (\\).
-*) The forms <tt/&lt;&lsqb;MAX&rsqb;/, <tt/&gt;&lsqb;MIN&rsqb;/,
-<tt/&lsqb;MIN&rsqb;-/ and <tt/-&lsqb;MAX&rsqb;/
+*) The forms <literal remap="tt">&lt;&lsqb;MAX&rsqb;</literal>, <literal 
+<literal remap="tt">&lsqb;MIN&rsqb;-</literal> and <literal 
 are allowed, too.
-<sect2>Pattern Modifier
+<title>Pattern Modifier</title>
 Note that patterns matching 'lists' of addresses (notably c,C,p,P and t)
 match if there is at least one match in the whole list. If you want to
 make sure that all elements of that list match, you need to prefix your
-pattern with ^.
+pattern with &circ;.
 This example matches all mails which only has recipients from Germany.
 ^~C \.de$
-<sect2>Complex Patterns
+<title>Complex Patterns</title>
 Logical AND is performed by specifying more than one criterion.  For
 ~t mutt ~f elkins
 would select messages which contain the word ``mutt'' in the list of
-recipients <bf/and/ that have the word ``elkins'' in the ``From'' header
+recipients <emphasis remap="bf">and</emphasis> that have the word ``elkins'' 
in the ``From'' header
 Mutt also recognizes the following operators to create more complex search
-<item>! -- logical NOT operator
-<item>| -- logical OR operator
-<item>() -- logical grouping operator
+! -- logical NOT operator
+&verbar; -- logical OR operator
+() -- logical grouping operator
 Here is an example illustrating a complex search pattern.  This pattern will
 select all messages which do not contain ``mutt'' in the ``To'' or ``Cc''
 field and which are from ``elkins''.
 !(~t mutt|~c mutt) ~f elkins
 Here is an example using white space in the regular expression (note
-the ' and &dquot; delimiters).  For this to match, the mail's subject must
-match the ``^Junk +From +Me$'' and it must be from either ``Jim +Somebody''
+the ' and &quot; delimiters).  For this to match, the mail's subject must
+match the ``&circ;Junk +From +Me$'' and it must be from either ``Jim 
 or ``Ed +SomeoneElse'':
  '~s "^Junk +From +Me$" ~f ("Jim +Somebody"|"Ed +SomeoneElse")'
 Note that if a regular expression contains parenthesis, or a vertical bar
-("|"), you <bf/must/ enclose the expression in double or single quotes since
+("&verbar;"), you <emphasis remap="bf">must</emphasis> enclose the expression 
in double or single quotes since
 those characters are also used to separate different parts of Mutt's
 pattern language.  For example,
 ~f "me@(mutt\.org|cs\.hmc\.edu)"
 Without the quotes, the parenthesis wouldn't end.
-This would be seperated to two OR'd patterns: <em/&tilde;f me@(mutt\.org/
-and <em/cs\.hmc\.edu)/. They are never what you want.
-<sect2>Searching by Date
-Mutt supports two types of dates, <em/absolute/ and <em/relative/.
-<bf/Absolute/.  Dates <bf/must/ be in DD/MM/YY format (month and year are
+This would be seperated to two OR'd patterns: <emphasis>&tilde;f 
+and <emphasis>cs\.hmc\.edu)</emphasis>. They are never what you want.
+<title>Searching by Date</title>
+Mutt supports two types of dates, <emphasis>absolute</emphasis> and 
+<emphasis remap="bf">Absolute</emphasis>.  Dates <emphasis 
remap="bf">must</emphasis> be in DD/MM/YY format (month and year are
 optional, defaulting to the current month and year).  An example of a valid
 range of dates is:
 Limit to messages matching: ~d 20/1/95-31/10
 If you omit the minimum (first) date, and just specify ``-DD/MM/YY'', all
-messages <em/before/ the given date will be selected.  If you omit the maximum
-(second) date, and specify ``DD/MM/YY-'', all messages <em/after/ the given
+messages <emphasis>before</emphasis> the given date will be selected.  If you 
omit the maximum
+(second) date, and specify ``DD/MM/YY-'', all messages 
<emphasis>after</emphasis> the given
 date will be selected.  If you specify a single date with no dash (``-''),
 only messages sent on the given date will be selected. 
-<bf/Error Margins/.  You can add error margins to absolute dates.
+<emphasis remap="bf">Error Margins</emphasis>.  You can add error margins to 
absolute dates.
 An error margin is a sign (+ or -), followed by a digit, followed by
 one of the following units:
 y      years
 m      months
 w      weeks
 d      days
 As a special case, you can replace the sign by a ``*'' character,
 which is equivalent to giving identical plus and minus error margins.
 Example: To select any messages two weeks around January 15, 2001,
 you'd use the following pattern: 
 Limit to messages matching: ~d 15/1/2001*2w
-<bf/Relative/.  This type of date is relative to the current date, and may
+<emphasis remap="bf">Relative</emphasis>.  This type of date is relative to 
the current date, and may
 be specified as:
-<item>&gt;<em/offset/ (messages older than <em/offset/ units)
-<item>&lt;<em/offset/ (messages newer than <em/offset/ units)
-<item>=<em/offset/ (messages exactly <em/offset/ units old)
-<em/offset/ is specified as a positive number with one of the following
+&gt;<emphasis>offset</emphasis> (messages older than 
<emphasis>offset</emphasis> units)
+&lt;<emphasis>offset</emphasis> (messages newer than 
<emphasis>offset</emphasis> units)
+=<emphasis>offset</emphasis> (messages exactly <emphasis>offset</emphasis> 
units old)
+<emphasis>offset</emphasis> is specified as a positive number with one of the 
 y       years
 m       months
 w       weeks
 d       days
 Example: to select messages less than 1 month old, you would use
-Limit to messages matching: ~d <1m
-<bf/Note:/ all dates used when searching are relative to the
-<bf/local/ time zone, so unless you change the setting of your <ref
-id="index_format" name="&dollar;index&lowbar;format"> to include a
-<tt/&percnt;&lsqb;...&rsqb;/ format, these are <bf/not/ the dates shown
+Limit to messages matching: ~d &#60;1m
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> all dates used when searching are 
relative to the
+<emphasis remap="bf">local</emphasis> time zone, so unless you change the 
setting of your <xref LinkEnd="index-format"/> to include a
+<literal remap="tt">&percnt;&lsqb;...&rsqb;</literal> format, these are 
<emphasis remap="bf">not</emphasis> the dates shown
 in the main index.
-<sect1>Using Tags
+<title>Using Tags</title>
 Sometimes it is desirable to perform an operation on a group of
 messages all at once rather than one at a time.  An example might be
 to save messages to a mailing list to a separate folder, or to
@@ -2068,114 +3575,196 @@
 matching a pattern, use the tag-pattern function, which is bound to
 ``shift-T'' by default.  Or you can select individual messages by
 hand using the ``tag-message'' function, which is bound to ``t'' by
-default.  See <ref id="patterns" name="patterns"> for Mutt's pattern
+default.  See <xref LinkEnd="patterns"/> for Mutt's pattern
 matching syntax.
 Once you have tagged the desired messages, you can use the
 ``tag-prefix'' operator, which is the ``;'' (semicolon) key by default.
-When the ``tag-prefix'' operator is used, the <bf/next/ operation will
+When the ``tag-prefix'' operator is used, the <emphasis 
remap="bf">next</emphasis> operation will
 be applied to all tagged messages if that operation can be used in that
-manner.  If the <ref id="auto_tag" name="&dollar;auto&lowbar;tag">
+manner.  If the <xref LinkEnd="auto-tag"/>
 variable is set, the next operation applies to the tagged messages
 automatically, without requiring the ``tag-prefix''.
-In <ref id="macro" name="macros"> or <ref id="push" name="push"> commands,
+In <xref LinkEnd="macro"/> or <xref LinkEnd="push"/> commands,
 you can use the ``tag-prefix-cond'' operator.  If there are no tagged
 messages, mutt will "eat" the rest of the macro to abort it's execution.
 Mutt will stop "eating" the macro when it encounters the ``end-cond''
 operator;  after this operator the rest of the macro will be executed as
-<sect1>Using Hooks<label id="hooks">
-A <em/hook/ is a concept borrowed from the EMACS editor which allows you to
+<sect2 id="hooks">
+<title>Using Hooks</title>
+A <emphasis>hook</emphasis> is a concept borrowed from the EMACS editor which 
allows you to
 execute arbitrary commands before performing some operation.  For example,
 you may wish to tailor your configuration based upon which mailbox you are
-reading, or to whom you are sending mail.  In the Mutt world, a <em/hook/
-consists of a <ref id="regexp" name="regular expression"> or
-<ref id="patterns" name="pattern"> along with a
+reading, or to whom you are sending mail.  In the Mutt world, a 
+consists of a <xref LinkEnd="regexp"/> or
+<xref LinkEnd="patterns"/> along with a
 configuration option/command.  See
-<item><ref id="folder-hook" name="folder-hook">
-<item><ref id="send-hook" name="send-hook">
-<item><ref id="message-hook" name="message-hook">
-<item><ref id="save-hook" name="save-hook">
-<item><ref id="mbox-hook" name="mbox-hook">
-<item><ref id="fcc-hook" name="fcc-hook">
-<item><ref id="fcc-save-hook" name="fcc-save-hook">
-for specific details on each type of <em/hook/ available.
-<bf/Note:/ if a hook changes configuration settings, these changes remain
+<xref LinkEnd="folder-hook"/>
+<xref LinkEnd="send-hook"/>
+<xref LinkEnd="message-hook"/>
+<xref LinkEnd="save-hook"/>
+<xref LinkEnd="mbox-hook"/>
+<xref LinkEnd="fcc-hook"/>
+<xref LinkEnd="fcc-save-hook"/>
+for specific details on each type of <emphasis>hook</emphasis> available.
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> if a hook changes configuration 
settings, these changes remain
 effective until the end of the current mutt session. As this is generally
 not desired, a default hook needs to be added before all other hooks to
 restore configuration defaults. Here is an example with send-hook and the
-my_hdr directive:
+my&lowbar;hdr directive:
 send-hook . 'unmy_hdr From:'
 send-hook ~C'^b@b\.b$' my_hdr from: c@xxx
-<sect2>Message Matching in Hooks<label id="pattern_hook">
-Hooks that act upon messages (<tt/send-hook, save-hook, fcc-hook,
-message-hook/) are evaluated in a slightly different manner.  For the other
-types of hooks, a <ref id="regexp" name="regular expression"> is
+<sect3 id="pattern-hook">
+<title>Message Matching in Hooks</title>
+Hooks that act upon messages (<literal remap="tt">send-hook, save-hook, 
+message-hook</literal>) are evaluated in a slightly different manner.  For the 
+types of hooks, a <xref LinkEnd="regexp"/> is
 sufficient.  But in dealing with messages a finer grain of control is
 needed for matching since for different purposes you want to match
 different criteria.
-Mutt allows the use of the <ref id="patterns" name="search pattern">
+Mutt allows the use of the <xref LinkEnd="patterns"/>
 language for matching messages in hook commands.  This works in
-exactly the same way as it would when <em/limiting/ or
-<em/searching/ the mailbox, except that you are restricted to those
+exactly the same way as it would when <emphasis>limiting</emphasis> or
+<emphasis>searching</emphasis> the mailbox, except that you are restricted to 
 operators which match information mutt extracts from the header of
 the message (i.e.  from, to, cc, date, subject, etc.).
