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[Fwd: Re: Message body overrunning into command bar]

(Thought I'd save the list owner a job, and forward it from home.)

Interesting. The compressed message attached definitely causes problems with
the mutt's built at work, on Solaris 2.8 - however, it's fine at home. Can
anyone else see problems with this message?

--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,

Confirmed with 1.5.4, both slang and curses (so it's probably a decode or
encode error somewhere). I've attached a gzip'ed version of the redacted
message, which I've confirmed shows the problem here.

(Interestingly, it even happens in the attachment pager, viewing it from


1000 Aztec West, Almondsbury,
Bristol BS32 4SQ

Attachment: sample.mbox.gz
Description: application/gunzip

--- End Message ---