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mutt_expand_path not always called


while trying to combine the trash_folder and current_shortcut patches to
be able save deleted messages in folder A to A.trash, I stumbled over
the following inconsistency: [*]

First, I tried

        folder-hook . 'set trash="^.trash"'

This worked as expected, except that :set ?trash show that the variable
is _literally_ set to "^.trash" - not a sane folder name.

Second try was

        folder-hook . 'push ":set trash=\"^.trash\"\n"'

This gives the desired result, setting $trash depending on the current
folder by expanding ^.

I tried to track down the problem in the source, but got stuck in the
interiors of init.c. Is there any reason the 'set' operation is handled
differently "interactively" (push :set) and when called directly? Why is
mutt_expand_path not always called?


[*] I think the problem is not specific to these patches, see for
example 20030604111708.A23250@xxxxxxxxxxx on mutt-users.
Christoph Berg <cb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, http://www.df7cb.de/
Wohnheim D, 2405, Universität des Saarlandes, 0681/9657944

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