 For example, if you wanted to set your return address based upon sending
 mail to a specific address, you could do something like:
-send-hook '~t ^me@cs\.hmc\.edu$' 'my_hdr From: Mutt User <user@host>'
+send-hook '~t ^me@cs\.hmc\.edu$' 'my_hdr From: Mutt User &#60;user@host&#62;'
 which would execute the given command when sending mail to
 However, it is not required that you write the pattern to match using the
-full searching language.  You can still specify a simple <em/regular
-expression/ like the other hooks, in which case Mutt will translate your
+full searching language.  You can still specify a simple <emphasis>regular
+expression</emphasis> like the other hooks, in which case Mutt will translate 
 pattern into the full language, using the translation specified by the 
-<ref id="default_hook" name="&dollar;default&lowbar;hook"> variable.  The
+<xref LinkEnd="default-hook"/> variable.  The
 pattern is translated at the time the hook is declared, so the value of 
-<ref id="default_hook" name="&dollar;default&lowbar;hook"> that is in effect
+<xref LinkEnd="default-hook"/> that is in effect
 at that time will be used.
-<sect1>External Address Queries<label id="query">
+<sect2 id="query">
+<title>External Address Queries</title>
 Mutt supports connecting to external directory databases such as LDAP,
 ph/qi, bbdb, or NIS through a wrapper script which connects to mutt
-using a simple interface.  Using the <ref id="query_command"
-name="&dollar;query&lowbar;command"> variable, you specify the wrapper
+using a simple interface.  Using the <xref LinkEnd="query-command"/> variable, 
you specify the wrapper
 command to use.  For example:
 set query_command = "mutt_ldap_query.pl '%s'"
 The wrapper script should accept the query on the command-line.  It
 should return a one line message, then each matching response on a
 single line, each line containing a tab separated address then name then
 some other optional information.  On error, or if there are no matching
 addresses, return a non-zero exit code and a one line error message.
 An example multiple response output:
 Searching database ... 20 entries ... 3 matching:
 me@xxxxxxxxxx           Michael Elkins  mutt dude
 blong@xxxxxxxxxxx       Brandon Long    mutt and more
 roessler@xxxxxxx        Thomas Roessler mutt pgp
 There are two mechanisms for accessing the query function of mutt.  One
 is to do a query from the index menu using the query function (default: Q).
 This will prompt for a query, then bring up the query menu which will
@@ -2183,331 +3772,502 @@
 addresses to create aliases, or to mail.  You can tag multiple addresses
 to mail, start a new query, or have a new query appended to the current
 The other mechanism for accessing the query function is for address
 completion, similar to the alias completion.  In any prompt for address
-entry, you can use the complete-query function (default: ^T) to run a
+entry, you can use the complete-query function (default: &circ;T) to run a
 query based on the current address you have typed.  Like aliases, mutt
 will look for what you have typed back to the last space or comma.  If
 there is a single response for that query, mutt will expand the address
 in place.  If there are multiple responses, mutt will activate the query
 menu.  At the query menu, you can select one or more addresses to be
 added to the prompt.
-<sect1>Mailbox Formats
+<title>Mailbox Formats</title>
 Mutt supports reading and writing of four different mailbox formats:
 mbox, MMDF, MH and Maildir.  The mailbox type is autodetected, so there
 is no need to use a flag for different mailbox types.  When creating new
-mailboxes, Mutt uses the default specified with the <ref id="mbox_type"
-name="&dollar;mbox&lowbar;type"> variable.
-<bf/mbox/.  This is the most widely used mailbox format for UNIX.  All
+mailboxes, Mutt uses the default specified with the <xref 
LinkEnd="mbox-type"/> variable.
+<emphasis remap="bf">mbox</emphasis>.  This is the most widely used mailbox 
format for UNIX.  All
 messages are stored in a single file.  Each message has a line of the form:
 From me@xxxxxxxxxx Fri, 11 Apr 1997 11:44:56 PST
 to denote the start of a new message (this is often referred to as the
 ``From&lowbar;'' line).
-<bf/MMDF/.  This is a variant of the <em/mbox/ format.  Each message is
-surrounded by lines containing ``^A^A^A^A'' (four control-A's).
-<bf/MH/. A radical departure from <em/mbox/ and <em/MMDF/, a mailbox
+<emphasis remap="bf">MMDF</emphasis>.  This is a variant of the 
<emphasis>mbox</emphasis> format.  Each message is
+surrounded by lines containing ``&circ;A&circ;A&circ;A&circ;A'' (four 
+<emphasis remap="bf">MH</emphasis>. A radical departure from 
<emphasis>mbox</emphasis> and <emphasis>MMDF</emphasis>, a mailbox
 consists of a directory and each message is stored in a separate file.
 The filename indicates the message number (however, this is may not
 correspond to the message number Mutt displays). Deleted messages are
-renamed with a comma (,) prepended to the filename. <bf/Note:/ Mutt
-detects this type of mailbox by looking for either <tt/.mh&lowbar;sequences/
-or <tt/.xmhcache/ (needed to distinguish normal directories from MH
+renamed with a comma (,) prepended to the filename. <emphasis 
remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> Mutt
+detects this type of mailbox by looking for either <literal 
+or <literal remap="tt">.xmhcache</literal> (needed to distinguish normal 
directories from MH
-<bf/Maildir/.  The newest of the mailbox formats, used by the Qmail MTA (a
-replacement for sendmail).  Similar to <em/MH/, except that it adds three
-subdirectories of the mailbox: <em/tmp/, <em/new/ and <em/cur/.  Filenames
+<emphasis remap="bf">Maildir</emphasis>.  The newest of the mailbox formats, 
used by the Qmail MTA (a
+replacement for sendmail).  Similar to <emphasis>MH</emphasis>, except that it 
adds three
+subdirectories of the mailbox: <emphasis>tmp</emphasis>, 
<emphasis>new</emphasis> and <emphasis>cur</emphasis>.  Filenames
 for the messages are chosen in such a way they are unique, even when two
 programs are writing the mailbox over NFS, which means that no file locking
 is needed.
-<sect1>Mailbox Shortcuts<label id="shortcuts">
+<sect2 id="shortcuts">
+<title>Mailbox Shortcuts</title>
 There are a number of built in shortcuts which refer to specific mailboxes.
 These shortcuts can be used anywhere you are prompted for a file or mailbox
-<item>! -- refers to your <ref id="spoolfile" name="&dollar;spoolfile"> 
(incoming) mailbox
-<item>&gt; -- refers to your <ref id="mbox" name="&dollar;mbox"> file
-<item>&lt; -- refers to your <ref id="record" name="&dollar;record"> file
-<item>^ -- refers to the current mailbox
-<item>- or !! -- refers to the file you've last visited
-<item>&tilde; -- refers to your home directory
-<item>= or + -- refers to your <ref id="folder" name="&dollar;folder"> 
-<item>@<em/alias/ -- refers to the <ref id="save-hook" 
-name="default save folder"> as determined by the address of the alias
-<sect1>Handling Mailing Lists<label id="using_lists">
+! -- refers to your <xref LinkEnd="spoolfile"/> (incoming) mailbox
+&gt; -- refers to your <xref LinkEnd="mbox"/> file
+&lt; -- refers to your <xref LinkEnd="record"/> file
+&circ; -- refers to the current mailbox
+- or !! -- refers to the file you've last visited
+&tilde; -- refers to your home directory
+= or + -- refers to your <xref LinkEnd="folder"/> directory
+@<emphasis>alias</emphasis> -- refers to the <xref LinkEnd="save-hook"/> as 
determined by the address of the alias
+<sect2 id="using-lists">
+<title>Handling Mailing Lists</title>
 Mutt has a few configuration options that make dealing with large
 amounts of mail easier.  The first thing you must do is to let Mutt
 know what addresses you consider to be mailing lists (technically
 this does not have to be a mailing list, but that is what it is most
 often used for), and what lists you are subscribed to.  This is
-accomplished through the use of the <ref id="lists"
-name="lists and subscribe"> commands in your muttrc.
+accomplished through the use of the <xref LinkEnd="lists"/> commands in your 
 Now that Mutt knows what your mailing lists are, it can do several
 things, the first of which is the ability to show the name of a list
 through which you received a message (i.e., of a subscribed list) in
-the <em/index/ menu display.  This is useful to distinguish between
-personal and list mail in the same mailbox.  In the <ref id="index_format"
-name="&dollar;index&lowbar;format"> variable, the escape ``&percnt;L''
+the <emphasis>index</emphasis> menu display.  This is useful to distinguish 
+personal and list mail in the same mailbox.  In the <xref 
LinkEnd="index-format"/> variable, the escape ``&percnt;L''
 will return the string ``To &lt;list&gt;'' when ``list'' appears in the
 ``To'' field, and ``Cc &lt;list&gt;'' when it appears in the ``Cc''
 field (otherwise it returns the name of the author).
 Often times the ``To'' and ``Cc'' fields in mailing list messages
 tend to get quite large. Most people do not bother to remove the
 author of the message they are reply to from the list, resulting in
 two or more copies being sent to that person.  The ``list-reply''
-function, which by default is bound to ``L'' in the <em/index/ menu
-and <em/pager/, helps reduce the clutter by only replying to the
+function, which by default is bound to ``L'' in the <emphasis>index</emphasis> 
+and <emphasis>pager</emphasis>, helps reduce the clutter by only replying to 
 known mailing list addresses instead of all recipients (except as
-specified by <tt/Mail-Followup-To/, see below).
-Mutt also supports the <tt/Mail-Followup-To/ header.  When you send
+specified by <literal remap="tt">Mail-Followup-To</literal>, see below).
+Mutt also supports the <literal remap="tt">Mail-Followup-To</literal> header.  
When you send
 a message to a list of recipients which includes one or several
-subscribed mailing lists, and if the <ref id="followup_to"
-name="&dollar;followup&lowbar;to"> option is set, mutt will generate
+subscribed mailing lists, and if the <xref LinkEnd="followup-to"/> option is 
set, mutt will generate
 a Mail-Followup-To header which contains all the recipients to whom
 you send this message, but not your address. This indicates that
 group-replies or list-replies (also known as ``followups'') to this
 message should only be sent to the original recipients of the
 message, and not separately to you - you'll receive your copy through
 one of the mailing lists you are subscribed to.
 Conversely, when group-replying or list-replying to a message which
-has a <tt/Mail-Followup-To/ header, mutt will respect this header if
-the <ref id="honor_followup_to"
-name="&dollar;honor&lowbar;followup&lowbar;to"> configuration
+has a <literal remap="tt">Mail-Followup-To</literal> header, mutt will respect 
this header if
+the <xref LinkEnd="honor-followup-to"/> configuration
 variable is set.  Using list-reply will in this case also make sure
 that the reply goes to the mailing list, even if it's not specified
-in the list of recipients in the <tt/Mail-Followup-To/.
+in the list of recipients in the <literal 
 Note that, when header editing is enabled, you can create a
-<tt/Mail-Followup-To/ header manually.  Mutt will only auto-generate
+<literal remap="tt">Mail-Followup-To</literal> header manually.  Mutt will 
only auto-generate
 this header if it doesn't exist when you send the message.
