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Segfault just after sending a mail reply (CVS 2005-03-21)

I got the following segmentation fault just after sending a mail
reply. This is with the CVS version from about 2005-03-21, with
some patches.

Core was generated by `mutt'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.

#0  0x0807472d in hdr_format_str (dest=0xbfffc800 "", destlen=1024, 
    op=110 'n', src=0x81528b4 "   %s", prefix=0xbfffcc00 "-20.20", 
    ifstring=0x0, elsestring=0x0, data=3221212352, flags=M_FORMAT_MAKEPRINT)
    at hdrline.c:495
495           mutt_format_s (dest, destlen, prefix, mutt_get_name 
(gdb) backtrace 
#0  0x0807472d in hdr_format_str (dest=0xbfffc800 "", destlen=1024, 
    op=110 'n', src=0x81528b4 "   %s", prefix=0xbfffcc00 "-20.20", 
    ifstring=0x0, elsestring=0x0, data=3221212352, flags=M_FORMAT_MAKEPRINT)
    at hdrline.c:495
#1  0x080aadbd in mutt_FormatString (
    dest=0xbfffd010 "-rD*- 297/0: s://vlefevre@xxxxxxxxxxxxx/INBOX [Msg:333 
New:61 0K]---(threads)-(89%)-", destlen=1023, 
    src=0x400 <Address 0x400 out of bounds>, 
    callback=0x8073b60 <hdr_format_str>, data=3221212352, 
    flags=M_FORMAT_MAKEPRINT) at muttlib.c:1077
#2  0x08074e52 in _mutt_make_string (dest=0x0, destlen=0, s=0x0, ctx=0x0, 
    hdr=0x0, flags=0) at hdrline.c:717
#3  0x08089de0 in mutt_pager (banner=0x0, 
    fname=0x11 <Address 0x11 out of bounds>, flags=66, extra=0xbfffd460)
    at pager.c:1715
#4  0x08056e06 in mutt_display_message (cur=0x83f9d60) at commands.c:211
#5  0x080611b6 in mutt_index_menu () at curs_main.c:1144
#6  0x08079bc0 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffe834) at main.c:934
(gdb) print hdr->env
$2 = (ENVELOPE *) 0x0
(gdb) print *hdr
$1 = {security = 248, mime = 1, flagged = 1, tagged = 1, appended = 0, 
  deleted = 1, changed = 1, attach_del = 1, old = 0, read = 1, expired = 1, 
  superseded = 0, replied = 1, subject_changed = 0, threaded = 0, 
  display_subject = 0, recip_valid = 0, active = 1, trash = 0, zhours = 0, 
  zminutes = 57, zoccident = 1, searched = 0, matched = 1, collapsed = 1, 
  limited = 1, num_hidden = 1, recipient = 5, pair = 2097664, 
  date_sent = 1113411572, received = 1113411575, offset = 0, lines = 12, 
  index = 300, msgno = 296, virtual = 296, score = 0, env = 0x0, 
  content = 0x0, path = 0x0, tree = 0x0, thread = 0x0, refno = 0, data = 0x0, 
  maildir_flags = 0xe8 <Address 0xe8 out of bounds>}

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA