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Bug: Terminal resize while being in the editor (was: Small bug with IMAP + terminal resize)

On 2005-06-14 14:34:17 +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> I have the following bug when using IMAP:
> 1. I start Mutt, which displays "Password for x@xxx:".
> 2. I enlarge the terminal (e.g. gnome-terminal or xterm).
> 3. I enter the password. Mutt displays the mailbox index, but
>    at this point, it hasn't noticed the terminal resize yet.
> 4. I type a key, e.g. Page Down.
> The key isn't taken into account by Mutt, but at this moment,
> Mutt notices the resize and redisplays the index.

In fact, this problem is more general. It also occurs when I resize
the terminal while being in the editor, then hit ^G to abort.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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