 The other method some mailing list admins use is to generate a
 ``Reply-To'' field which points back to the mailing list address rather
 than the author of the message.  This can create problems when trying
 to reply directly to the author in private, since most mail clients
 will automatically reply to the address given in the ``Reply-To''
-field.  Mutt uses the <ref id="reply_to" name="&dollar;reply&lowbar;to">
-variable to help decide which address to use.  If set to <em/ask-yes/ or
-<em/ask-no/, you will be
+field.  Mutt uses the <xref LinkEnd="reply-to"/>
+variable to help decide which address to use.  If set to 
<emphasis>ask-yes</emphasis> or
+<emphasis>ask-no</emphasis>, you will be
 prompted as to whether or not you would like to use the address given in
 the ``Reply-To'' field, or reply directly to the address given in the
-``From'' field.  When set to <em/yes/, the ``Reply-To'' field will be used when
+``From'' field.  When set to <emphasis>yes</emphasis>, the ``Reply-To'' field 
will be used when
 The ``X-Label:'' header field can be used to further identify mailing
 lists or list subject matter (or just to annotate messages
-individually).  The <ref id="index_format"
-name="&dollar;index&lowbar;format"> variable's ``&percnt;y'' and
+individually).  The <xref LinkEnd="index-format"/> variable's ``&percnt;y'' and
 ``&percnt;Y'' escapes can be used to expand ``X-Label:'' fields in the
 index, and Mutt's pattern-matcher can match regular expressions to
-``X-Label:'' fields with the ``~y'' selector.  ``X-Label:'' is not a
+``X-Label:'' fields with the ``&nbsp;y'' selector.  ``X-Label:'' is not a
 standard message header field, but it can easily be inserted by procmail
 and other mail filtering agents.
-Lastly, Mutt has the ability to <ref id="sort" name="sort"> the mailbox into
-<ref id="threads" name="threads">.  A thread is a group of messages which all 
relate to the same
+Lastly, Mutt has the ability to <xref LinkEnd="sort"/> the mailbox into
+<xref LinkEnd="threads"/>.  A thread is a group of messages which all relate 
to the same
 subject.  This is usually organized into a tree-like structure where a
 message and all of its replies are represented graphically.  If you've ever
 used a threaded news client, this is the same concept.  It makes dealing
 with large volume mailing lists easier because you can easily delete
 uninteresting threads and quickly find topics of value.
-<sect1>Editing threads
+<title>Editing threads</title>
 Mutt has the ability to dynamically restructure threads that are broken
 either by misconfigured software or bad behaviour from some
 correspondents. This allows to clean your mailboxes formats) from these
 annoyances which make it hard to follow a discussion.
 If you want to use these functions with IMAP, you need to compile Mutt
-with the <em/--enable-imap-edit-threads/ configure flag.
-<sect2>Linking threads
+with the <emphasis>--enable-imap-edit-threads</emphasis> configure flag.
+<title>Linking threads</title>
 Some mailers tend to "forget" to correctly set the "In-Reply-To:" and
 "References:" headers when replying to a message. This results in broken
 discussions because Mutt has not enough information to guess the correct
 You can fix this by tagging the reply, then moving to the parent message
-and using the ``link-threads'' function (bound to & by default). The
+and using the ``link-threads'' function (bound to &#38; by default). The
 reply will then be connected to this "parent" message.
 You can also connect multiple childs at once, tagging them and using the
-tag-prefix command (';') or the auto_tag option.
-<sect2>Breaking threads
+tag-prefix command (';') or the auto&lowbar;tag option.
+<title>Breaking threads</title>
 On mailing lists, some people are in the bad habit of starting a new
 discussion by hitting "reply" to any message from the list and changing
 the subject to a totally unrelated one.
 You can fix such threads by using the ``break-thread'' function (bound
-by default to #), which will turn the subthread starting from the
+by default to &num;), which will turn the subthread starting from the
 current message into a whole different thread.
-<sect1>Delivery Status Notification (DSN) Support
+<title>Delivery Status Notification (DSN) Support</title>
 RFC1894 defines a set of MIME content types for relaying information
 about the status of electronic mail messages.  These can be thought of as
 ``return receipts.'' Berkeley sendmail 8.8.x currently has some command
 line options in which the mail client can make requests as to what type
 of status messages should be returned.
-To support this, there are two variables. <ref id="dsn_notify"
-name="&dollar;dsn&lowbar;notify"> is used to request receipts for
+To support this, there are two variables. <xref LinkEnd="dsn-notify"/> is used 
to request receipts for
 different results (such as failed message, message delivered, etc.).
-<ref id="dsn_return" name="&dollar;dsn&lowbar;return"> requests how much
+<xref LinkEnd="dsn-return"/> requests how much
 of your message should be returned with the receipt (headers or full
 message).  Refer to the man page on sendmail for more details on DSN.
-<sect1>POP3 Support (OPTIONAL)
-If Mutt was compiled with POP3 support (by running the <em/configure/
-script with the <em/--enable-pop/ flag), it has the ability to work
+<title>POP3 Support (OPTIONAL)</title>
+If Mutt was compiled with POP3 support (by running the 
+script with the <emphasis>--enable-pop</emphasis> flag), it has the ability to 
 with mailboxes located on a remote POP3 server and fetch mail for local
 You can access the remote POP3 mailbox by selecting the folder
+<literal remap="tt">pop://popserver/</literal>.
 You can select an alternative port by specifying it with the server, ie:
+<literal remap="tt">pop://popserver:port/</literal>.
 You can also specify different username for each folder, ie:
+<literal remap="tt">pop://username@popserver[:port]/</literal>.
 Polling for new mail is more expensive over POP3 than locally. For this
 reason the frequency at which Mutt will check for mail remotely can be
 controlled by the
-<ref id="pop_checkinterval" name="&dollar;pop&lowbar;checkinterval">
+<xref LinkEnd="pop-checkinterval"/>
 variable, which defaults to every 60 seconds.
-If Mutt was compiled with SSL support (by running the <em/configure/
-script with the <em/--with-ssl/ flag), connections to POP3 servers
+If Mutt was compiled with SSL support (by running the 
+script with the <emphasis>--with-ssl</emphasis> flag), connections to POP3 
 can be encrypted. This naturally requires that the server supports
 SSL encrypted connections. To access a folder with POP3/SSL, you should
 use pops: prefix, ie:
-Another way to access your POP3 mail is the <em/fetch-mail/ function
-(default: G).  It allows to connect to <ref id="pop_host"
-name="pop&lowbar;host">, fetch all your new mail and place it in the
-local <ref id="spoolfile" name="spoolfile">.  After this
+<literal remap="tt">pops://[username@]popserver[:port]/</literal>.
+Another way to access your POP3 mail is the <emphasis>fetch-mail</emphasis> 
+(default: G).  It allows to connect to <xref LinkEnd="pop-host"/>, fetch all 
your new mail and place it in the
+local <xref LinkEnd="spoolfile"/>.  After this
 point, Mutt runs exactly as if the mail had always been local.
-<bf/Note:/ If you only need to fetch all messages to local mailbox
-you should consider using a specialized program, such as <htmlurl
-url="http://www.ccil.org/~esr/fetchmail"; name="fetchmail">
-<sect1>IMAP Support (OPTIONAL)
-If Mutt was compiled with IMAP support (by running the <em/configure/
-script with the <em/--enable-imap/ flag), it has the ability to work
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> If you only need to fetch all messages 
to local mailbox
+you should consider using a specialized program, such as <ulink
+<title>IMAP Support (OPTIONAL)</title>
+If Mutt was compiled with IMAP support (by running the 
+script with the <emphasis>--enable-imap</emphasis> flag), it has the ability 
to work
 with folders located on a remote IMAP server.
 You can access the remote inbox by selecting the folder
-<tt>imap://imapserver/INBOX</tt>, where <tt/imapserver/ is the name of the
-IMAP server and <tt/INBOX/ is the special name for your spool mailbox on
+<literal remap="tt">imap://imapserver/INBOX</literal>, where <literal 
remap="tt">imapserver</literal> is the name of the
+IMAP server and <literal remap="tt">INBOX</literal> is the special name for 
your spool mailbox on
 the IMAP server. If you want to access another mail folder at the IMAP
-server, you should use <tt>imap://imapserver/path/to/folder</tt> where
-<tt>path/to/folder</tt> is the path of the folder you want to access.
+server, you should use <literal 
remap="tt">imap://imapserver/path/to/folder</literal> where
+<literal remap="tt">path/to/folder</literal> is the path of the folder you 
want to access.
 You can select an alternative port by specifying it with the server, ie:
+<literal remap="tt">imap://imapserver:port/INBOX</literal>.
 You can also specify different username for each folder, ie:
-If Mutt was compiled with SSL support (by running the <em/configure/
-script with the <em/--with-ssl/ flag), connections to IMAP servers
+<literal remap="tt">imap://username@imapserver[:port]/INBOX</literal>.
+If Mutt was compiled with SSL support (by running the 
+script with the <emphasis>--with-ssl</emphasis> flag), connections to IMAP 
 can be encrypted. This naturally requires that the server supports
 SSL encrypted connections. To access a folder with IMAP/SSL, you should
-use <tt>imaps://[username@]imapserver[:port]/path/to/folder</tt> as your 
+use <literal 
remap="tt">imaps://[username@]imapserver[:port]/path/to/folder</literal> as 
 folder path.
 Pine-compatible notation is also supported, ie
 Note that not all servers use / as the hierarchy separator.  Mutt should
 correctly notice which separator is being used by the server and convert
 paths accordingly.
 When browsing folders on an IMAP server, you can toggle whether to look
 at only the folders you are subscribed to, or all folders with the
-<em/toggle-subscribed/ command.  See also the 
-<ref id="imap_list_subscribed"
-name="&dollar;imap&lowbar;list&lowbar;subscribed"> variable.
+<emphasis>toggle-subscribed</emphasis> command.  See also the 
+<xref LinkEnd="imap-list-subscribed"/> variable.
 Polling for new mail on an IMAP server can cause noticeable delays. So, you'll
 want to carefully tune the
-<ref id="mail_check" name="&dollar;mail&lowbar;check">
+<xref LinkEnd="mail-check"/>
-<ref id="timeout" name="&dollar;timeout">
+<xref LinkEnd="timeout"/>
 variables. Personally I use
 set mail_check=90
 set timeout=15
 with relatively good results over my slow modem line.
 Note that if you are using mbox as the mail store on UW servers prior to
 v12.250, the server has been reported to disconnect a client if another client
 selects the same folder.
-<sect2>The Folder Browser
+<title>The Folder Browser</title>
 As of version 1.2, mutt supports browsing mailboxes on an IMAP
 server. This is mostly the same as the local file browser, with the
 following differences:
-<item>In lieu of file permissions, mutt displays the string "IMAP",
-  possibly followed by the symbol "+", indicating
-  that the entry contains both messages and subfolders. On
-  Cyrus-like servers folders will often contain both messages and
-  subfolders. 
-<item>For the case where an entry can contain both messages and
-  subfolders, the selection key (bound to <tt>enter</tt> by default)
-  will choose to descend into the subfolder view. If you wish to view
-  the messages in that folder, you must use <tt>view-file</tt> instead
-  (bound to <tt>space</tt> by default).
-<item>You can create, delete and rename mailboxes with the
-  <tt>create-mailbox</tt>, <tt>delete-mailbox</tt>, and
-  <tt>rename-mailbox</tt> commands (default bindings: <tt>C</tt>,
-  <tt>d</tt> and <tt>r</tt>, respectively). You may also
-  <tt>subscribe</tt> and <tt>unsubscribe</tt> to mailboxes (normally
-  these are bound to <tt>s</tt> and <tt>u</tt>, respectively).
+In lieu of file permissions, mutt displays the string "IMAP",
+possibly followed by the symbol "+", indicating
+that the entry contains both messages and subfolders. On
+Cyrus-like servers folders will often contain both messages and
+For the case where an entry can contain both messages and
+subfolders, the selection key (bound to <literal remap="tt">enter</literal> by 
+will choose to descend into the subfolder view. If you wish to view
+the messages in that folder, you must use <literal 
remap="tt">view-file</literal> instead
+(bound to <literal remap="tt">space</literal> by default).
+You can create, delete and rename mailboxes with the
+<literal remap="tt">create-mailbox</literal>, <literal 
remap="tt">delete-mailbox</literal>, and
+<literal remap="tt">rename-mailbox</literal> commands (default bindings: 
<literal remap="tt">C</literal>,
+<literal remap="tt">d</literal> and <literal remap="tt">r</literal>, 
respectively). You may also
+<literal remap="tt">subscribe</literal> and <literal 
remap="tt">unsubscribe</literal> to mailboxes (normally
+these are bound to <literal remap="tt">s</literal> and <literal 
remap="tt">u</literal>, respectively).
 Mutt supports four authentication methods with IMAP servers: SASL,
 GSSAPI, CRAM-MD5, and LOGIN (there is a patch by Grant Edwards to add
 NTLM authentication for you poor exchange users out there, but it has
@@ -2515,110 +4275,180 @@
 the pseudo-protocol ANONYMOUS, which allows you to log in to a public
 IMAP server without having an account. To use ANONYMOUS, simply make
 your username blank or "anonymous".
 SASL is a special super-authenticator, which selects among several protocols
 (including GSSAPI, CRAM-MD5, ANONYMOUS, and DIGEST-MD5) the most secure
 method available on your host and the server. Using some of these methods
 (including DIGEST-MD5 and possibly GSSAPI), your entire session will be
 encrypted and invisible to those teeming network snoops. It is the best
 option if you have it. To use it, you must have the Cyrus SASL library
-installed on your system and compile mutt with the <em/--with-sasl/ flag.
+installed on your system and compile mutt with the 
<emphasis>--with-sasl</emphasis> flag.
 Mutt will try whichever methods are compiled in and available on the server,
 in the following order: SASL, ANONYMOUS, GSSAPI, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN.
 There are a few variables which control authentication: 
-<item><ref id="imap_user" name="&dollar;imap&lowbar;user"> - controls
-  the username under which you request authentication on the IMAP server,
-  for all authenticators. This is overridden by an explicit username in
-  the mailbox path (ie by using a mailbox name of the form
-  <tt/{user@host}/).
-<item><ref id="imap_pass" name="&dollar;imap&lowbar;pass"> - a
-  password which you may preset, used by all authentication methods where
-  a password is needed.
-<item><ref id="imap_authenticators"
-  name="&dollar;imap&lowbar;authenticators"> - a colon-delimited list of IMAP
-  authentication methods to try, in the order you wish to try them. If
-  specified, this overrides mutt's default (attempt everything, in the order
-  listed above).
-<sect1>Managing multiple IMAP/POP accounts (OPTIONAL)<label id="account-hook">
+<xref LinkEnd="imap-user"/> - controls
+the username under which you request authentication on the IMAP server,
+for all authenticators. This is overridden by an explicit username in
+the mailbox path (ie by using a mailbox name of the form
+<literal remap="tt">&lcub;user@host&rcub;</literal>).
+<xref LinkEnd="imap-pass"/> - a
+password which you may preset, used by all authentication methods where
+a password is needed.
+<xref LinkEnd="imap-authenticators"/> - a colon-delimited list of IMAP
+authentication methods to try, in the order you wish to try them. If
+specified, this overrides mutt's default (attempt everything, in the order
+listed above).
+<sect2 id="account-hook">
+<title>Managing multiple IMAP/POP accounts (OPTIONAL)</title>
 If you happen to have accounts on multiple IMAP and/or POP servers,
 you may find managing all the authentication settings inconvenient and
 error-prone.  The account-hook command may help. This hook works like
 folder-hook but is invoked whenever you access a remote mailbox
 (including inside the folder browser), not just when you open the
 Some examples:
 account-hook . 'unset imap_user; unset imap_pass; unset tunnel'
 account-hook imap://host1/ 'set imap_user=me1 imap_pass=foo'
 account-hook imap://host2/ 'set tunnel="ssh host2 /usr/libexec/imapd"'
-<sect1>Start a WWW Browser on URLs (EXTERNAL)<label id="urlview">
-If a message contains URLs (<em/unified resource locator/ = address in the
-WWW space like <em>http://www.mutt.org/</em>), it is efficient to get
+<sect2 id="urlview">
+<title>Start a WWW Browser on URLs (EXTERNAL)</title>
+If a message contains URLs (<emphasis>unified resource locator</emphasis> = 
address in the
+WWW space like <emphasis>http://www.mutt.org/</emphasis>), it is efficient to 
 a menu with all the URLs and start a WWW browser on one of them.  This
 functionality is provided by the external urlview program which can be
-retrieved at <htmlurl url="ftp://ftp.mutt.org/mutt/contrib/";
-name="ftp://ftp.mutt.org/mutt/contrib/";> and the configuration commands:
+retrieved at <ulink
+> and the configuration commands:
 macro index \cb |urlview\n
 macro pager \cb |urlview\n
-<sect>Mutt's MIME Support
+<title>Mutt's MIME Support</title>
 Quite a bit of effort has been made to make Mutt the premier text-mode
 MIME MUA.  Every effort has been made to provide the functionality that
 the discerning MIME user requires, and the conformance to the standards
 wherever possible.  When configuring Mutt for MIME, there are two extra
 types of configuration files which Mutt uses.  One is the
-<tt/mime.types/ file, which contains the mapping of file extensions to 
-IANA MIME types.  The other is the <tt/mailcap/ file, which specifies
+<literal remap="tt">mime.types</literal> file, which contains the mapping of 
file extensions to 
+IANA MIME types.  The other is the <literal remap="tt">mailcap</literal> file, 
which specifies
 the external commands to use for handling specific MIME types.
-<sect1>Using MIME in Mutt
+<title>Using MIME in Mutt</title>
 There are three areas/menus in Mutt which deal with MIME, they are the
 pager (while viewing a message), the attachment menu and the compose
-<sect2>Viewing MIME messages in the pager
+<title>Viewing MIME messages in the pager</title>
 When you select a message from the index and view it in the pager, Mutt
 decodes the message to a text representation.  Mutt internally supports
-a number of MIME types, including <tt>text/plain, text/enriched,
-message/rfc822, and message/news</tt>.  In addition, the export
+a number of MIME types, including <literal remap="tt">text/plain, 
+message/rfc822, and message/news</literal>.  In addition, the export
 controlled version of Mutt recognizes a variety of PGP MIME types,
 including PGP/MIME and application/pgp.
 Mutt will denote attachments with a couple lines describing them.
 These lines are of the form:
 [-- Attachment #1: Description --]
 [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 7bit, Size: 10000 --]
-Where the <tt/Description/ is the description or filename given for the
-attachment, and the <tt/Encoding/ is one of
+Where the <literal remap="tt">Description</literal> is the description or 
filename given for the
+attachment, and the <literal remap="tt">Encoding</literal> is one of
+<literal remap="tt">7bit/8bit/quoted-printable/base64/binary</literal>.
 If Mutt cannot deal with a MIME type, it will display a message like:
 [-- image/gif is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]
-<sect2>The Attachment Menu<label id="attach_menu">
-The default binding for <tt/view-attachments/ is `v', which displays the
+<sect3 id="attach-menu">
+<title>The Attachment Menu</title>
+The default binding for <literal remap="tt">view-attachments</literal> is `v', 
which displays the
 attachment menu for a message.  The attachment menu displays a list of
 the attachments in a message.  From the attachment menu, you can save,
 print, pipe, delete, and view attachments.  You can apply these
@@ -2627,15 +4457,24 @@
 current message from this menu, and only the current attachment (or the
 attachments tagged) will be quoted in your reply.  You can view
 attachments as text, or view them using the mailcap viewer definition.
 Finally, you can apply the usual message-related functions (like 
-<ref id="resend-message" name="resend-message">, and the reply
-and forward functions) to attachments of type <tt>message/rfc822</tt>.
+<xref LinkEnd="resend-message"/>, and the reply
+and forward functions) to attachments of type <literal 
 See the help on the attachment menu for more information.
-<sect2>The Compose Menu<label id="compose_menu">
+<sect3 id="compose-menu">
+<title>The Compose Menu</title>
 The compose menu is the menu you see before you send a message.  It
 allows you to edit the recipient list, the subject, and other aspects
 of your message.  It also contains a list of the attachments of your
@@ -2643,50 +4482,69 @@
 filter, pipe, edit, compose, review, and rename an attachment or a
 list of tagged attachments.  You can also modifying the attachment
 information, notably the type, encoding and description.
 Attachments appear as follows:
--   1 [text/plain, 7bit, 1K]             /tmp/mutt-euler-8082-0 <no 
-    2 [applica/x-gunzip, base64, 422K]   ~/src/mutt-0.85.tar.gz <no 
+-   1 [text/plain, 7bit, 1K]             /tmp/mutt-euler-8082-0 &#60;no 
+    2 [applica/x-gunzip, base64, 422K]   ~/src/mutt-0.85.tar.gz &#60;no 
 The '-' denotes that Mutt will delete the file after sending (or
 postponing, or cancelling) the message.  It can be toggled with the
-<tt/toggle-unlink/ command (default: u).  The next field is the MIME
-content-type, and can be changed with the <tt/edit-type/ command
-(default: ^T).  The next field is the encoding for the attachment,
+<literal remap="tt">toggle-unlink</literal> command (default: u).  The next 
field is the MIME
+content-type, and can be changed with the <literal 
remap="tt">edit-type</literal> command
+(default: &circ;T).  The next field is the encoding for the attachment,
 which allows a binary message to be encoded for transmission on 7bit
-links.  It can be changed with the <tt/edit-encoding/ command
-(default: ^E).  The next field is the size of the attachment,
+links.  It can be changed with the <literal remap="tt">edit-encoding</literal> 
+(default: &circ;E).  The next field is the size of the attachment,
 rounded to kilobytes or megabytes.  The next field is the filename,
-which can be changed with the <tt/rename-file/ command (default: R).
+which can be changed with the <literal remap="tt">rename-file</literal> 
command (default: R).
 The final field is the description of the attachment, and can be
-changed with the <tt/edit-description/ command (default: d).
-<sect1>MIME Type configuration with <tt/mime.types/
+changed with the <literal remap="tt">edit-description</literal> command 
(default: d).
+<title>MIME Type configuration with <literal 
 When you add an attachment to your mail message, Mutt searches your
-personal mime.types file at <tt>&dollar;{HOME}/.mime.types</tt>, and then
-the system mime.types file at <tt>/usr/local/share/mutt/mime.types</tt> or
+personal mime.types file at <literal 
remap="tt">&dollar;&lcub;HOME&rcub;/.mime.types</literal>, and then
+the system mime.types file at <literal 
remap="tt">/usr/local/share/mutt/mime.types</literal> or
+<literal remap="tt">/etc/mime.types</literal>
 The mime.types file consist of lines containing a MIME type and a space
 separated list of extensions.  For example:
 application/postscript          ps eps
 application/pgp                 pgp
 audio/x-aiff                    aif aifc aiff
-A sample <tt/mime.types/ file comes with the Mutt distribution, and
+A sample <literal remap="tt">mime.types</literal> file comes with the Mutt 
distribution, and
 should contain most of the MIME types you are likely to use.  
