[2003-09-30] CVS repository changes
This message was generated and sent automatically. It contains a
summary of the CVS commits over the last 48 hours. These changes
should be propagated to the public repository within at most a day
or two. Most probably, they have already been propagated.
2003-09-29 16:34:32 Ren? Clerc <rene@xxxxxxxx> (roessler)
* doc/muttrc.man.head: Fix typo.
2003-09-29 15:05:52 Thomas Roessler <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
* doc/dotlock.man, doc/mutt.man, doc/muttrc.man.head: Fix #1652
(Debian #213007), noted by Jens Seidel <tux-master@xxxxxx>.