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blank line at top of Compose menu

I recently turned off the help-bar at the top of mutt, by way of the
"help" configuration option.  As a result, I've found that I'm mildly
irritated by the blank line left in its place in the Compose menu.
(as far as I know, this is the only menu so affected.. Mailboxes and
the message index use the top line, as I expect and want them to.)

So, I decided to dive into the source code, to see if I could make all
the envelope header lines move one line upward.  Looks like the code
that draws them is relatively simple and easy to find (compose.c), but
it also looks like the fix would not be as trivial as I had hoped.

Since the vertical positions of the envelope headers are specified by
an enumeration (HDR_FROM, HDR_TO, and so on) I can't just make a
change to a single function.  My first attempt was to use a temporary
variable, and then change 'draw_envelope_addr (HDR_FROM, ...)'  to
'draw_envelope_addr (HDR_FROM - minus, ...)'.  Unfortunately, this
throws off the prompt indexing of draw_envelope_header, and also
leaves out the crypto and/or mixmaster lines, if present.  (It may
throw off the attachment line as well, I didn't check.)

So I was wondering if anyone had some good advice on how best to fix
this.  One idea I had was to write all the envelope lines to a buffer,
then iterate over that buffer, putting them in the next available
space.  This would use up some extra heap space, though.  Another
option would be some sort of loop.. or at least a 'row' variable which
would be incremented with each new displayed header.  Would it make
sense to use non-absolute movement when drawing these lines?

Anyway, I've babbled on quite a bit about such a tiny fix.  If I knew
the right way to do it, I probably could have done it in this time.
So.. if anyone happens to know the right way (or at least a very good
way,) let me know and I'll give it a try.


Allister MacLeod <amacleod@xxxxxxxx> | http://amacleod.is-a-geek.org/
 Elen síla lúmenn'omentielvo.