 If Mutt can not determine the mime type by the extension of the file you
 attach, it will look at the file.  If the file is free of binary
 information, Mutt will assume that the file is plain text, and mark it
-as <tt>text/plain</tt>.  If the file contains binary information, then Mutt 
-mark it as <tt>application/octet-stream</tt>.  You can change the MIME
-type that Mutt assigns to an attachment by using the <tt/edit-type/
-command from the compose menu (default: ^T). The MIME type is actually a
+as <literal remap="tt">text/plain</literal>.  If the file contains binary 
information, then Mutt will
+mark it as <literal remap="tt">application/octet-stream</literal>.  You can 
change the MIME
+type that Mutt assigns to an attachment by using the <literal 
+command from the compose menu (default: &circ;T). The MIME type is actually a
 major mime type followed by the sub-type, separated by a '/'. 6 major
 types: application, text, image, video, audio, and model have been approved
 after various internet discussions. Mutt recognises all of these if the 
@@ -2695,51 +4553,75 @@
 molecular modelling community to pass molecular data in various forms to 
 various molecular viewers. Non-recognised mime types should only be used 
 if the recipient of the message is likely to be expecting such attachments.
-<sect1>MIME Viewer configuration with <tt/mailcap/
+<title>MIME Viewer configuration with <literal 
 Mutt supports RFC 1524 MIME Configuration, in particular the Unix
 specific format specified in Appendix A of RFC 1524.  This file format
 is commonly referred to as the mailcap format.  Many MIME compliant
 programs utilize the mailcap format, allowing you to specify handling
 for all MIME types in one place for all programs.  Programs known to
 use this format include Netscape, XMosaic, lynx and metamail.
 In order to handle various MIME types that Mutt can not handle
 internally, Mutt parses a series of external configuration files to
 find an external handler.  The default search string for these files
 is a colon delimited list set to
-where <tt/&dollar;HOME/ is your home directory.
+where <literal remap="tt">&dollar;HOME</literal> is your home directory.
 In particular, the metamail distribution will install a mailcap file,
-usually as <tt>/usr/local/etc/mailcap</tt>, which contains some baseline
+usually as <literal remap="tt">/usr/local/etc/mailcap</literal>, which 
contains some baseline
-<sect2>The Basics of the mailcap file
+<title>The Basics of the mailcap file</title>
 A mailcap file consists of a series of lines which are comments, blank,
 or definitions.
 A comment line consists of a &num; character followed by anything you want.
 A blank line is blank.
 A definition line consists of a content type, a view command, and any
 number of optional fields.  Each field of a definition line is divided
 by a semicolon ';' character.
 The content type is specified in the MIME standard type/subtype method.
 For example,
-<tt>text/plain, text/html, image/gif, </tt>
+<literal remap="tt">text/plain, text/html, image/gif, </literal>
 etc.  In addition, the mailcap format includes two formats for
 wildcards, one using the special '*' subtype, the other is the implicit
-wild, where you only include the major type.  For example, <tt>image/*</tt>, or
-<tt>video,</tt> will match all image types and video types,
+wild, where you only include the major type.  For example, <literal 
remap="tt">image/*</literal>, or
+<literal remap="tt">video,</literal> will match all image types and video 
 The view command is a Unix command for viewing the type specified. There
 are two different types of commands supported. The default is to send
 the body of the MIME message to the command on stdin. You can change
@@ -2749,237 +4631,383 @@
 the name of the temporary file. In both cases, Mutt will turn over the
 terminal to the view program until the program quits, at which time Mutt
 will remove the temporary file if it exists.
 So, in the simplest form, you can send a text/plain message to the
 external pager more on stdin:
 text/plain; more
 Or, you could send the message as a file:
 text/plain; more %s
 Perhaps you would like to use lynx to interactively view a text/html 
 text/html; lynx %s
 In this case, lynx does not support viewing a file from stdin, so you
 must use the &percnt;s syntax.
-<bf/Note:/ <em>Some older versions of lynx contain a bug where they
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> <emphasis>Some older versions of lynx 
contain a bug where they
 will check the mailcap file for a viewer for text/html.  They will find
 the line which calls lynx, and run it.  This causes lynx to continuously
-spawn itself to view the object.</em>
+spawn itself to view the object.</emphasis>
 On the other hand, maybe you don't want to use lynx interactively, you
 just want to have it convert the text/html to text/plain, then you can
 text/html; lynx -dump %s | more
 Perhaps you wish to use lynx to view text/html files, and a pager on
 all other text formats, then you would use the following:
 text/html; lynx %s
 text/*; more
 This is the simplest form of a mailcap file.
-<sect2>Secure use of mailcap
+<title>Secure use of mailcap</title>
 The interpretion of shell meta-characters embedded in MIME parameters
 can lead to security problems in general.  Mutt tries to quote parameters
-in expansion of %s syntaxes properly, and avoids risky characters by
-substituting them, see the <ref id="mailcap_sanitize"
-name="mailcap&lowbar;sanitize"> variable.
+in expansion of &percnt;s syntaxes properly, and avoids risky characters by
+substituting them, see the <xref LinkEnd="mailcap-sanitize"/> variable.
 Although mutt's procedures to invoke programs with mailcap seem to be
 safe, there are other applications parsing mailcap, maybe taking less care
 of it.  Therefore you should pay attention to the following rules:
-<em/Keep the %-expandos away from shell quoting./
+<emphasis>Keep the &percnt;-expandos away from shell quoting.</emphasis>
 Don't quote them with single or double quotes.  Mutt does this for
 you, the right way, as should any other program which interprets
 mailcap.  Don't put them into backtick expansions.  Be highly careful
 with eval statements, and avoid them if possible at all.  Trying to fix
 broken behaviour with quotes introduces new leaks - there is no
 alternative to correct quoting in the first place.
-If you have to use the %-expandos' values in context where you need
+If you have to use the &percnt;-expandos' values in context where you need
 quoting or backtick expansions, put that value into a shell variable
 and reference the shell variable where necessary, as in the following
-example (using <tt/&dollar;charset/ inside the backtick expansion is safe,
+example (using <literal remap="tt">&dollar;charset</literal> inside the 
backtick expansion is safe,
 since it is not itself subject to any further expansion):
 text/test-mailcap-bug; cat %s; copiousoutput; test=charset=%{charset} \
-        && test "`echo $charset | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" != iso-8859-1
-<sect2>Advanced mailcap Usage
-<sect3>Optional Fields
+        &#38;&#38; test "`echo $charset | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" != iso-8859-1
+<title>Advanced mailcap Usage</title>
+<title>Optional Fields</title>
 In addition to the required content-type and view command fields, you
 can add semi-colon ';' separated fields to set flags and other options.
 Mutt recognizes the following optional fields:
 This flag tells Mutt that the command passes possibly large amounts of
 text on stdout.  This causes Mutt to invoke a pager (either the internal
 pager or the external pager defined by the pager variable) on the output
 of the view command.  Without this flag, Mutt assumes that the command
-is interactive.  One could use this to replace the pipe to <tt>more</tt>
-in the <tt>lynx -dump</tt> example in the Basic section:
+is interactive.  One could use this to replace the pipe to <literal 
+in the <literal remap="tt">lynx -dump</literal> example in the Basic section:
 text/html; lynx -dump %s ; copiousoutput
 This will cause lynx to format the text/html output as text/plain
 and Mutt will use your standard pager to display the results.
-Mutt uses this flag when viewing attachments with <ref id="auto_view"
-name="autoview">, in order to decide whether it should honor the setting
-of the <ref id="wait_key" name="&dollar;wait&lowbar;key"> variable or
+Mutt uses this flag when viewing attachments with <xref LinkEnd="auto-view"/>, 
in order to decide whether it should honor the setting
+of the <xref LinkEnd="wait-key"/> variable or
 not.  When an attachment is viewed using an interactive program, and the
-corresponding mailcap entry has a <em/needsterminal/ flag, Mutt will use
-<ref id="wait_key" name="&dollar;wait&lowbar;key"> and the exit status
+corresponding mailcap entry has a <emphasis>needsterminal</emphasis> flag, 
Mutt will use
+<xref LinkEnd="wait-key"/> and the exit status
 of the program to decide if it will ask you to press a key after the
 external program has exited.  In all other situations it will not prompt
 you for a key.
 This flag specifies the command to use to create a new attachment of a
 specific MIME type.  Mutt supports this from the compose menu.
 This flag specifies the command to use to create a new attachment of a
 specific MIME type.  This command differs from the compose command in
 that mutt will expect standard MIME headers on the data.  This can be
 used to specify parameters, filename, description, etc. for a new
 attachment.   Mutt supports this from the compose menu.
 This flag specifies the command to use to print a specific MIME type.
 Mutt supports this from the attachment and compose menus.
 This flag specifies the command to use to edit a specific MIME type.  
 Mutt supports this from the compose menu, and also uses it to compose
 new attachments.  Mutt will default to the defined editor for text
 This field specifies the format for the file denoted by &percnt;s in the
 command fields.  Certain programs will require a certain file extension,
 for instance, to correctly view a file.  For instance, lynx will only
-interpret a file as <tt>text/html</tt> if the file ends in <tt/.html/.
-So, you would specify lynx as a <tt>text/html</tt> viewer with a line in
+interpret a file as <literal remap="tt">text/html</literal> if the file ends 
in <literal remap="tt">.html</literal>.
+So, you would specify lynx as a <literal remap="tt">text/html</literal> viewer 
with a line in
 the mailcap file like:
 text/html; lynx %s; nametemplate=%s.html
 This field specifies a command to run to test whether this mailcap
 entry should be used.  The command is defined with the command expansion
 rules defined in the next section.  If the command returns 0, then the
 test passed, and Mutt uses this entry.  If the command returns non-zero,
 then the test failed, and Mutt continues searching for the right entry.
-<bf/Note:/ <em>the content-type must match before Mutt performs the test.</em>
+<emphasis remap="bf">Note:</emphasis> <emphasis>the content-type must match 
before Mutt performs the test.</emphasis>
 For example:
 text/html; netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)' ; test=RunningX
 text/html; lynx %s
 In this example, Mutt will run the program RunningX which will return 0
 if the X Window manager is running, and non-zero if it isn't.  If
 RunningX returns 0, then Mutt will call netscape to display the
 text/html object.  If RunningX doesn't return 0, then Mutt will go on
 to the next entry and use lynx to display the text/html object.
-<sect3>Search Order
+<title>Search Order</title>
 When searching for an entry in the mailcap file, Mutt will search for
 the most useful entry for its purpose.  For instance, if you are
-attempting to print an <tt>image/gif</tt>, and you have the following
+attempting to print an <literal remap="tt">image/gif</literal>, and you have 
the following
 entries in your mailcap file, Mutt will search for an entry with the
 print command:
 image/*;        xv %s
 image/gif;      ; print= anytopnm %s | pnmtops | lpr; \
-Mutt will skip the <tt>image/*</tt> entry and use the <tt>image/gif</tt>
+Mutt will skip the <literal remap="tt">image/*</literal> entry and use the 
<literal remap="tt">image/gif</literal>
 entry with the print command.
-In addition, you can use this with <ref id="auto_view" name="Autoview"> 
+In addition, you can use this with <xref LinkEnd="auto-view"/> 
 to denote two commands for viewing an attachment, one to be viewed
 automatically, the other to be viewed interactively from the attachment
 menu.  In addition, you can then use the test feature to determine which
 viewer to use interactively depending on your environment.
 text/html;      netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)' ; test=RunningX
 text/html;      lynx %s; nametemplate=%s.html
 text/html;      lynx -dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput
-For <ref id="auto_view" name="Autoview">, Mutt will choose the third
+For <xref LinkEnd="auto-view"/>, Mutt will choose the third
 entry because of the copiousoutput tag.  For interactive viewing, Mutt
 will run the program RunningX to determine if it should use the first
 entry.  If the program returns non-zero, Mutt will use the second entry
 for interactive viewing.
