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[2004-07-20] CVS repository changes

This message was generated and sent automatically.  It contains a
summary of the CVS commits over the last 48 hours.  These changes
should be propagated to the public repository within at most a day
or two.  Most probably, they have already been propagated.

2004-07-19 21:44:23  TAKAHASHI Tamotsu  <ttakah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

        * globals.h, imap/message.c, init.h: Fix #1548.  (The first
        variant, with $imap_headers specifying headers that are downloaded
        in addition to the set required for mutt to work properly.)

2004-07-19 21:41:43  David Champion  <dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  (roessler)

        * mbox.c, mh.c, pgp.c, sendlib.c: Fix some compiler warnings.

2004-07-19 21:39:28  Adeodato Sim?  <asp16@xxxxxxxxx>  (roessler)

        * doc/manual.sgml.head: Fixing a missing newline.

2004-07-19 21:36:46  Thomas Glanzmann  <sithglan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

        * Makefile.am: Fix IMAP breakage.