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IMAP status flags lost when refiling


I recently upgraded to 1.5.8 (Debian) - it's a real pleasure to see new 
development releases of mutt, I must say. :)

I've looked through the archives, and I'm not sure if this bug has been 
brought up since the bug database was lost... Debian 163616 
(http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=163616) - basically, 
when messages are moved from one IMAP folder to another IMAP folder (on 
the same server), the flags that have not been saved to the server are 

A workaround is to do this:
macro index s <sync-mailbox><save-message>

... but obviously, that can have side-effects that are undesireable, 
because the scope of <sync-mailbox> is a bit bigger.

I would also like to make a feature request, if I can. But it takes a 
little explaining. Essentially, some of the people I send mail to are 
pine users and can't decode encrypted messages that aren't sent inline. 
I'd like to be able to have mutt automatically set the correct pgp 
settings when I compose mail, including the inline part, even if I 
change the recipients (meaning: with a send2-hook, not a send-hook).

My first swing at it was to use a send2-hook to trigger a push command, 
like so:

send2-hook '~C pineuser' 'push pi'

But of course, this causes an infinite loop, because the message 
*always* matches that, and the push command causes the send2-hooks to be 

So, I was thinking it could be done if mutt had a pattern for detecting 
inline pgp messages, similar to ~g and ~G. For example, this works well:

send2-hook '!~G ~C friendwholikesencryption' 'push pb'

And if, say, ~I was a pattern that matched pgp-inline messages, I could 
do the same sort of trick. It might also be possible if there was a 
command other than push that could be used in a send2-hook to alter the 
pgp/smime settings, like <pgp-inline> or <pgp-encrypt> or something, 
that doesn't re-trigger the send2-hooks. That would make things like 
un-inlining if I alter the recipient list to remove the user that 
requires inline encryption, like so:

send2-hook '~C pineuser' <pgp-inline>
send2-hook '!~C pineuser' <pgp-no-inline>

Or something like that. Does this strike anyone's fancy?

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to
live as one wishes to live.
-- Oscar Wilde

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