-<sect3>Command Expansion
+<title>Command Expansion</title>
 The various commands defined in the mailcap files are passed to the
-<tt>/bin/sh</tt> shell using the system() function.  Before the
-command is passed to <tt>/bin/sh -c</tt>, it is parsed to expand
+<literal remap="tt">/bin/sh</literal> shell using the system() function.  
Before the
+command is passed to <literal remap="tt">/bin/sh -c</literal>, it is parsed to 
 various special parameters with information from Mutt.  The keywords
 Mutt expands are:
 As seen in the basic mailcap section, this variable is expanded
 to a filename specified by the calling program.  This file contains
 the body of the message to view/print/edit or where the composing
 program should place the results of composition.  In addition, the
 use of this keyword causes Mutt to not pass the body of the message
 to the view/print/edit program on stdin.
 Mutt will expand &percnt;t to the text representation of the content
 type of the message in the same form as the first parameter of the
-mailcap definition line, ie <tt>text/html</tt> or
+mailcap definition line, ie <literal remap="tt">text/html</literal> or
+<literal remap="tt">image/gif</literal>.
 Mutt will expand this to the value of the specified parameter
 from the Content-Type: line of the mail message.  For instance, if
 Your mail message contains:
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
-then Mutt will expand &percnt;{charset} to iso-8859-1.  The default metamail
+then Mutt will expand &percnt;&lcub;charset&rcub; to iso-8859-1.  The default 
 mailcap file uses this feature to test the charset to spawn an xterm
 using the right charset to view the message.
 This will be replaced by a &percnt;
 Mutt does not currently support the &percnt;F and &percnt;n keywords
 specified in RFC 1524.  The main purpose of these parameters is for
 multipart messages, which is handled internally by Mutt.
-<sect2>Example mailcap files
+<title>Example mailcap files</title>
 This mailcap file is fairly simple and standard:
 # I'm always running X :)
-video/*;        xanim %s > /dev/null
-image/*;        xv %s > /dev/null
+video/*;        xanim %s &#62; /dev/null
+image/*;        xv %s &#62; /dev/null
 # I'm always running netscape (if my computer had more memory, maybe)
 text/html;      netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'
 This mailcap file shows quite a number of examples:
 # Use xanim to view all videos   Xanim produces a header on startup,
 # send that to /dev/null so I don't see it
-video/*;        xanim %s > /dev/null
+video/*;        xanim %s &#62; /dev/null
 # Send html to a running netscape by remote
 text/html;      netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'; test=RunningNetscape
@@ -3008,67 +5036,105 @@
 # Convert images to text using the netpbm tools
 image/*;  (anytopnm %s | pnmscale -xysize 80 46 | ppmtopgm | pgmtopbm |
-pbmtoascii -1x2 ) 2>&1 ; copiousoutput
+pbmtoascii -1x2 ) 2&#62;&#38;1 ; copiousoutput
 # Send excel spreadsheets to my NT box
 application/ms-excel; open.pl %s
-<sect1>MIME Autoview<label id="auto_view">
+<sect2 id="auto-view">
+<title>MIME Autoview</title>
 In addition to explicitly telling Mutt to view an attachment with the
 MIME viewer defined in the mailcap file, Mutt has support for
 automatically viewing MIME attachments while in the pager.
 To work, you must define a viewer in the mailcap file which uses the 
-<tt/copiousoutput/ option to denote that it is non-interactive.
+<literal remap="tt">copiousoutput</literal> option to denote that it is 
 Usually, you also use the entry to convert the attachment to a text
 representation which you can view in the pager.
-You then use the <tt/auto&lowbar;view/ muttrc command to list the
+You then use the <literal remap="tt">auto&lowbar;view</literal> muttrc command 
to list the
 content-types that you wish to view automatically.
 For instance, if you set auto&lowbar;view to:
 auto_view text/html application/x-gunzip application/postscript image/gif 
 Mutt could use the following mailcap entries to automatically view
 attachments of these types.
 text/html;      lynx -dump %s; copiousoutput; nametemplate=%s.html
 image/*;        anytopnm %s | pnmscale -xsize 80 -ysize 50 | ppmtopgm | 
pgmtopbm | pbmtoascii ; copiousoutput
 application/x-gunzip;   gzcat; copiousoutput
 application/x-tar-gz; gunzip -c %s | tar -tf - ; copiousoutput
 application/postscript; ps2ascii %s; copiousoutput
-``unauto_view'' can be used to remove previous entries from the autoview list.
+``unauto&lowbar;view'' can be used to remove previous entries from the 
autoview list.
 This can be used with message-hook to autoview messages based on size, etc.
-``unauto_view *'' will remove all previous entries.
-<sect1>MIME Multipart/Alternative<label id="alternative_order">
+``unauto&lowbar;view *'' will remove all previous entries.
+<sect2 id="alternative-order">
+<title>MIME Multipart/Alternative</title>
 Mutt has some heuristics for determining which attachment of a
 multipart/alternative type to display.  First, mutt will check the 
 alternative&lowbar;order list to determine if one of the available types
 is preferred.  The alternative&lowbar;order list consists of a number of
 mimetypes in order, including support for implicit and explicit
 wildcards, for example:
 alternative_order text/enriched text/plain text application/postscript image/*
 Next, mutt will check if any of the types have a defined 
-<ref id="auto_view" name="auto&lowbar;view">, and use that.  Failing
+<xref LinkEnd="auto-view"/>, and use that.  Failing
 that, Mutt will look for any text type.  As a last attempt, mutt will
 look for any type it knows how to handle.
-To remove a MIME type from the <tt/alternative_order/ list, use the
-<tt/unalternative_order/ command.
-<sect1>MIME Lookup<label id="mime_lookup">
+To remove a MIME type from the <literal 
remap="tt">alternative&lowbar;order</literal> list, use the
+<literal remap="tt">unalternative&lowbar;order</literal> command.
+<sect2 id="mime-lookup">
+<title>MIME Lookup</title>
 Mutt's mime&lowbar;lookup list specifies a list of mime-types that should not
 be treated according to their mailcap entry.  This option is designed to
 deal with binary types such as application/octet-stream.  When an attachment's
@@ -3077,22 +5143,38 @@
 associated with this extension will then be used to process the attachment
 according to the rules in the mailcap file and according to any other 
 options (such as auto&lowbar;view) specified.  Common usage would be:
 mime_lookup application/octet-stream application/X-Lotus-Manuscript
 In addition, the unmime&lowbar;lookup command may be used to disable this 
 for any particular mime-type if it had been set, for example, in a global
-<sect1>Command line options<label id="commandline">
-Running <tt/mutt/ with no arguments will make Mutt attempt to read your spool
+<sect2 id="commandline">
+<title>Command line options</title>
+Running <literal remap="tt">mutt</literal> with no arguments will make Mutt 
attempt to read your spool
 mailbox.  However, it is possible to read other mailboxes and
 to send messages from the command line as well.
 -A     expand an alias
 -a      attach a file to a message
 -b      specify a blind carbon-copy (BCC) address
@@ -3115,135 +5197,366 @@
 -y      show a menu containing the files specified by the mailboxes command
 -z      exit immediately if there are no messages in the mailbox
 -Z      open the first folder with new message,exit immediately if none
 To read messages in a mailbox
-<tt/mutt/ &lsqb; -nz &rsqb; &lsqb; -F <em/muttrc/ &rsqb; &lsqb; -m <em/type/ 
&rsqb; &lsqb; -f <em/mailbox/ &rsqb; 
+<literal remap="tt">mutt</literal> &lsqb; -nz &rsqb; &lsqb; -F 
<emphasis>muttrc</emphasis> &rsqb; &lsqb; -m <emphasis>type</emphasis> &rsqb; 
&lsqb; -f <emphasis>mailbox</emphasis> &rsqb; 
 To compose a new message
-<tt/mutt/ &lsqb; -n &rsqb; &lsqb; -F <em/muttrc/ &rsqb; &lsqb; -a <em/file/ 
&rsqb; &lsqb; -c <em/address/ &rsqb; &lsqb; -i <em/filename/ &rsqb; &lsqb; -s 
<em/subject/ &rsqb; <em/address/ &lsqb; <em/address/ ... &rsqb; 
+<literal remap="tt">mutt</literal> &lsqb; -n &rsqb; &lsqb; -F 
<emphasis>muttrc</emphasis> &rsqb; &lsqb; -a <emphasis>file</emphasis> &rsqb; 
&lsqb; -c <emphasis>address</emphasis> &rsqb; &lsqb; -i 
<emphasis>filename</emphasis> &rsqb; &lsqb; -s <emphasis>subject</emphasis> 
&rsqb; <emphasis>address</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>address</emphasis> ... 
 Mutt also supports a ``batch'' mode to send prepared messages.  Simply redirect
 input from the file you wish to send.  For example,
-<tt>mutt -s &dquot;data set for run &num;2&dquot; professor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
-&lt; &tilde;/run2.dat</tt>
+<literal remap="tt">mutt -s &quot;data set for run &num;2&quot; 
+&lt; &tilde;/run2.dat</literal>
 This command will send a message to ``professor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'' with a subject
 of ``data set for run &num;2''.  In the body of the message will be the 
 of the file ``&tilde;/run2.dat''.
-<sect1>Configuration Commands<label id="commands">
+<sect2 id="commands">
+<title>Configuration Commands</title>
 The following are the commands understood by mutt.
