Re: Repeated crashes on x86-64
* Brendan Cully <brendan@xxxxxxxxxx> [Mar 30. 2005 09:22]:
> > #7 0x00000000004385ef in mx_alloc_memory (ctx=0xd981c0) at mx.c:1587
> that line number is odd. Maybe a make clean is in order?
> But what's ctx->hdrmax here?
(gdb) frame 7
#7 0x00000000004385ef in mx_alloc_memory (ctx=0xd981c0) at mx.c:1587
1587 safe_realloc (&ctx->v2r, sizeof (int) * ctx->hdrmax);
(gdb) p ctx->hdrmax
$2 = 729
> one more thing - can you see if this happens if you move /lib64/tls
> out of the way? It's kind of a wild guess but I don't entirely trust
> the tls libraries.
It's being tried as we speak.
Mads Martin Joergensen,
"Why make things difficult, when it is possible to make them cryptic
and totally illogical, with just a little bit more effort?"
-- A. P. J.