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Threading bug due to a reply to multiple messages

Here's a mailbox:

      1 r F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   1) Message A
      2 r F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   1) |->Reply 2 to Message A
      3 r F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   1) `->Reply 1 to Message A
->    4   F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   7)   `->Reply to replies 1 and 2

The message 4 is a reply to both messages 2 and 3.

If I remove the reply 2, I get as expected:

      1 r F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   1) Message A
      2 r F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   1) `->Reply 1 to Message A
->    3   F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   7)   `->Reply to replies 1 and 2

But if I remove the reply 1, then the message 4 should become the
descendent of the reply 2. But this is not the case:

      1 r F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   1) Message A
      2 r F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   1) |->Reply 2 to Message A
->    3   F 2005-04-21 To Vincent Lefe (   7) `->Reply to replies 1 and 2

I've attached an archive containing these 3 mailboxes.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <http://www.vinc17.org/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

Attachment: replytest.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data