-<tt><ref id="account-hook" name="account-hook"></tt> <em/pattern/ <em/command/
-<tt><ref id="alias" name="alias"></tt> <em/key/ <em/address/ &lsqb; , 
<em/address/, ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="alias" name="unalias"></tt> &lsqb; * | <em/key/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="alternates" name="alternates"></tt> <em/regexp/ &lsqb; 
<em/regexp/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="alternates" name="unalternates"></tt> &lsqb; * | <em/regexp/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="alternative_order" name="alternative&lowbar;order"></tt> 
<em/mimetype/ &lsqb; <em/mimetype/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="alternative_order" name="unalternative&lowbar;order"></tt> 
<em/mimetype/ &lsqb; <em/mimetype/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="auto_view" name="auto&lowbar;view"></tt> <em/mimetype/ &lsqb; 
<em/mimetype/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="auto_view" name="unauto&lowbar;view"></tt> <em/mimetype/ &lsqb; 
<em/mimetype/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="bind" name="bind"></tt> <em/map/ <em/key/ <em/function/
-<tt><ref id="charset-hook" name="charset-hook"></tt> <em/alias/ <em/charset/
-<tt><ref id="color" name="color"></tt> <em/object/ <em/foreground/ 
<em/background/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="color" name="uncolor"></tt> <em/index/ <em/pattern/ &lsqb; 
<em/pattern/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="exec" name="exec"></tt> <em/function/ &lsqb; <em/function/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="fcc-hook" name="fcc-hook"></tt> <em/pattern/ <em/mailbox/
-<tt><ref id="fcc-save-hook" name="fcc-save-hook"></tt> <em/pattern/ 
-<tt><ref id="folder-hook" name="folder-hook"></tt> <em/pattern/ <em/command/
-<tt><ref id="hdr_order" name="hdr&lowbar;order"></tt> <em/header/ &lsqb; 
<em/header/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="hdr_order" name="unhdr&lowbar;order"></tt> <em/header/ &lsqb; 
<em/header/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="charset-hook" name="iconv-hook"></tt> <em/charset/ 
-<tt><ref id="ignore" name="ignore"></tt> <em/pattern/ &lsqb; <em/pattern/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="ignore" name="unignore"></tt> <em/pattern/ &lsqb; <em/pattern/ 
... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="lists" name="lists"></tt> <em/regexp/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="lists" name="unlists"></tt> <em/regexp/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="macro" name="macro"></tt> <em/menu/ <em/key/ <em/sequence/ &lsqb; 
<em/description/ &rsqb; 
-<tt><ref id="mailboxes" name="mailboxes"></tt> <em/filename/ &lsqb; 
<em/filename/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="mbox-hook" name="mbox-hook"></tt> <em/pattern/ <em/mailbox/
-<tt><ref id="message-hook" name="message-hook"></tt> <em/pattern/ <em/command/
-<tt><ref id="mime_lookup" name="mime&lowbar;lookup"></tt> <em/mimetype/ &lsqb; 
<em/mimetype/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="mime_lookup" name="unmime&lowbar;lookup"></tt> <em/mimetype/ 
&lsqb; <em/mimetype/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="color" name="mono"></tt> <em/object attribute/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ 
-<tt><ref id="color" name="unmono"></tt> <em/index/ <em/pattern/ &lsqb; 
<em/pattern/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="my_hdr" name="my&lowbar;hdr"></tt> <em/string/
-<tt><ref id="my_hdr" name="unmy&lowbar;hdr"></tt> <em/field/ &lsqb; <em/field/ 
... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="crypt-hook" name="crypt-hook"></tt> <em/pattern/ <em/key-id/
-<tt><ref id="push" name="push"></tt> <em/string/
-<tt><ref id="set" name="reset"></tt> <em/variable/ &lsqb;<em/variable/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="save-hook" name="save-hook"></tt> <em/regexp/ <em/filename/
-<tt><ref id="score-command" name="score"></tt> <em/pattern/ <em/value/
-<tt><ref id="score-command" name="unscore"></tt> <em/pattern/ &lsqb; 
<em/pattern/ ... &rsqb;
-<tt><ref id="send-hook" name="send-hook"></tt> <em/regexp/ <em/command/
-<tt><ref id="reply-hook" name="reply-hook"></tt> <em/regexp/ <em/command/
-<tt><ref id="set" name="set"></tt> 
&lsqb;no|inv&rsqb;<em/variable/&lsqb;=<em/value/&rsqb; &lsqb; <em/variable/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="set" name="unset"></tt> <em/variable/ &lsqb;<em/variable/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="source" name="source"></tt> <em/filename/
-<tt><ref id="spam" name="spam"></tt> <em/pattern/ <em/format/
-<tt><ref id="spam" name="nospam"></tt> <em/pattern/
-<tt><ref id="lists" name="subscribe"></tt> <em/regexp/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="lists" name="unsubscribe"></tt> <em/regexp/ &lsqb; <em/regexp/ 
... &rsqb; 
-<tt><ref id="set" name="toggle"></tt> <em/variable/ &lsqb;<em/variable/ ... 
-<tt><ref id="unhook" name="unhook"></tt> <em/hook-type/
-<sect1>Configuration variables<label id="variables">
+<literal remap="tt"><link linkend="account-hook">account-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="alias">alias</link></literal> 
<emphasis>key</emphasis> <emphasis>address</emphasis> &lsqb; , 
<emphasis>address</emphasis>, ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="alias">alias</link></literal> &lsqb; * 
&verbar; <emphasis>key</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="alternates">alternates</link></literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="alternates">alternates</link></literal> 
&lsqb; * &verbar; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link 
<emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link 
<emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="auto-view">auto-view</link></literal> 
<emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="auto-view">auto-view</link></literal> 
<emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="bind">bind</link></literal> 
<emphasis>map</emphasis> <emphasis>key</emphasis> <emphasis>function</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="charset-hook">charset-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>alias</emphasis> <emphasis>charset</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="color">color</link></literal> 
<emphasis>object</emphasis> <emphasis>foreground</emphasis> 
<emphasis>background</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="color">color</link></literal> 
<emphasis>index</emphasis> <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> &lsqb; 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="exec">exec</link></literal> 
<emphasis>function</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>function</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="fcc-hook">fcc-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>mailbox</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>mailbox</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="folder-hook">folder-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="hdr-order">hdr-order</link></literal> 
<emphasis>header</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>header</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="hdr-order">hdr-order</link></literal> 
<emphasis>header</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>header</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="charset-hook">charset-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>charset</emphasis> <emphasis>local-charset</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="ignore">ignore</link></literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="ignore">ignore</link></literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="lists">lists</link></literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> ... &rsqb; 
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="lists">lists</link></literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> ... &rsqb; 
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="macro">macro</link></literal> 
<emphasis>menu</emphasis> <emphasis>key</emphasis> 
<emphasis>sequence</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>description</emphasis> &rsqb; 
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="mailboxes">mailboxes</link></literal> 
<emphasis>filename</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>filename</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="mbox-hook">mbox-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>mailbox</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="message-hook">message-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="mime-lookup">mime-lookup</link></literal> 
<emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="mime-lookup">mime-lookup</link></literal> 
<emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>mimetype</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="color">color</link></literal> 
<emphasis>object attribute</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="color">color</link></literal> 
<emphasis>index</emphasis> <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> &lsqb; 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="my-hdr">my-hdr</link></literal> 
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="my-hdr">my-hdr</link></literal> 
<emphasis>field</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>field</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="crypt-hook">crypt-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>key-id</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="push">push</link></literal> 
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="set">set</link></literal> 
<emphasis>variable</emphasis> &lsqb;<emphasis>variable</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="save-hook">save-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> <emphasis>filename</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>value</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="send-hook">send-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="reply-hook">reply-hook</link></literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> <emphasis>command</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="set">set</link></literal> 
 &lsqb; <emphasis>variable</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="set">set</link></literal> 
<emphasis>variable</emphasis> &lsqb;<emphasis>variable</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="source">source</link></literal> 
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="spam">spam</link></literal> 
<emphasis>pattern</emphasis> <emphasis>format</emphasis>
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="spam">spam</link></literal> 
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="lists">lists</link></literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> ... &rsqb; 
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="lists">lists</link></literal> 
<emphasis>regexp</emphasis> &lsqb; <emphasis>regexp</emphasis> ... &rsqb; 
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="set">set</link></literal> 
<emphasis>variable</emphasis> &lsqb;<emphasis>variable</emphasis> ... &rsqb;
+<literal remap="tt"><link LinkEnd="unhook">unhook</link></literal> 
+<sect2 id="variables">
+<title>Configuration variables</title>
diff -r e1ed910b6103 doc/manual.sgml.tail
--- a/doc/manual.sgml.tail      Sat Jul 30 11:42:36 2005
+++ b/doc/manual.sgml.tail      Fri Jul 29 23:04:50 2005
@@ -1,20 +1,29 @@
-<sect1>Functions<label id="functions">
+<sect2 id="functions">
 The following is the list of available functions listed by the mapping
 in which they are available.  The default key setting is given, and an
 explanation of what the function does.  The key bindings of these
-functions can be changed with the <ref name="bind" id="bind">
+functions can be changed with the <xref linkend="bind"/>
-The <em/generic/ menu is not a real menu, but specifies common functions
-(such as movement) available in all menus except for <em/pager/ and
-<em/editor/.  Changing settings for this menu will affect the default
+The <emphasis>generic</emphasis> menu is not a real menu, but specifies common 
+(such as movement) available in all menus except for 
<emphasis>pager</emphasis> and
+<emphasis>editor</emphasis>.  Changing settings for this menu will affect the 
 bindings for all menus (except as noted).
 bottom-page                L   move to the bottom of the page
 current-bottom     not bound   move current entry to bottom of page
 current-middle     not bound   move current entry to middle of page
@@ -29,10 +38,10 @@
 last-entry                 *   move to the last entry
 middle-page                M   move to the middle of the page
 next-entry                 j   move to the next entry
-next-line                  >   scroll down one line
+next-line                  &#62;   scroll down one line
 next-page                  z   move to the next page
 previous-entry             k   move to the previous entry
-previous-line              <   scroll up one line
+previous-line              &#60;   scroll up one line
 previous-page              Z   move to the previous page
 refresh                   ^L   clear and redraw the screen
 search                     /   search for a regular expression
@@ -46,10 +55,18 @@
 tag-prefix-cond    not bound   apply next function ONLY to tagged messages
 top-page                   H   move to the top of the page
 what-key           not bound   display the keycode for a key press
 bounce-message             b   remail a message to another user
 change-folder              c   open a different folder
 change-folder-readonly ESC c   open a different folder in read only mode
@@ -117,10 +134,18 @@
 undelete-thread           ^U   undelete all messages in thread
 untag-pattern             ^T   untag messages matching a pattern
 view-attachments           v   show MIME attachments
 bottom             not bound   jump to the bottom of the message
 bounce-message             b   remail a message to another user
 change-folder              c   open a different folder
@@ -193,17 +218,33 @@
 undelete-subthread     ESC u   undelete all messages in subthread
 undelete-thread           ^U   undelete all messages in thread
 view-attachments           v   show MIME attachments
 search                     /   search for a regular expression
 search-next                n   search for next match
 search-reverse         ESC /   search backwards for a regular expression
 create-alias               a   create an alias from a message sender
 mail                       m   compose a new mail message
 query                      Q   query external program for addresses
@@ -212,10 +253,18 @@
 search-next                n   search for next match
 search-opposite    not bound   search for next match in opposite direction
 search-reverse         ESC /   search backwards for a regular expression
 bounce-message             b   remail a message to another user
 collapse-parts             v   toggle display of subparts
 delete-entry               d   delete the current entry
@@ -234,10 +283,18 @@
 view-attach              RET   view attachment using mailcap entry if necessary
 view-mailcap               m   force viewing of attachment using mailcap
 view-text                  T   view attachment as text
 attach-file                a   attach a file(s) to this message
 attach-message             A   attach message(s) to this message
 attach-key             ESC k   attach a PGP public key
@@ -271,16 +328,32 @@
 toggle-unlink              u   toggle whether to delete file after sending it
 view-attach              RET   view attachment using mailcap entry if necessary
 write-fcc                 w   write the message to a folder
 delete-entry               d   delete the current entry
 undelete-entry             u   undelete the current entry
 change-dir                 c   change directories
 check-new                TAB   check mailboxes for new mail
 enter-mask                 m   enter a file mask
@@ -295,16 +368,32 @@
 subscribe                  s   subscribe to current mailbox (IMAP Only)
 unsubscribe                u   unsubscribe to current mailbox (IMAP Only)
 toggle-subscribed          T   toggle view all/subscribed mailboxes (IMAP Only)
 view-name                  %   view the key's user id
 verify-key                 c   verify a PGP public key
 backspace          BackSpace   delete the char in front of the cursor
 backward-char             ^B   move the cursor one character to the left
 backward-word          ESC b   move the cursor to the previous word
@@ -327,64 +416,257 @@
 quote-char                ^V   quote the next typed key
 transpose-chars    not bound   transpose character under cursor with previous
 upcase-word            ESC u   uppercase all characters in current word
 Kari Hurtta
-<htmlurl url="mailto:kari.hurtta@xxxxxx"; name="&lt;kari.hurtta@xxxxxx&gt;">
 co-developed the original MIME parsing code back in the ELM-ME days.
