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Re: [1.5.9 bug] Mutt discards the \ character before a digit in "To:"

On 2005-05-10 13:32:47 -0400, Derek Martin wrote:
> On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 06:20:11PM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > With Mutt 1.5.9, if I try to send a mail to
> > 
> >   "blah\1" <a@xxx>
> > 
> > (whether I write this from Mutt or from the editor), Mutt writes:
> > 
> >       To: blah1 <a@xxx>
> > 
> > in the Compose window.
> I'm pretty sure that's expected behavior.

Why would this be the expected behavior?

> Though I tried "\\" and it also didn't work. Nor does it work with
> letters. Nor on mutt 1.5.6.

When I write \\ from Mutt (before the editor is started), then
the \\ isn't removed by Mutt and appears in the editor (when
headers are shown), but when I quit the editor, the \\ has been
removed. This doesn't seem to be consistent. \ + digit doesn't
even appear in the editor.

> Another question would be why that's important... For most purposes
> the real name portion of an e-mail address is ignored. Just
> curious... The only reason I could come up with on my own is
> filtering, but even then it's not hard to write a regex that matches
> both "blah\1" and blah1.

I don't think this is important, but this is a bug anyway, IMHO.
I also wonder if it doesn't hide a more important bug.

FYI, I noticed this bug when copy-pasting an e-mail address (with
comment) to reply to a message, because the sender used a broken MUA
which didn't encode a non-ASCII character ("é", which was displayed
\351 by Mutt). I needed the copy-paste since the reply didn't work
with Mutt, due to the invalid character.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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