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Re: Segmentation fault

* Jonas Jacobsson <jonas@xxxxxxxxx>:
  [2005-05-12 08:28:32 +0200]

> I am using Mutt in a screen session on a debian system.

I'm using the current CVS version.

> Mutt version is 1.5.9-1 with header cache enabled.

Mutt 1.5.9i (2005-03-13) w/o header cache.

> The inbox has about 5200 mails.


> Sometimes when I connect to the screen session mutt has done
> a segmantation fault and I can't find out why. Is there a way
> to help me get some more information?

I've been suffering this issue since the 1.5 versions and, at
least in my case, it's related to the IMAP syncing and the
threads sorting. I'm not sure that you're suffering the same.

> I think it has something to do with header cache, but...

It's been already discussed here and it :

I've been using Mutt from gdb and trying to get some extra
information that I'm attaching below, just in case someone
can bring some light to this issue. If further information
is need, I'm willing to provide it.

It seems that the SEGV occurs when a thread is being sorted
and a new message related to that thread is been added while
syncing to the IMAP server (WU-IMAP, in my case).


Alex Muntada <alexm@xxxxxxxxx>

Mutt 1.5.9i (2005-03-13)
Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: Linux 2.4.20-28.7smp (i686) [using ncurses 5.3] [using libiconv 1.9]
Compile options:


To contact the developers, please mail to <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>.
To report a bug, please use the flea(1) utility.

Sorting mailbox...
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x080b6253 in find_subject (ctx=0x8102890, cur=0x815be78) at thread.c:432
432           if (tmp != cur &&                    /* don't match the same 
message */
(gdb) i s
#0  0x080b6253 in find_subject (ctx=0x8102890, cur=0x815be78) at thread.c:432
#1  0x080b63fb in pseudo_threads (ctx=0x8102890) at thread.c:503
#2  0x080b6bfd in mutt_sort_threads (ctx=0x8102890, init=0) at thread.c:956
#3  0x080b4555 in mutt_sort_headers (ctx=0x8102890, init=0) at sort.c:291
#4  0x080640b7 in update_index (menu=0x8163e90, ctx=0x8102890, check=1, 
    oldcount=322, index_hint=320) at curs_main.c:317
#5  0x08064712 in mutt_index_menu () at curs_main.c:492
#6  0x08082149 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffd734) at main.c:934
#7  0x42017589 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
(gdb) p ptr
$1 = (struct hash_elem *) 0x815b210
(gdb) p *ptr     
$2 = {key = 0x815b1e4 "st.upc.edu", data = 0x8157fc8, next = 0x0}
(gdb) p ptr->data 
$3 = (void *) 0x8157fc8
(gdb) p *((HEADER *) ptr->data)
$4 = {security = 0, mime = 0, flagged = 0, tagged = 0, deleted = 0, 
  changed = 0, attach_del = 0, old = 0, read = 0, expired = 0, superseded = 0, 
  replied = 0, subject_changed = 0, threaded = 0, display_subject = 0, 
  recip_valid = 0, active = 0, trash = 0, zhours = 0, zminutes = 0, 
  zoccident = 0, searched = 0, matched = 0, collapsed = 0, limited = 0, 
  num_hidden = 135405320, recipient = 17, pair = 135406168, 
  date_sent = 135626680, received = 0, offset = 33, lines = 64, 
  index = 135626776, msgno = 135708664, virtual = 0, score = 0, env = 0x0, 
  content = 0x8121b68, path = 0x11 <Address 0x11 out of bounds>, 
  tree = 0x8121d98 "<87acqn6ckj.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>", 
  thread = 0x8157fe8, data = 0x0, 
  maildir_flags = 0x21 <Address 0x21 out of bounds>}
(gdb) p ((HEADER *) ptr->data)->thread
$5 = (struct thread *) 0x8157fe8
(gdb) p *((HEADER *) ptr->data)->thread
$6 = {fake_thread = 0, duplicate_thread = 0, sort_children = 0, 
  check_subject = 0, visible = 0, deep = 0, subtree_visible = 1, 
  next_subtree_visible = 0, parent = 0x8158018, child = 0x816bff8, next = 0x0, 
  prev = 0x0, message = 0x0, sort_key = 0x8121b68}
(gdb) p ((HEADER *) ptr->data)->thread->message
$7 = (HEADER *) 0x0
(gdb) p cur
$8 = (THREAD *) 0x815be78
(gdb) p *cur
$9 = {fake_thread = 0, duplicate_thread = 0, sort_children = 0, 
  check_subject = 0, visible = 0, deep = 0, subtree_visible = 0, 
  next_subtree_visible = 0, parent = 0x0, child = 0x0, next = 0x815bf68, 
  prev = 0x815bea8, message = 0x81616a8, sort_key = 0x0}
(gdb) p last
$10 = (THREAD *) 0x0
(gdb) p subjects
$12 = (LIST *) 0x815bf98
(gdb) p *subjects
$13 = {data = 0x81618d4 "[peticiones #4936] Red", next = 0x0}

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