 The following people have been very helpful to the development of Mutt:
-Vikas Agnihotri <htmlurl url="mailto:vikasa@xxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Francois Berjon <htmlurl url="mailto:Francois.Berjon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Aric Blumer <htmlurl url="mailto:aric@xxxxxxxx"; 
-John Capo <htmlurl url="mailto:jc@xxxxxxxx"; 
-David Champion <htmlurl url="mailto:dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Brendan Cully <htmlurl url="mailto:brendan@xxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Liviu Daia <htmlurl url="mailto:daia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Thomas E. Dickey <htmlurl url="mailto:dickey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-David DeSimone <htmlurl url="mailto:fox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Nickolay N. Dudorov <htmlurl url="mailto:nnd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Ruslan Ermilov <htmlurl url="mailto:ru@xxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Edmund Grimley Evans <htmlurl url="mailto:edmundo@xxxxxxxx"; 
-Michael Finken <htmlurl url="mailto:finken@xxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Sven Guckes <htmlurl url="mailto:guckes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Lars Hecking <htmlurl url="mailto:lhecking@xxxxxxx"; 
-Mark Holloman <htmlurl url="mailto:holloman@xxxxxxxxx"; 
-Andreas Holzmann <htmlurl url="mailto:holzmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Marco d'Itri <htmlurl url="mailto:md@xxxxxxxx"; 
-Bj�rn Jacke <htmlurl url="mailto:bjacke@xxxxxxxx"; 
-Byrial Jensen <htmlurl url="mailto:byrial@xxxxxxxx"; 
-David Jeske <htmlurl url="mailto:jeske@xxxxxxxxx"; 
-Christophe Kalt <htmlurl url="mailto:kalt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Tommi Komulainen <htmlurl url="mailto:Tommi.Komulainen@xxxxxx"; 
-Felix von Leitner (a.k.a ``Fefe'') <htmlurl 
-Brandon Long <htmlurl url="mailto:blong@xxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Jimmy M�kel� <htmlurl url="mailto:jmy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Lars Marowsky-Bree <htmlurl url="mailto:lmb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Thomas ``Mike'' Michlmayr <htmlurl url="mailto:mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Andrew W. Nosenko <htmlurl url="mailto:awn@xxxxxxxxx"; 
-David O'Brien <htmlurl url="mailto:obrien@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Clint Olsen <htmlurl url="mailto:olsenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Park Myeong Seok <htmlurl url="mailto:pms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Thomas Parmelan <htmlurl url="mailto:tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Ollivier Robert <htmlurl url="mailto:roberto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Thomas Roessler <htmlurl url="mailto:roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Roland Rosenfeld <htmlurl url="roland@xxxxxxxxxxxx" 
-TAKIZAWA Takashi <htmlurl url="taki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 
-Allain Thivillon <htmlurl url="mailto:Allain.Thivillon@xxxxxxx"; 
-Gero Treuner <htmlurl url="mailto:gero@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; 
-Vsevolod Volkov <htmlurl url="mailto:vvv@xxxxxxxxx"; 
-Ken Weinert <htmlurl url="mailto:kenw@xxxxxxx"; name="&lt;kenw@xxxxxxx&gt;">
-<sect1>About this document
+Vikas Agnihotri <ulink
+Francois Berjon <ulink
+Aric Blumer <ulink
+John Capo <ulink
+David Champion <ulink
+Brendan Cully <ulink
+Liviu Daia <ulink
+Thomas E. Dickey <ulink
+David DeSimone <ulink
+Nickolay N. Dudorov <ulink
+Ruslan Ermilov <ulink
+Edmund Grimley Evans <ulink
+Michael Finken <ulink
+Sven Guckes <ulink
+Lars Hecking <ulink
+Mark Holloman <ulink
+Andreas Holzmann <ulink
+Marco d'Itri <ulink
+Bj&ouml;rn Jacke <ulink
+Byrial Jensen <ulink
+David Jeske <ulink
+Christophe Kalt <ulink
+Tommi Komulainen <ulink
+Felix von Leitner (a.k.a ``Fefe'') <ulink
+Brandon Long <ulink
+Jimmy M&auml;kel&auml; <ulink
+Lars Marowsky-Bree <ulink
+Thomas ``Mike'' Michlmayr <ulink
+Andrew W. Nosenko <ulink
+David O'Brien <ulink
+Clint Olsen <ulink
+Park Myeong Seok <ulink
+Thomas Parmelan <ulink
+Ollivier Robert <ulink
+Thomas Roessler <ulink
+Roland Rosenfeld <ulink
+TAKIZAWA Takashi <ulink
+Allain Thivillon <ulink
+Gero Treuner <ulink
+Vsevolod Volkov <ulink
+Ken Weinert <ulink
+<title>About this document</title>
 This document was written in SGML, and then rendered using the
-<htmlurl url="http://www.sgmltools.org/"; name="sgml-tools"> package.
+> package.
diff -r e1ed910b6103 init.h
--- a/init.h    Sat Jul 30 11:42:36 2005
+++ b/init.h    Fri Jul 29 23:04:50 2005
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@
   ** DOING!\fP
+#ifdef USE_HCACHE
   { "header_cache", DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &HeaderCache, 0 },
   ** .pp
diff -r e1ed910b6103 makedoc.c
--- a/makedoc.c Sat Jul 30 11:42:36 2005
+++ b/makedoc.c Fri Jul 29 23:04:50 2005
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
  ** -> a commented muttrc configuration file
  ** -> nroff, suitable for inclusion in a manual page
- ** -> linuxdoc-sgml, suitable for inclusion in the 
+ ** -> docbook-xml, suitable for inclusion in the 
  **    SGML-based manual
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@
 #define D_INIT         (1 << 5)
 #define D_DL           (1 << 6)
 #define D_DT           (1 << 7)
+#define D_DD            (1 << 8)
+#define D_PA            (1 << 9)
@@ -80,13 +82,16 @@
@@ -107,6 +112,7 @@
 static void pretty_default (char *, size_t, const char *, int);
 static int sgml_fputc (int, FILE *);
 static int sgml_fputs (const char *, FILE *);
+static int sgml_id_fputs (const char *, FILE *);
 int main (int argc, char *argv[])
@@ -594,7 +600,7 @@
     case '%': return fputs ("&percnt;", out);
     case '&': return fputs ("&amp;", out);
     case '\\': return fputs ("&bsol;", out);
-    case '"': return fputs ("&dquot;", out);
+    case '"': return fputs ("&quot;", out);
     case '[': return fputs ("&lsqb;", out);
     case ']': return fputs ("&rsqb;", out);
     case '~': return fputs ("&tilde;", out);
@@ -608,6 +614,25 @@
     if (sgml_fputc ((unsigned int) *s, out) == EOF)
       return EOF;
+  return 0;
+/* reduce CDATA to ID */
+static int sgml_id_fputs (const char *s, FILE* out)
+  char id;
+  for (; *s; s++)
+  {
+    if (*s == '_')
+      id = '-';
+    else
+      id = *s;
+    if (fputc ((unsigned int) id, out) == EOF)
+      return EOF;
+  }
   return 0;
@@ -667,18 +692,20 @@
     /* SGML based manual */
     case F_SGML:
-      fputs ("\n<sect2>", out);  sgml_fputs (varname, out);
-      fprintf (out, "<label id=\"%s\">", varname);
-      fprintf (out, "\n<p>\nType: %s<newline>", type2human (type));
+      fputs ("\n<sect3 id=\"", out);
+      sgml_id_fputs(varname, out);
+      fputs ("\">\n<title>", out);
+      sgml_fputs (varname, out);
+      fprintf (out, "</title>\n<para>\nType: %s", type2human (type));
       if (type == DT_STR || type == DT_RX || type == DT_ADDR || type == 
-       fputs ("\nDefault: &dquot;", out);
+       fputs ("\nDefault: &quot;", out);
        sgml_print_strval (val, out);
-       fputs ("&dquot;\n", out);
+       fputs ("&quot;\n</para>\n", out);
-       fprintf (out, "\nDefault: %s\n", val);
+       fprintf (out, "\nDefault: %s\n</para>\n", val);
     /* make gcc happy */
@@ -728,6 +755,9 @@
     exit (1);
+  if (docstat & (D_PA))
+    docstat = print_it (SP_END_PAR, NULL, out, docstat);
   if (docstat & (D_TAB))
     docstat = print_it (SP_END_TAB, NULL, out, docstat);
@@ -736,6 +766,8 @@
   if (docstat & (D_EM | D_BF))
     docstat = print_it (SP_END_FT, NULL, out, docstat);
+  docstat = print_it (SP_END_SECT, NULL, out, docstat);
   docstat = print_it (SP_NEWLINE, NULL, out, 0);
@@ -971,21 +1003,21 @@
        case SP_END_FT: 
-         if (docstat & D_EM) fputs ("</em>", out);
-         if (docstat & D_BF) fputs ("</bf>", out);
+         if (docstat & D_EM) fputs ("</emphasis>", out);
+         if (docstat & D_BF) fputs ("</emphasis>", out);
          docstat &= ~(D_EM|D_BF);
        case SP_START_BF: 
-         fputs ("<bf>", out);
+         fputs ("<emphasis remap=\"bf\">", out);
          docstat |= D_BF;
          docstat &= ~D_EM;
        case SP_START_EM:
-         fputs ("<em>", out);
+         fputs ("<emphasis>", out);
          docstat |= D_EM;
          docstat &= ~D_BF;
@@ -1011,46 +1043,68 @@
          if (!(onl & D_NL))
            fputc ('\n', out);
-         fputs ("<p>\n", out);
+         if (docstat & D_PA)
+           fputs("</para>\n", out);
+         fputs ("<para>\n", out);
          docstat |= D_NP;
-         break;
-       }
+         docstat |= D_PA;
+         break;
+       }
+        case SP_END_PAR:
+        {
+         fputs ("</para>\n", out);
+         docstat &= ~D_PA;
+         break;
+        }
        case SP_START_TAB:
-         fputs ("\n<tscreen><verb>\n", out);
+         fputs ("\n<screen>\n", out);
          docstat |= D_TAB | D_NL;
        case SP_END_TAB:
-         fputs ("\n</verb></tscreen>", out);
+         fputs ("\n</screen>", out);
          docstat &= ~D_TAB;
          docstat |= D_NL;
        case SP_START_DL:
-         fputs ("\n<descrip>\n", out);
+         fputs ("\n<variablelist>\n", out);
          docstat |= D_DL;
        case SP_DT:
-         fputs ("<tag>", out);
+         fputs ("<varlistentry><term>", out);
        case SP_DD:
-         fputs ("</tag>", out);
-         break;
-       }
+         docstat |= D_DD;
+         fputs ("</term>\n<listitem><para>", out);
+         break;
+       }
+        case SP_END_DD:
+        {
+         docstat &= ~D_DD;
+         fputs ("</para></listitem></varlistentry>\n", out);
+         break;
+        }
        case SP_END_DL:
-         fputs ("</descrip>\n", out);
-         docstat &= ~D_DL;
-         break;
-       }
+         fputs ("</para></listitem></varlistentry></variablelist>\n", out);
+         docstat &= ~(D_DD|D_DL);
+         break;
+       }
+        case SP_END_SECT:
+        {
+         fputs ("</sect3>", out);
+         break;
+        }
        case SP_STR:
          if (docstat & D_TAB)
@@ -1082,11 +1136,9 @@
   case F_SGML:
-    fprintf (out, "<ref id=\"%s\" name=\"", ref);
-    if (output_dollar)
-      fputs ("&dollar;", out);
-    sgml_fputs (ref, out);
-    fputs ("\">", out);
+    fputs ("<xref linkend=\"", out);
+    sgml_id_fputs (ref, out);
+    fputs ("\"/>", out);
@@ -1160,6 +1212,11 @@
     else if (!strncmp (s, ".dt", 3))
+      if (docstat & D_DD)
+      {
+       docstat = commit_buff (buff, &d, out, docstat);
+       docstat = print_it (SP_END_DD, NULL, out, docstat);
+      }
       docstat = commit_buff (buff, &d, out, docstat);
       docstat = print_it (SP_DT, NULL, out, docstat);
       s += 3;

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