Processed: Re: bug#1876: mutt-1.5.6i: Mutt doesn't handle invalid characters when replying to a mail
Processing commands for control@xxxxxxxxxxxx:
> severity 1876 wishlist
bug#1876: mutt-1.5.6i: Mutt doesn't handle invalid characters when replying to
a mail
Severity set to `wishlist'.
> tags 1876 patch
bug#1876: mutt-1.5.6i: Mutt doesn't handle invalid characters when replying to
a mail
Tags added: patch
> merge 1876 1231
bug#1231: mutt-1.3.28i: Charset isn't used to translate Subject
bug#1876: mutt-1.5.6i: Mutt doesn't handle invalid characters when replying to
a mail
bug#1247: mutt-1.3.28i: Charset isn't used to translate Subject
Merged 1231 1247 1876.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Herr der Kaefer
(administrator, GUUG bugs database)